
The Gamer: Marvel Cross Dc

Witness Ethan Black, reincarnated in the Marvel cross DC world, as he embarks on the adventure of a lifetime with the Gamer system. Here is a Discord server link for you. https://discord.gg/WqSpSasytA I would also appreciate if you support me on Pat*eon. Writing takes quite a bit of time and that's all I do outside of school, so if you support me on pat*eon it will help me a lot. Join my Pat*eon https://www.pat*eon.com/DEADLY_SHADOW

DEADLYSHADOW · Tranh châm biếm
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17 Chs


"Excuse me, can you wait 1 second?" Suddenly, a girl's voice came from the direction Ethan and Natasha had come from. As they turned around, a red-haired green-eyed girl came running.

"You?" Natasha asked.

"It's Barbara. Barbara Gordon. Principal Coulson said if I go fast, I can catch up with you. I was also in this class."

"Well you're late but it's the first day so it's okay. This friend also signed up today." Natasha said.

"It's Ethan Black. I'm new to town, I hope we get along well. Isn't your last name Gordon? Do you have a connection with James Gordon?"

"Yeah he is my father do you know him?" Barbara asked with curiosity.

"He probably doesn't remember me, but he helped me a long time ago, and I think he's one of Gotham's few decent cops."

"So you're from Gotham too."

"Yes, I was born there, but after some events, I left Gotham and kind of traveled the world."

"I'm interrupting your conversation, but we're going to class." Natasha warned.

""Oh sorry."" Ethan and Barbara apologized and then walked into the classroom with Natasha.

"All right, class, these are the new transfer students. Introduce yourself."

"I'm Ethan Black."

"It's Barbara Gordon."

"All right, you can move on to empty desks."

After Natasha said it, Barbara and Ethan only had 2 empty desks in the classroom and they moved on. And the 2 desks were next to each other.

Afterwards, Ethan glanced at everyone in the class, and a few others caught his eye.

'M'gann M'orzz? Oh I get it Miss Martian an she is not bad at changing identity. Conner Kent? Superboy is disgrace at changing identity. Peter Parker namely Spiderman, Barbara Gordon namely Batgirl and Oracle, she was once my rival. Natasha Romanoff namely Black Widow, Marry Jane Watson journalist girl, Gwen Stacy blonde and Flash Thampson school bully and rich boy Harry Osborn. Wow, a classroom full of main characters huh.' Ethan thought.

So even though Ethan wasn't very interested in the lesson, he kept answering questions from time to time until lunch break.

'Finally the lessons are over, I've never done anything so waste of time. I wouldn't have gotten into this school thing if it wasn't for my father's will, but I came because my old self wanted me to go to high school as his father's will.' Ethan thought as he picked up his food in the dining hall and moved to an empty table.

"Is this place available?" Just as Ethan was eating, a girl's voice came from behind him, and when Ethan looked back, there was Barbara and behind him Peter, Gwen, Mary Jane, Haryy and a few unknown figures, but on their heads were people named Ava Ayala, Luke Cage, Sam Alexander and Danny Rand, and they were all superheroes. They were, in order, White Tiger, Power Man, Nova and Iron Fist.

"I don't mind." So Barbara and the others crowded the table.

"Back then, Ethan, you said you knew my father, how did you meet?" Barbara asked.



[Mental attack detected!]

[Attack description: Someone is trying to read your mind.]

[What countermeasure would you like to take?]

'Mild headache and hinder reading.'


Ethan suddenly realized that Megan Morz, who was sitting a few tables ahead of Ethan, was holding her head as if she had a headache.

'If you try again, you'll get a headache so severe that you pass out.' Ethan threatened her in mind.

"Um Ethan what happened?" Barbara asked.

"Oh, it's not important, I just thought of something. Anyway, I met your father, James Gordon, when I was younger, he helped me with something, I know him like that, but it's been a while, so he probably won't remember me. After a short while, I left Gotham and started to travel to many places in the world."

"What did my father help you with?"

"It's personal so I can't say."

"Oh sorry sounds like an interrogation doesn't it? Family habits."

"No don't mind it."

"Oh we haven't met have we? My name is Mary Jane Watson but you can call me Mary or MJ, that's what my friends say."

"Ethan Black you can call me Ethan nice to meet you."

"I'm Gwen Stacy."




So Ethan took turns meeting everyone until...

"You're the new kid, right, your body is so skinny, shall I teach you how things work around here!" Right behind Ethan, school bully Flash Thompson and his team were standing with a certain facial expression that they were about to bully.

"I don't need to learn it and I'm eating here so don't disturb me." Ethan said without even looking Flash and his teammates.

"I think you're going to need a good lesson!"


Flash Thompson made a menacing sound, clenching one hand into a fist and hitting the palm of his other hand.


Ethan stood up and just as Flash Thompson was about to hit Ethan, Ethan knocked the Flash unconscious with a quick blow to the Flash's blood pressure point.

In an instant, there was absolute silence in the dining hall. Flash Thompson, known as the school bully, was knocked down in one swift move by the new student.

From the outside, as Flash Thompson was about to hit the new student, the new student slightly slid to the side and struck the side of Flash Thompson's head, neither hard nor soft, but it was not expected and Flash fell to the ground.

Afterwards, the new student sat at his desk as if nothing had happened and continued to eat.

"You don't need to look at me like that, what I did was just defend myself and he wasn't hurt either, I just hit the pressure point and he'll be up soon."

"Where did you learn this technique?" Danny aka Iron Fist asked.

"Since my childhood, I have traveled to many places in the world, during my travels, I met an old master and he took me as his student."

When the table stood in dead silence.

"Can't you take any jokes? While traveling the world, I also study the cultures of the places I go to, and this includes martial arts, and there are such techniques in the martial arts of China and Korea, you just have to go and learn."


Afterwards, the conversation and laughter continued at the table, at which time the Flash woke up and fled with his team.

Of course, all of a sudden, Natasha Romanoff showed up and said she had to take Ethan to Principal Coulson, and she took Ethan and left.


Sorry I didn't write for a few days because of Ramadan ;)

Happy Ramadan Holiday!

I don't know how often I write or how many chapters I write, it is not clear, I will write as long as inspiration comes.

Here is a Discord server link for you.


I would also appreciate if you support me on Pat*eon. Writing takes quite a bit of time and that's all I do outside of school, so if you support me on pat*eon it will help me a lot.

Join my Pat*eon


Thank you to my Patreons ♥

Emilio Gonzalez


Ibrahim El-Okla

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Sorry I didn't write for a few days because of Ramadan ;)

Happy Ramadan Holiday! 

I don't know how often I write or how many chapters I write, it is not clear, I will write as long as inspiration comes.

Here is a Discord server link for you.


I would also appreciate if you support me on Pat*eon. Writing takes quite a bit of time and that's all I do outside of school, so if you support me on pat*eon it will help me a lot.

Join my Pat*eon


Thank you to my Patreons

Emilio Gonzalez


Ibrahim El-Okla

DEADLYSHADOWcreators' thoughts