
Daily life

It sees me

He dropped to his hands and knees, wedged behind a row of huge shelves, cramped in the crawl space between the shelves and the wall. He was scared, as he was dying. The only way through was passed the thing and he wasn't fast enough to make it.

He could see it stalking back and forth through the gaps between each shelf as he passed by. There was certainly enough room to move but he tried to move backwards. A lose screw from one of the shelves got lodged in his leg. His health bar moved, he tried to scream but he held himself back. Filled with pain he stopped, containing himself to carefully dislodge it. He had yet another injury to add to his already suffering body.

He heard a loud crash and the farthest shelf slammed back against the wall. It hit it again, breaking the metal shelf in pieces then attacked the next, crashing against them almost rhythmically, breaking through the metal, coming. I have to get out, I have to!

The panic though was of no help, there was no way out. His leg ached, and he wanted to sob aloud. Blood soaked through his clothes and felt has though he could feel it draining out of him.

The shelf a few feet away crashed against the wall and he flinched. It was getting closer, he could hear large foot steps getting even louder. Eyes closed, Loki could still see the way it looked at him, it's red eyes.

Suddenly the shelf in front of him was wrenched away. It toppled the, thrown down like a toy. He opened his eyes and looked up just in time to see the downwards swing of a sword.


Two years earlier . . . .

Loki Hybusa, a 17 year old high-school student living with his sister, Kamila. There parents died In a car accident and they had to live on their own. They did not have any close relatives, they had to find jobs to sustain themselves. His sister Kamila, found work at a café just down the street to their house. On the other hand, Loki had a part time job at an antic shop near their school.

"Loki, wake up, " Kamila shouted from downstairs. Loki jumped out of bed in surprise and looked at the time. "I'm coming, give me a sec," He quickly grabbed his bag from under his bed and hurriedly ran down the stairs.

"What we're you even doing up here, I saw you wake up at 5 am," she shouted as she was getting the house keys from where they we're always put. "I decided to sleep for a couple of minutes, "He responded. "Never mind, your lunch is on the table," she said as she rushed outside.

Good thing I wore my uniform in advance.

"What! I haven't even eaten breakfast yet," He shouted. "Well if you didn't take so long in your room, you would have done that," Kamila shouted back from outside.

Loki ran out the door, as soon as he went through. Kamila closed the door and locked it. Loki locked the gate and she jumped over it. The gate to there house was too short that they divised a plan in case they we're late. One could lock the door and the other the gate, the one who locked the door can just jump over it, and that is what they did.

Loki sat in class and talked in his head. Mrs Johnson must be having a bad day. She must have fought with her husband again and lost this time.

Loki struggled to remain awake. As he stayed up till 2 am, playing his favourite game. He continued.

I can't concentrate without falling asleep, or it might be because I stayed up all night trying to beat the final boss in Dungeon Seekers.

Dungeon Seekers was the most popular online MMO RPG at the time. It is a game where players from all around the world, played on a big map. The goal of the game was to form teams called guilds to seek for dungeons and clear them to level up. If a player meets surtain Conditions, they can teleport there guild to the final dungeon and challenge the final boss and the once the boss had been defeated, then the whole game had been completed.

To level up is to defeat the monsters in the dungeons and gain experience points.

He thought, me and my guild have to beat the final boss. He looked to his right and there he saw his childhood friend, Monica.

She was passed asleep. I wander what she was doing last night, he thought.

It took what felt like eternity for Mrs Johnson's class to finally end. As soon as she heard the bell, she walked right out without altering a word.

Lunch break, Loki's favourite break of the school day. Loki was hungry as he did not eat his breakfast and he was eager to eat what his sister had prepared for him. He went to his locker and retrieved his bag and headed for the cafeteria.

The cafeteria, one of the biggest rooms in the whole school, stretched across, the floors we're covered with white tales and round tables. Almost all the students came to eat there because there was a wide range of food options you can choose from or you can just bring your own lunch.

He walked right in with his bag on his shoulder, happy thinking about his lunch.

Monica was sitting alone in their usual meeting spot, the table at the far end of the cafeteria. How did she get there so fast, I left her asleep on her desk and I didn't take long to get my bag.

She weaved at him, signalling him to come and take a sit. They have been friends for as long as they can remember. He sat down next to hear, she grabbed her lunch box rapped in white clothing from her bag.

She untied the knot on the cloth, revealing a brightly coloured lunch box. Trying to do the same, Loki opened his bag and put his hands in it. He moved his hand around in the bag. I can't find it.


-oh no.


-what is it.


-I think I left my lunch box at home.


-again! You should make sure you have packed your lunch box, this is the third time this week.


-I know, but I just keep forgetting.

Monica opened her lunch box in front of him. "Let's share my lunch, " she looked at him and smiled. "No, it's OK. I will just go and buy some,"He said and he got up. He was about to leave when Monica's friends popped out of nowhere, as if they we're waiting for him to leave.

Two months had gone by faster the he thought. Walking home from work, Loki saw an advertisement on one of the biggest screen in city square.

Dungeon Seekers 2 release announcements.

Current players of the first game can update its DS2. Prepare yourself for the adventure of your gaming lifetime. Dungeon Seekers 2 coming August 28th.

Loki was filled with excitement and rushed home to prepare himself for August.

The day had come, Loki jumped out of bed in excitement. Finally, the day I have been waiting for is here. He plugged in his computer, it lit up and booted. With no hesitation, he opened the game icon. It took several minutes for the loading screen to disappear. Then, on the screen was a Knight in black armour, with his sliver excalliber sword in his hand.

Behind him was a red dragon, breathing fire on a village, It was a fantasy world. On top of him where the words, Dungeon Seekers. At the bottom left of the screen where the options ; play, challenge, settings and update.

Loki moved the cursor onto the update option.

"The game begins," and he clicked on it.

First time writing a novel so expect it to be a little.......


and yes, this is based off of solo leveling.

Huge fan by the way.

Hybusa975_7999creators' thoughts