It took Adam a while to calm the two sisters down.
Seeing a strange new girl humping their guy made them a tad bit of jealousy.
However after they learned about the girl's ordeal the night before and the injustices that Adam did to get, their heart melted and quickly changed their outlook.
They took the girl as their own and formed a bond that that nobody was able to break, this bond proved very useful in the future.
For the next few days, the three girls were virtually inseparable. They roamed everywhere inside the Phoenix city.
Niome, the girl's name as Adam found out later became very shy. Gone were the days when he nose is high up in the air.
Removed from the shadow of her father's image, her true self finally came out.
It's the first time that she went out of the Sun God's territory. She found the Phoenix City of the Red Skulls quite shocking. Compared to the prim and proper people in the Holy City, here it's more like a big chaotic market place.
The three girls are being served by Adam's slaves. He acquired quite a few already.
Once the city found out about the fate of their old masters, they were scared. When they were told that Adam was the one who did it and he is now their owner, they were terrified.
One by one, the big bosses and the merchants inside the city paid their tribute to their new Lord.
Some gave exotic items like silk and other things of comfort, but most gave him their best slaves. Male and female.
The A.I.'s last report states that he is now the owner of more than five hundred slaves. Only a hundred of them are female.
In this world, due to the wide spread slavery. They invented a way for the slavers to control the slaves and make them obedient.
The collar around their necks shows their status as slaves. A chip is also surgically embedded right between their skulls and spines.
This chip overrides the slave's brain functions and makes them more docile and obedient to their masters.
There's a method where the chips will be imprinted with their master's DNA. Once the slave chips were activated they will be forever attached to that person.
The only way to break it is destroy the chip. However, doing so will also mean the destruction of the slave's brain functions, making them a living human vegetable.
Due to this influx of new slaves, Adam was forced to demolish the original building where he was planning to house his slaves.
He replaced it with single floor building and he opted to dig down ten floors to create more space.
He also created networks of underground passages inside his compound that connected everything to his mansion.
This makes top side easier to secure. With virtually no people walking inside the walls of the compound, it's easier to spot any intruders.
On the fourth day after Adam visited the Holy City of the Sun God. A message front the border patrol came in, they reported that an Envoy from the Sun God is requesting passage. They said that they are carrying with them a gift from the Supreme Ruler, His Holiness Reverend Father Benjamin Kain.
The report also said that they are escorting a female slave.
This is the last chapter for Book 1.
Adam is going to get alot more powerful in Book 2. A war with a new unstoppable race.
The Level 50 item in Adam's storage will only appear in Book 3 and the Save function will not be used until Book 4.
The next 3 chapters will be posted after a few hours.