
The Gamer's Pov

Yejin Choi led a relatively normal life, with the exception of his addiction to the MMORPG Enhanced Adventure. Once he reached the highest level and defeated all challenges in the game, he decided it was most favorable to log out for the final time. The following morning, he would be unaware that his beloved game, to which he had devoted entire years into, had transformed into reality. Yejin is faced with the task of starting over and working diligently to reach the top once again, relying on his extensive experience and ability from playing the game for years. As the story progresses, he starts to comprehend that things are not as they initially appear, and there are additional mysteries that even escape his perception. _______________________________________________________ Author here! I am not a novice writer, and even though this is a new novel, I have experience. I would be very thankful if you, as readers, could provide feedback on what could be improved or what you do not like about the novel. Of course, if you think the novel is good as it is, I would be grateful to hear that as well. Things you need to know: This world begins in Korea and anything can happen or anything is possible. This isn't a novel where the mc starts off stupidly strong and becomes overpowered within a few chapters. This is a story where the main character faces challenges and struggles, grows and learns from their mistakes, and ultimately becomes stronger through hard work and determination. The journey of the main character is one of self-discovery, resilience, and perseverance. Join them on their adventure as they face their fears, overcome obstacles, and become their own person in their own right. This is a tale of growth, development, and triumph, where the true power lies not in strength, but in the strength of character..

MajinLN · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Chapter [9] Round Two

"get up kid!"

A voice... I thought I passed out.

I heard a man's voice reverberating in my ears, and like a guiding presence in the depths of my sleep, it started to raise me up.

"Get up kid! Don't die on me!" Shouted the voice urgently. And as it spoke, I experienced a comforting feeling spreading throughout my very core.

Whose voice is it...?


My eyes snapped open at the sound of the voice. In front of me stood a familiar man, his brown eyes reflecting concern and relief that I had awakened.

It was Mark, the officer who rescued me from before.

I sensed the weight of his arms on me, even though they weren't making direct contact. I felt a comforting warmth spreading through me, moving like a gentle stream in my veins, seeking its path to the sea.

A radiant green light enveloped his hands and encircled my body like a shield... is he healing me? My only guess was that he might be harnessing mana.

He must have a Support Class.

This is the first time I've seen mana, and its appearance is so strange. It helps me understand why I didn't have any injuries when he saved me before.

Mark encouraged me by saying, "Just keep your eyes open kid." He spoke to me as sweat rolled down his forehead.

He likely used a significant amount of mana to heal me and probably depleted his mana Stat.

"So you save me yet again... Mark Phillips."I whispered quietly, still somewhat weak but feeling improved due to his healing.

I couldn't see clearly, but I spotted something large behind him.

I squinted to get a better view and as my vision focused, I saw the Goblin Champion standing right behind him, its imposing shadow looming as it prepared to strike with another deadly attack.


"Look out!" I shouted and swiftly pulled Mark away, rolling out of the Goblin's attack area.

Garbage and filthy liquid waste were scattered in the air from the strike, and splashed into the eyes of the Goblin Champion, making it unable to see clearly and prompting it to rub its eyes to remove the burning liquid.

I had a moment to assess the situation.

I found it difficult to get up, still feeling tired, but managed to push myself up using my arms. I looked over at Mark, who was sitting on the ground, and asked him why he had followed me here.

He stared at the ground, appearing lost and bewildered, as if questioning his own decision to follow me to such dangers.

But then he made direct eye contact with me and replied solemnly, "I'm an officer..." he rose from his ass and added, "It is my responsibility to protect the people of my nation, apocalypse or not."

"Seeing a kid be braver than me... It's rather embarassing, isn't it?"

I was taken aback as I observed the man, wondering if he was truly the same scared and distressed man I had encountered before.

No. He is likely still scared shitless but has come to the realization that crying in a corner won't solve anything.

I'm sure his whole body is trembling with fear, the fear of dying in a place like this. I understand that feeling... that's why I cannot die here!


The Goblin Champion wiped away the liquids from his eyes and then stared at us furiously. From where we stood, it appeared as if his eyes were glowing red.

After noticing that I had misplaced my daggers in the chaos, I saw them lying next to the Goblin's foot. I'll have to get them back if I plan on defeating this thing.

It's now or never.. I took a step before Mark grabbed my shoulder and asked, "Are you sure you could handle this?"

"Of course I can handle this."

[Time until your original Stats return: 0sec]

[Stats returning...]

[Strength: 11 > 15

Speed: 13 > 18

Defence: 10 > 14]

[Skill: Intimidate has been successfully replicated!]

[You can now use the Skill: Intimidate]

Witnessing the system show me that my Stats reverted to their original state and the successfully duplicating of the Goblin's Champion Skill, I couldn't help but display a beaming smile of pure excitement that I couldn't control.

I walked towards my opponent and vocalized the thought that popped into my head, declaring, "Besides, I'm having fun eight now!"

Mark appeared shocked as he watched me walk away towards imminent danger even though I had just narrowly escaped death. In his 35 years of experience he never expected to encounter someone like me, especially a young person.

"Is the kid ridiculously brave, or justs simply psycho?" He joked to himself.

"...How about it, Round Two?"

"What do you say?"

The Goblin Champion started coming towards me, mirroring my approach towards it. This time, my steps were in sync with his, displaying a sense of confidence and power in each stride.

We made eye contact, with him looking down at me as I gazed up at him, and neither of us dared to looked away.

It seemed like the battle of man, and beast.

But do you know....?

That the man always haunts the beast in the end.

"So prepare to be haunted you fat fuck."

Wasting no time, the Goblin swiftly launched a powerful punch towards me while letting out a loud roar of "Arghhhh!" However, this time was different as I not only possessed my Foresight but also my Stats.


I smoothly moved my head and body to evade the punch skillfully, similar to a boxer in the ring.

Although it may be powerful, in exchange for all its strength, it loses all its speed.

Despite its brute force and power, it would'nt be able to move faster than me.


The Goblin attempted to hit me twice more, but I dodged and skillfully avoided the punches each time.

The combination of my quickness and ability to anticipate the Goblin's attacks is highly effective. I'm glad that I focused on improving my speed Stat over all else.

It simply was the META, to get the best out of this Class.

But still...

I skillfully avoided and maneuvered away from each blow from the Goblin Champion, whose punches sliced through the air like a whip, carrying the breeze with them.

If I get hit a few times by one of those punches, it's game over.

The Goblin Champion tried to perform an uppercut, but I effortlessly dodged the attack and retaliated with my own counterstrike.


With its stomach exposed and vulnerable to an attack, I instinctively delivered two powerful and direct punches to the Goblin's midsection.

I soon discovered that despite putting all my effort into those two punches, the Goblin didn't move at all, prompting me to quickly step back and consider a different strategy.

"That defence is going to be a problem."

"I can't try to match it's brute and fight it head on, if that wasn't obvious ready..."

With just a few moments and some rapid brainstorming, I was able to come up with a strategy.

Hopefully, all the planning and strategizing that went into Enhanced Adventure will pay off in the end...

I charged directly at the Goblin at full speed and as I anticipated it tried to crush me, but its movement was too sluggish, allowing me to swiftly dodge out of the way.

Observing the Goblin's legs wide apart, I seized the chance to slip between them with the intention of reaching for my daggers positioned behind the Goblin.


I firmly held the two daggers, feeling a sense of satisfaction that my strategy had been successful.

If this was behind a monitar, I'd be jumping around all excited and celebrating.

But I am not finished yet, there is still a finale to come.

The Goblin Champion looked around in confusion, unaware of why I suddenly vanished, not knowing I slid between it's legs.

"Is it stupid or something?" I mocked.

After a brief moment, the Goblin suddenly became aware of my presence and it shifted its body in my direction.

I directed one of my daggers at the hideous monster and calmly asked with a serious expression, "This is the perfect time to use YOUR skill, no?"