
The Gamer's Guide to Necromancy, Remastered

The rewrite of my fic, A Gamers Guide to Necromancy.

DarkWolfShiro · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs


Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Betad by morde24, Atrius, Hermes, Priapus, Marethyu, Old man of the mountain and TheDonFluffles

The Gamers Guide to Necromancy, Remastered

Chapter 05: Diplomacy

While I wait for the slow cog of diplomacy to turn, I've decided to spend some more time reinforcing my dungeon further.

I've desecrated the dungeon, which did have the side effect of making the entire place feel almost menacing, but thanks to my magic being more aligned with death, it actually feels rather comfortable to me and more importantly it empowers my undead quite a bit.

Unfortunately, I didn't consider the fact that the Fallen Angels are also dark beings and they all clearly recognised that something had happened as I arrived at the prison. All four of them are practically vibrating in excitement from being in a desecrated location.

Thankfully, one of the upgrades I made to the dungeon was to have the chains and shackles upgraded to be anti-magic, made of Dimeritium (which I recall as being from the Witcher, but I guess my dungeon doesn't care about little things like different worlds). As long as they're chained up, they can't use their magic even if they're probably feeling stronger than normal.

"What did you do?" Raynare asks immediately, glaring at me even as I smirk, her nipples are hard and she's clearly wet, someone enjoys the feeling of being in a desecrated dungeon.

"Oh? What do you mean?" I ask with a smirk, making her glare at me.

"You know what I mean, why does the air here feel so…" Raynare starts, trailing off as she tries to find the right word for it.

"Arousing? Empowering?" I ask, making her glare at me as I walk up to her, reaching up and tweaking one of her nipples as she glowers at me, she's still a little pissed about that whole possession thing. "I simply performed a ritual to desecrate my lair, it was meant to empower my undead but I'm not surprised that you Fallen enjoy the feeling so much."

"I've been around desecrated gr-mhmm-grounds, it didn't feel like this," Raynare says, moaning slightly as I grope her breast.

"Were the grounds desecrated by years of inhabitation by devils and fallen, or by a ritual made to corrupt the very air?" I ask rhetorically, making her go quiet.

Technically, even Kuoh is desecrated thanks to it being devil territory, while most churches are consecrated, but my desecration is far more complete than the passive corruption the devils and fallen perform over the years.

I can see the avarice in her eyes, wondering how her masters would reward her if she learnt this secret ritual and took it back to the Grigori, but she doesn't respond for a moment, scowling.

"Are you going to stop molesting me?" Raynare finally says, wiggling as she tries to pull away, but chained to the wall as she is, she can't actually do anything about it.

"I wasn't planning on it," I admit, flicking her nipple as she forces down a moan. "I just came down here to tell you all that I've arranged a meeting with Azazel, who apparently claims he definitely didn't tell you to kill me and that you weren't supposed to be in Kuoh in the first place."

"Bullshit, we received our orders from Azazel himself," Mittelt says with a scowl, making me grin.

"Which means one of two things, either you're right and Azazel is getting ready to throw you all under the bus to avoid war with the devils who aren't thrilled at your actions, since Serafall will be at the meeting or you've been lied to. It'll be interesting to see how it goes," I say happily, making her flinch back as an uncomfortable silence falls over them. "Either you're getting tossed to me and the devils, or Azazel is going to punish you for pulling him into this mess by letting yourself get tricked. Such is the fate of low level grunts I suppose."

"I am not low level, I wouldn't have been trusted with an Excalibur-" Raynare starts, making me chuckle.

"You mean the Excalibur somebody sent you into hostile territory with to lure the church into this mess? Azazel apparently didn't even know the Grigori had an Excalibur fragment," I continue, making her pause. "Hate to break it to you, Ray-Ray, but you were sent because you're expendable. I suppose it doesn't really matter, no matter who sent you here, or who told you to kill me, you still failed, lost them the Excalibur and put the Grigori at a disadvantage. You're already an expendable weak nobody, and these three are the minions of a weak nobody, so I wouldn't want to be you guys when you get back to the Grigori. If you get back and don't get hung out to dry."

Mittelt and Raynare get angry at my mocking tone, especially Raynare, since I'm still blatantly molesting her, but Kalawarner and Dohanseek go very still, clearly considering my words. They know I'm not wrong, that they're in a very awkward position right now.

"Anyway, I just came to tell you all that your boss will be coming to negotiate eventually, I suggest you don't try anything stupid in the meantime since I don't need all of you to negotiate," I say easily, finally moving back (though not before I give one of her breasts a light smack, watching it jiggle.)

As I turn to leave, mostly just coming down to make sure the anti-magic chains were working (and how better to test them than to antagonise someone as pointlessly prideful as Raynare), she speaks up again.

"I'm not a nobody, and I'm not weak, I won't be insulted by a mere human!" Raynare says with a growl, and it's only the presence of the chains that are stopping her from moving forwards and throttling me, given the hate in her eyes.

"This mere human took all four of you down, stole Rapidly and slaughtered your exorcists, this mere human has you chained up and at his mercy," I point out, a light smile on my lips.

I'm still annoyed they tried this, so while I don't think I'm overly boastful, it's fun to rub it in the face of the oh so prideful fallen that's currently chained up in my dungeon.

"Your life is in my hands, the only reason you still draw breath is because I decided to let Azazel have a chance to save your pretty little ass, otherwise I'd have just sliced and diced you with Rapidly," I say easily.

"You only took us down because you hid inside Freed like a coward," Raynare says, but it's weak because she doesn't believe in honour and we both know it.

"Honour is for fools, you were just too dumb to notice when your lunatic of a minion was possessed," I retort.

"Fight me again, no minions, no deception, duel me if I'm so weak," Raynare spits back, making me pause.

"And why would I do that?" I ask, making her pause. "What's in it for me to let you out of the shackles that are making you so defenceless?"

"If you win, I'll do whatever you want, if I win you teach me how the ritual you used to desecrate this place," Raynare says, making me smile.

"Ah, but Ray-Ray… you'll do whatever I want anyway, there's nothing I want from you that I can't take from you by force," I say, making her try and hide her rage as she gives me a sultry smile.

It'd work if my name was Issei and I was a fucking moron.

"Are you sure about that? I'm sure we can find a way to pass the time waiting for the meeting," Raynare tries, making me smile again as I move forwards, moving my hand between her legs as she freezes, her sultry smile fading into a glare.

"Again, you don't have anything I can't just take from you," I point out, my finger pushing into her hot, tight slight as she tries to wiggle away from me, unable to move from where she's chained to the wall.

Unable to throw off my hand, she glowers at me as I pump my finger into her cunt, adding a second finger as her cheeks grow reluctantly flushed, her breathing growing heavier.

Somehow I'm not particularly surprised when she starts to subconsciously push her hips forwards, a low moan slipping out despite her best efforts to suppress it.

She's not just getting fingered by her enemy, she's getting fingered in front of her subordinates, who watch silently as Raynare starts to rock her hips, looking away to not give me the satisfaction of seeing the arousal in her eyes as I toy with her large breasts and tight pussy.

Mittelt seems to be enjoying the show, I don't think she particularly likes Raynare from the amusement she's taking in her leader's torment.

Raynare's breathing becomes heavier as her orgasm approaches, and while I consider making her cum with her subordinates watching, as I feel her clenching down on my fingers I pull back, a low whine leaving her lips as she looks at me before she catches herself, looking away again.

"Was that supposed to prove something?" Raynare asks, her voice heavy with desire. Despite her words, there's a needy whine to her tone.

"Just that I can do whatever I want to you," I say simply, looking at my fingers which are coated with her arousal.

"Azazel and Serafall have busy schedules, and you're not important enough for them to be in a rush for this little meeting. You might be my guest for a while yet, but you're right, we can certainly find plenty of ways to pass the time," I say, making her glare as I lick my fingers clean. "You taste good, Ray-Ray."

"Of course I do," Raynare scoffs, making me grin. She's pretty fun to poke at, and I'm due some revenge after they tried to kill me.

Clicking my fingers, the dungeon shifts slightly as the wall and chains warp to force her to her knees, her eyes widening in anger at her new position as the chains bind her lower leg to the floor, rage in her gaze as I undo my belt and pull out my cock.

"Try it and I'll bite your cock off," Raynare warns, making me smile.

"I know, and that's not what I have in mind," I say, stroking my cock just a few inches away from her face (and angry teeth), the chain around her neck stopping her from getting close enough to carry out her threat.

Glaring at me, she doesn't seem to realise that the angry look on her face is turning me on as I jerk off to her body, enjoying the disgust and outrage on her face.

She insults me of course, but her insults slide right off and only make it more enjoyable as I finally reach my climax.

— Raynare —

She knew where this was going, unable to shift away as she turned her head to the side, wincing as the first spurt of semen splattered against her face.

Kuro simply gripped her hair and forced her to face him, the second spurt hitting her directly in the face as his sticky white semen painted her features, the final spurts landing on her breasts as he backed away with a smile.

"That looks suits you better, Ray-Ray," Kuro said, putting away his cock with a grin. "I'll be back later to deliver your food, because I'm nice and have decided not to starve you, you can wear that until then," Kuro said, making her glare at him as she felt the sticky seed coating her face. "When I bring your food, you're going to be more polite, aren't you?"

Her glare was his only response, but he just chuckled as he walked away, leaving her and the others alone again as she turned her glare towards them, daring them to comment.

"Have you considered not antagonising our host?" Dohnaseek asked rhetorically, making her glare intensify as she noticed his erection. He enjoyed watching her get humiliated like this, they all did.

"And let a mere human speak to me like-"

"A mere human who beat us," Kalawarner said, oddly calm about their situation. "Who holds our fate in his hands."

"He won't kill us, not when he's supposed to meet with Lord Azazel," Raynare said with confidence she didn't quite feel.

Had they been tricked? If Azazel claimed they were rogue Fallen then what would become of them?

"You're a fool, Ray-Ray," Mittelt said, making Raynare turn to the flat-chested Fallen in anger. "Kuro enjoyed that, and your anger was only turning him on. I bet he's hoping you can't keep your mouth shut when he comes back later. He's looking for a reason to punish you, but by all means, keep insulting him, it'll keep him busy punishing you and not paying attention to us."

As she went to reply, she breathed in and the musky scent of the cum on her face made her pause, rubbing her thighs together subconsciously as she went quiet.

She hated this, she hated having some arrogant human lord over her and act like he could treat her like this, but the smell of the semen and the intoxicating feeling of the desecration he'd performed were driving her mad.

How did he get so strong? She'd been close to him before, he wasn't this strong not a week ago. He wasn't as strong as the devils but if he kept growing like this… what secret was he using to gather such power? How did he desecrate his lair?

Why couldn't he let her cum?

These were the questions that occupied her mind as she stewed in her rage.

— Kuro —

Magical research is interesting. The room that I can use to study magic is essentially just a giant library filled with books on the arcane.

There's no spells within them, instead they're all about the mechanics of magic, how to design your own spells, as well as how to make your spell casting more efficient and other forms of magical studies.

I decided to build it because I need to make my own spell to complete my current quest anyway, so a single dungeon run was enough to gather the resources needed, and my undead are more powerful thanks to the desecration, so it was easy enough to fight them off, I didn't even need to fight the invaders myself.

After some consideration, I decided to design a spell that would let me bind the spirits I summon, so I can actually make use of them, since while I can summon spirits I can't actually control them.

My new spell should bind their will to mine, similarly to how I bind and control my undead.

My phone goes off at some point during my research, but I ignore it just as I ignore the next wave of invaders, leaving matters to my minions and ignoring whoever wants my attention as I work.

Spell Crafted

[Create Ghost]

By taking the soul of the departed, you can imbue in them an unwillingness to move on to the next life, indenturing them to your service. These spirits will be bound to your will, forced to obey your commands.

Your undead limit is tied to your Intelligence.

Grinning as I see the objective update, I immediately head to my ritual room and get to work.

I can already sense the types of spirits I can summon, and before long I have ten basic ghosts pulled from the afterlife to serve as my new security system.

They're invisible most of the time, patrolling my dungeon, the forest around the dungeon entrance and my apartment. They are simply my eyes and ears, unable to interact with the material world.

Thankfully, it seems that spirits and regular undead don't share the same limit, although I really do need to pump my intelligence up more if I want a proper horde.

In addition, I make five special spirits.

By summoning the souls of women who suffered greatly before death, whether mentally, physically or both, those who were tortured, raped or otherwise felt immense stress and suffering before passing, I can turn them into wraiths.

I've essentially weaponised their suffering, because now they want to inflict what they felt onto the living. They can let out paralysing screams, their crying can cause madness and terror, and they're immune to most forms of physical damage. They're pretty much de-buffers, layering status effects on their enemies.

Of course pretty much everyone worth mentioning in this world has magic, even the physical fighters, but they're useful against the dungeon invasion waves nonetheless.

It'll be interesting to see how they perform against Sona's peerage, since I did agree to join Rias's team for that little training match. It will serve as a good test for how my undead perform against devils, and there's no real risk since they don't use holy magic and can't permanently destroy my horde.

Pausing as I sense something from the ghost I sent to watch my apartment, I scratch my chin.

Why is Sirzechs Lucifer in my apartment?

Ugh, I have to deal with this, but I'm getting annoyed at the endless meddling of devils, so I'm not gonna be nice about this. I can already guess why he's looking for me.

— Sirzechs —

He could sense something watching him, did Kuro make some kind of magical security system?

Grayfia narrowed her eyes as she looked around the apartment in suspicion, not being able to work out where the sensation was coming from, but before she could try anything they felt a magical signature approaching the apartment, with that same touch of death he'd first felt around Kuro.

Interestingly, Kuro was quite a bit stronger now than he was when Sirzechs first discovered him in Tokyo. Mages didn't usually have such rapid growth, but the magic inside Kuro had grown considerably.

Kuro entered the apartment, clearly not surprised to see them as he gave them an annoyed look, rather displeased at them letting themselves in.

"You know, people don't tend to like it when strangers barge into their home, mages especially. But I suppose when you're that strong you don't need to worry about little things like whatever traps I could have set, or basic manners apparently," Kuro said easily, giving them a dirty look.

Already he could see Grayfia's frown grow, admittedly they were in the wrong but Grayfia didn't like Kuro's tone.

He didn't actually care, he was too old and too powerful to be so insecure that he needed everyone to kiss his ass, Kuro's blunt tone was actually somewhat refreshing.

"My apologies, you're a hard man to get in contact with, Kuro," Sirzechs said, making Kuro shrug as he moved towards and took a seat opposite him. "I'm sorry for us just dropping by like this, I was hoping to keep my presence here a secret from Rias. I had hoped to call you to arrange this meeting, but you didn't seem to answer," Sirzechs explained.

"Huh, so it was you calling? I'll be honest, I ignored the call. I was busy," Kuro said, leaning back in his chair. "Fine, what's so important that the all-powerful Satan Lucifer has to come and interrupt my night?" Kuro asked, his tone mocking, which only made Grayfia's eyes narrow as she clenched her fist.

Grayfia didn't take people disrespecting him very well, her pride as his maid and Queen wouldn't allow it.

"Simply put, my sister's attempt to recruit you. I'm here to see what it'll take to get you to accept her generous offer. You've probably worked out that I was behind the scholarship that brought you to Kuoh," Sirzechs started.

"Obviously, but it doesn't mean I owe you for arranging it. I came to Kuoh for my own purposes, and like I've told Rias, I have no desire to get dragged into the nonsense between the three factions, or your idiotic devil politics," Kuro said bluntly, and it didn't take Sirzechs long to realise that Kuro was trying to anger him.

An unusual and frankly amusing tactic, but not one that would work with him. Again, he was too old for that kind of thing to work on him. It also spoke of Kuro's confidence that even angered, he wouldn't attack the much weaker mage.

"Watch your tone, Mr Sasaki," Grayfia said coldly, making him force down a smile. It wouldn't work on him, but Grayfia was too prideful to hold her tongue at Kuro's casual disrespect, and an uncharacteristic scowl crossed her face.

It was only a tiny scowl, but for someone as aloof as Grayfia it might as well be a full fledged glare.

"Shush, maids should be seen and not heard," Kuro said scoldingly, making Grayfia's eyes widen in shock. It was very rare anyone would actually call her out on her chosen role.

Frankly, even his enemies were respectful because they feared the combined power he and his Queen possessed, but Kuro clearly didn't fear them.

Or he was just absolutely sure that they wouldn't attack him, and he wasn't wrong. Killing Kuro would ruin his plans to help Rias, alert her to his meddling, and for what? To shut up a mouthy teenage boy?

"Excuse me?" Grayfia asked, shocked at being called out.

"Do maids usually butt into their master's conversations? No? I didn't think so, so be a good maid and keep those pouty lips sealed," Kuro continued, clearly amused by the cold aura coming from Grayfia.

If he was being entirely honest, he was also mildly amused at Grayfia's uncharacteristic display of emotion but he'd never admit that.

"Do you think-"

"Actually, why don't you make yourself useful and make us some tea, since you've already barged into my kitchen," Kuro said, making Grayfia clench her fists.

"Grayfia, that's enough," Sirzechs said, making his wife turn to him before she took a breath and calmed herself.

"Of course, my Lord, my apologies," Grayfia said, her tone frosty.

"I'd ask why you keep her around, but I think I can guess," Kuro said, giving her body a long look.

"I keep her around because she's my wife, the mother of my child," Sirzechs said in honest amusement. "She's also very strong."

Kuro was actually rather refreshing with how antagonistic he was, none of the fake respect his foes showed him or the borderline worship the rest of his kind treated him with. He was just a cocky, moody teenager who was poking at their pride for his own amusement.

"Sure, strong compared to me and most devils… but next to you? I can sense magic, she's a flickering candle next to a roaring inferno," Kuro said, ah so he was well aware of the power imbalance here.

But he didn't care, and he'd already noticed that Grayfia was the 'weak-link', that poking her would get far better reactions.

"Anyway, like I've said, repeatedly, I'm not becoming Rias's pet mage, I'm sure you're planning to reassure me that she doesn't treat her slaves badly but that doesn't change the fact that they are her slaves," Kuro said bluntly, making Sirzechs nod in acknowledgement to his point. "Once Rias got me a phone that could connect to the Devilnet, I spent some time looking up the laws surrounding Peerages and reincarnated devils, I don't think she realises how badly that move hurt her chances, because once I dug deep enough to find all the rules you guys don't usually tell people I swore I'd never let myself be reincarnated."

Ah, Kuro had found some of the more draconian laws surrounding reincarnated devils. It was a shame, he'd worked to repeal a lot of them but any society with ageless beings would progress at a snail's pace. Devils didn't particularly like change and the ones in power saw no reason to change the laws that gave them that power.

"A fair concern, I can't blame you for your paranoia even if Rias would never abuse her power over anyone," Sirzechs admitted. "However, what if you were only in her Peerage for a single battle? Everyone is expecting Rias to lose her upcoming rating game, if she wins with you in her Peerage, nobody would doubt that you were the key factor and you'd gain considerable fame from the fight. That could easily be used to immediately promote you to High-Class devil and free you from Rias's peerage."

"Ah yes, the devil pyramid scheme. I become a high-class devil and then recruit more people into your race who can become high class devils. Firstly, I don't particularly want fame, it's a distraction from my studies, and that doesn't change the fact that I'd still get dragged into the mess between the three 'great' factions," Kuro pointed out, making him smile.

"And yet you've already started to make a name for yourself, defeating some of Azazel's Fallen and taking a shard of Excalibur from them," Sirzechs pointed out, making Kuro frown. "Whether Azazel was involved in the attempt on your life or not, this will bring a lot of attention from his faction onto you, and the mere existence of the Excalibur will draw the church's attention as they will want to reclaim it and hide the fact that they lost it in the first place. At the moment, even with both the captives and Rapidly, you're negotiating from a massive disadvantage simply because you're an independent mage with no one to support you."

Left unsaid was that Azazel would certainly try and recruit Kuro into the Grigori, as he often did with humans with magic or sacred gears. Worse was that joining the Grigori could be done on a far more temporary basis than joining the devils where trying to leave would see you declared a stray devil.

The Church would probably just demand Excalibur and refuse to negotiate, possibly even responding with violence if Kuro refused. They were certainly the weakest of the three factions and they had become aggressive in holding onto any scrap of power they could get, knowing that a show of weakness could cost them gravely.

"I can hardly control when people try to kill me, any attention I've gained from this is very much unwanted. As for dealing from a position of weakness? You're not wrong but I'd rather be a weak independent than get dragged into a faction with all the strings attached. If Azazel doesn't want to play fair I'll just kill the fools I've got locked up and anyone else he sends afterwards, if the Church doesn't want to negotiate for the return of their shiny stick I'll toss Excalibur Rapidly into the dimensional gap and call it a day," Kuro scoffed. "Save your breath, Sirzechs, nothing you say will convince me to join Rias."

"And you don't worry that you'll end up surrounded by enemies with this mindset?" Grayfia asked, making Kuro sigh.

"I probably will, and if you lot would stop bothering me I could make my preparations for that inevitability," Kuro said bluntly. "And if the worst should happen, I'd rather die standing than live on my knees, but I suppose you're rather comfortable on your knees, aren't you?"

"As I said before, mind your tongue mage," Grayfia said quietly, giving Kuro a dark look.

"No, you mind your tongue, I'm not the one who trespassed in your house, trying to get you to sell yourself into slavery to get my little sister out of something as stupid as an arranged marriage. If you didn't want to be disrespected then you shouldn't have come here in the first place," Kuro said back, his tone acidic. "I owe neither of you my subservience or respect, you're just a pair of meddling fools who interrupted my busy night. I'm not going to bow down and kiss your feet just because you happen to be powerful."

"And the fact that either of us could end you in a second?" Grayfia asked, her temper flaring at Kuro's tone.

"So could, like, 75% of the supernatural world, I'm weak as fuck at the moment and I know it, you aren't special. You're just an arrogant devil with a maid fetish, the only reason nobody calls you out on it is because you happen to be playing maid for that siscon," Kuro said, nodding towards him.

As Kuro turned back to Sirzechs, Grayfia's temper flared up and she moved forwards with incredible speed, power radiating from her body as she grabbed Kuro's shirt and lifted him into the air.

"Grayfia, release him," Sirzechs ordered immediately, he should have sent her away when he noticed how well Kuro was getting under her skin.

As Grayfia let him go, he smirked at her.

"Good girl, do what your master tells you," Kuro said easily, not knowing when to stop. "That's the difference between us. I'm still weak but I'm my own man, you're so powerful, and you're still someone else's bitch."

Immediately, he was blasted back by a blast of cold wind, Grayfia's temper truly frayed as she glowered around him, but when the dust cleared he was gone, making them both blink.

Dimensional magic? He hadn't even felt Kuro cast anything.

Ah, this had not gone the way he had expected. Something told him Rias was not going to be happy.

— Kuro —

Arriving back at the dungeon core, I immediately stop possessing the lookalike and slip back into my own body, gasping.

That hurt.

The body I just left struggles but my skeletons grab him, knocking him out before he can speak.

Like hell I was going near them in my body. Fortunately, Alchemy is a useful tool and I stole an idea from Harry Potter.

I had to spend some resources on an alchemy ingredient bundle, but I've been able to make a passable polyjuice potion… which happens to be permanent at the moment.

Also extremely poisonous, I'll try and fix that later. As for my new friend? He's a member of a local gang, or was at least, before I grabbed him. My ghosts found a suitable volunteer for me to inhabit for that meeting.

Should I have been polite? Probably, but honestly, fuck these devils. I don't mind Rias' attempts because frankly she's cute and a lot of fun, but the recent attack has worn out my limited patience with the three factions.

If they had arrived even a few days after the Fallen tried to kill me, I might have been more polite, but I meant what I said and the meaning wouldn't have changed even if I'd have picked more diplomatic words.

But right after the Fallen try to kill me, a Satan comes to try and strongarm me into Rias' peerage? Where I'll be stuck as a second class citizen in Devil society for the rest of my life?

Fuck that, and fuck them.

Sirzechs didn't even deny that I was right about why he showed up, why else would he be lurking in my house?

No, it's just the siscon wanting me to solve his sister's problems. Honestly he impressed me by how little he seemed to care about me being an asshole, but Grayfia was pretty easy to annoy.

Hm, I can use this. I have a plan, well the start of a plan, okay I have a vague idea at best but I can work with that.

That's for tomorrow, because while I didn't take part in the invasion waves, my minions handled the enemies and gathered the loot.

[Class Tome - Eromancer]

Eromancy, sex magic. Sometimes, I think the fates smile upon me.

A class tome is how I unlock new classes, which explains why I can't learn the occultist spell yet, I need to find the class tome first.

Opening the purple tome, I feel the knowledge flood my mind as the art of sex magic is revealed to me.

[Conjure Toy]

Allows the caster to conjure a sex toy in whatever shape and design they imagine.

The amount of toys that can be conjured scales with Charisma.

[Enhance Sensitivity]

Causes whatever sensations the target feels to be amplified by a magnitude decided by the caster.

The maximum magnitude is determined by the casters Charisma

[Orgasmic Seal]

Placing a seal on the lower stomach of the target, the caster cuts off the target's ability to reach climax. This seal can be visible or hidden, and can be set to fade under specific conditions, such as after a set amount of time, or after the target performs a specific action. It can either remove the climaxes entirely, prevent the target from climaxing while keeping the edge, or store them up to unleash when the seal fades.

You know, I feel like the very fates have aligned to say 'go mess with Raynare more'. And who am I to defy destiny?

— Raynare —

"You know, all you had to do was say thank you for the food," Kuro said as she glowered at him, unable to move as he manipulated the chains to move her to the middle of the room, forcing her into the stockade.

He wasn't wrong, and the other three had squashed their prides to thank him for the admittedly enticing food.

But after spending hours with his cum on her face, she couldn't bring herself to submit like that, and now she was going to be raped for it.

Not that she cared. If he thought fucking her would break her, he vastly underestimated the degeneracy of the Fallen: this wouldn't be her first time being raped, and no human cock would break her.

She didn't regret any of her spat insults, but Kuro definitely wanted her to refuse, he wanted to have a reason to punish her. She wasn't surprised, she was an incredibly beautiful Fallen Angel and he was a horny teenage boy. It was almost impressive he had resisted this long.

Placing his hand on her lower stomach, he cast something as a flash of pink light made her flinch, but the spell didn't seem to do anything and she couldn't see her stomach in her current position, forced to face towards the other three as her legs were pulled apart by the chains, spread wide as he moved behind her, casting another spell as he did.

She had no idea what he was doing, but as he spanked her ass lightly her eyes widened as the sensation travelled through her entire body. Before she could ask what was happening, he came back around holding something red and round in his hand.

Clenching her teeth, she knew what it was and tried her best to not open her mouth as he held her nose, ignoring her attempts to shake him off until she reluctantly gasped for air, the ball-gag being forced in between her lips as she did, quickly being strapped around her head to hold it in place.

With a smirk, Kuro walked back around her and she gasped around the gag as she felt him insert something hard into her admittedly wet slit, a moan slipping out of her as he turned on the vibrator, whatever spell he had cast amplifying the feeling of the thick plastic shaft that was currently sending vibrations through her entire body.

But before she could adapt, her eyes widened as a second vibrator was pushed into her much tighter asshole, thankfully lubricated as she moaned, glaring at her subordinates who were clearly enjoying the show.

She knew her glare lacked any true threat, bound as she was, with Kuro toying with her body for his own entertainment, taping tiny egg-like vibrators to her nipples and clit.

She didn't want to cum, not while Kuro was grinning at her with that stupid smug look, but with so many sensations combining she couldn't stop herself, her climax rapidly building up…

And just as it was going to wash over her, she felt the climax be cruelty snatched away, the sensation vanishing as her eyes widened, a needy whine leaving her despite her best effort to stop it.

Oh, he wouldn't dare…

"Now, since I'm such a nice guy, I'm going to let you spend the night thinking about how rude you were. Don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow morning with your breakfast," Kuro said with a chuckle, making her eyes widen as he walked away and left her to her punishment, her second climax rapidly approaching only to vanish at the last second, a feeling of rage and disappointment flossing her.

Rape would have been preferable, at least she'd get to cum if he had just taken her, but this was just torture.

— Kuro —

We'll see how she is in the morning, but given the infuriated (muffled) screams I can hear, I'm guessing the answer will be 'not great'.

But I've got a perfect test dummy for my new spells, so of course I'm going to use her.

Also, I know I shouldn't min-max so much, but I've decided to spend the rest of my essence boosting my intelligence further. I honestly want to see how high it can go, because intelligence is what scales the power of my spells and the amount of magic I have.

Just being near Sirzechs and Grayfia tells me I have a long way to go because they are both hilariously stronger than me.

Arrogance aside, I can't deny Grayfia deserves that arrogance, she felt almost as strong as Serafall Leviathan and she's a servant.

Sirzechs felt limitless, I couldn't come close to working out how strong he truly is, what a monster.

And I talked shit to his face.

One day, my inability to shut up is going to get me into trouble, but that's why I need to get stupidly strong so I don't have to pay the price for my own arrogance and antagonistic behaviour

Consequences are for other people, not me.

— Bonus Scene — Rias Gremory

Something had happened, and she didn't know what.

Kuro was ignoring her messages, avoiding her at school and outright refusing to talk to her when she did manage to corner him.

What had she done? At first she thought that maybe her Peerage had accidentally done something, but none of them had apparently even talked to him since her last meeting and that had ended just fine, so what the hell had caused Kuro to suddenly refuse to speak with her?

She needed every second she had to tempt him over to her side with her impending rating game, she didn't have time for Kuro to just randomly decide he didn't want to talk to her anymore.

Plus, he'd gotten even stronger, again, and it was a noticeable boost in power this time. His magical power was rapidly growing and if it continued he'd soon surpass her and Sona, which would only make recruiting him even harder.

Tracking him down, she cornered him and made him blink as she gave him a glare.

"What did I do?" Rias asked immediately, making Kuro pause. "Tell me, and I can fix it but this passive aggressive bullshit isn't helping either of us. If I've offended you in some way, tell me so we can work it out like adults," Rias said sternly, hands on her hips.

Despite his sudden reluctance to talk to her, she did notice the slight smile on his face at her words.

"Nah, it wasn't anything you did, or anything your peerage did either," Kuro finally said, making her pause. "Nah, it was that maid cosplayers of a sister-in-law and your meddling siscon of a brother who I'm pissed at. They showed up at my house, tried to push me into joining your Peerage and the maid fetishist took offence to my refusal," Kuro said as she froze. "No offence, I do like you even if I don't want to serve you, but I'm teaching the meddling assholes that actions have consequences. They tried to interfere in our little game, so now I'm not playing anymore. Yes, I'm that petty."

"Sirzechs and Grayfia did what?!" Rias said, rare anger bubbling in her chest as Kuro shrugged.

"For a woman who dresses up as a maid, Grayfia is so prideful. She actually attacked me because I was just a teeny bit rude," Kuro said with a lazy grin, making her blink.

"I'll speak to them, they had no right to interfere in this," Rias promised, making Kuro shrug.

"Have fun with that, now if you'll excuse me I have to go poke one of my prisoners," Kuro said easily, making her blink as he teleported away.

With the mystery solved, her confusion (and some sadness from Kuro's sudden coldness) faded away and were replaced with an entirely new emotion she normally saved for Riser and her father.

Teleporting herself, she didn't even knock as she barged into her brother's office, making him blink in confusion before he saw the look on her face, pausing.

"Ah, I take it you've spoken with Kuro?"

Her glare only grew more insane as she looked between her sheepish-looking brother and his annoyed-looking wife.

Author's Note: I held a vote to decide what story I'd write over on discord. Supervillain won, so I ignored the result and wrote this instead!

This is democracy manifest.

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review and I'll probably write faster.

I have a discord server (technically someone else's but my name is on the server so it's basically mine) with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. Here's the link for that: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd

I also have a bad P word that FF doesn't like, what's on it? Right now, nothing that you can't find elsewhere and I don't know if that will change to be honest, I don't like the idea of paywalling content but I also like money to fund my pizza and games addiction, so here's the link for that as well: Pat reon . com/TheDarkWolfShiro