
The Game of Empires: Lost in the Arena

In "Lost in the Arena," the world as we know it has been destroyed by terrifying monsters, and our protagonist finds himself transported to a new reality where he must fight to survive in the deadly Arena. With his memory gone and his fate tied to the outcome of a high-stakes game that could determine the fate of entire planets, our hero is forced to battle for his life on a daily basis, entertaining the masses and fulfilling the expectations of those who have placed bets on his every move. As he navigates this brutal world, he will encounter unexpected allies, face unimaginable horrors, and discover that the true cost of failure is nothing less than the destruction of everything he holds dear. Blending elements of adventure and horror, "Lost in the Arena" is a gripping tale of survival, sacrifice, and the human spirit's unbreakable will to overcome even the most insurmountable obstacles.

DaoistGo32sL · Kinh dị ma quái
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105 Chs

The Weight of Responsibility. (64)

As my vision fully returned, a noticeable warmth enveloped me. The form I assumed was that of a Lower Loss, its distinctive green skin now marred by the presence of purple blood. I stood amidst the motionless colossal silhouettes, their lifeless bodies casting long shadows.

The once raging flames of vengeance had extinguished within the vacant eye sockets, leaving only emptiness in their wake. Pale gray patches adorned the edges of their lifeless forms, evidence of their fading existence.

From my wounds, wisps of black steam emanated, gradually extending and intertwining with the souls that lingered in the dark expanse. Some of these spectral entities scattered, recoiling at the sight of the living fog, while others drew closer, merging seamlessly into a silent stream that was eventually absorbed by me.

With each passing moment, my wounds began to heal, their agony fading away. Simultaneously, I found myself gradually assimilating the knowledge and experiences amassed over millions of years by beings I had never before encountered.

[The individual undergoing punishment has successfully traversed all stages of the Punishment.

The plot stands at 98.5% completion.

Application for the re-entry of Participant 137 into the Surya Empire has been approved.

The Kingdom of Primitiveness, Chaos, and Sadness of Nemfis has been conquered.]

Once again, I found myself on the surface of the star, where the flickering multicolored barrier persisted, continuing its deceptive allure to unsuspecting newcomers.

[Welcome back.]

A nervous, open-mouthed gaze greeted me from a blue cat. I attempted to respond, but before any words could escape my lips, consciousness slipped away, and I succumbed to unconsciousness.


It was a surreal sensation to be back in the tangible world after my time in the dark space. As I sat up, the vibrant hues of the surrounding landscape flooded my vision, momentarily overwhelming my senses. A piercing headache pulsed through my skull, and I winced, massaging my temples with my fingertips. The warm, earthy scent of dried grass filled the air.

Blinking away the remnants of disorientation, my gaze fell upon a sleek black tail resting across my legs. I reached down and ran my fingers through its velvety fur, marveling at the intricate details of its texture. Could this all be an illusion? The surreal nature of my surroundings left me questioning everything.

A wet nose nudged me gently in the side, and I met the crimson gaze of the young cub, radiating both awe and loyalty. The connection between us felt stronger than ever.

[You are situated within a replica of the Forbidden Land. The outer doors to the Empire were beyond my control, and it was perilous to keep you within the system's barrier.

The Land of Punishments teems with deceitful Players, posing a grave threat to your life.]

Yes, I vaguely recalled the system's warning. So, the punishment had truly come to an end.

[How long have I been unconscious?] I inquired.

[Seven weeks.]

Such a substantial amount of time had passed.

The cub had grown considerably, and as I absentmindedly stroked its chin, I slowly rose to my feet. My legs felt weak and unsteady, and my stomach let out an audible growl. Satisfied that the danger had subsided, I resolved to indulge in a substantial meal.

Emerging from my shelter, a newfound vitality surged within me. I began devouring the food with a gusto, the cub joining me in the feast.

After a hearty breakfast, I decided to take a leisurely stroll. The copy of the Forbidden Land was bordered by a lush forest and a cascading waterfall. Although not expansive, the space provided ample room for a solitary being.

As I approached a small lake, several fish lazily swam near the surface. With a simple command to the system, a variety of birds and animals that I had obtained from the Vault were released into the area. They added life and vibrancy to the surroundings, creating a semblance of a harmonious ecosystem.

Initially, I contemplated constructing a shelter in this copy, but it became evident that only my consciousness or soul could traverse this place. The cub's location, on the other hand, was determined by the blood contract we had forged between us.

Taking in the serenity of this replicated landscape, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. Perhaps this secluded haven could provide solace and respite from the tumultuous trials I had endured.

[It's nothing more than a semblance of an artifact without a physical appearance. A kind of hologram that exists through the manipulation of spatial holes and the matter of the world. Should you meet your demise, this replica shall also fade away. Although it does not directly drain your energy, it remains intricately linked to your consciousness and soul.]

[Understood. So, I can periodically seek solace in this place and find respite from external influences, at least on a mental level. Not too shabby, I must say,] I replied, settling down by the shore with my feet submerged in the cool water.

[You can always access this realm, but it's crucial to contemplate your mission once the Arena concludes. You must complete the Arena within 10 years. Since you have lost and are deemed deceased by the Caretakers, your existence lies beyond the perception of the Mother Source. Although I fail to comprehend why you haven't been ejected from the game yet, we should ponder our next course of action. It is unlikely that we will be fortunate enough to survive a similar scenario again.]

"We?" I queried with uncertainty. Prior to this, I believed my defeat would only mark the end for me.

The cat remained silent, gently tapping its paw on the water's surface, fixated on the fish swimming beneath:

[Within this game, there are only winners and losers—no room for neutral parties. Be it Players, Participants, Systems, or even denizens of the Empires, all lives are at stake. Thus, exercise caution, Participant 137, for I require you as much as you need me.]

"I see," I said. The future may hold its own surprises, but for now, this forms a solid foundation for a mutually beneficial alliance.

We gazed at the cerulean sky, lost in our respective thoughts, relishing a respite from the ceaseless race with death.


Once on the system-created field, I exhaled deeply and said:


The Lower Loss stood motionless, its green skin paling, revealing a face that was both grotesque and yet oddly handsome.

[You cannot employ pure Magic or Sorcery. They must be integrated with other skills.]

[I want to have a solid foundation without impurities. If I make a choice rashly now, then most likely the skill will become useless for me.]

[If you choose not to combine skills, Witchcraft will be prohibited, as will Magic.]

[Why is that?]

[Do you recall the moment you first made contact with me?]

[It was on my initial day in the Arena,] I muttered, puzzled.

[Indeed. However, prior to that, you were presented with an entirely different system. Perhaps you were unconscious at the time, or your comprehension was insufficient for effective integration with the system, but you did not manage to establish the initial connection. That is why I became bound to you.]

[And what does this have to do with my inability to use magic? Am I not summoning skills? I possess mana!]

[Oh, Participant 137,] the cat positioned itself imposingly on my shoulder. [Did it not occur to you that you have been depleting your Endurance all this time? That's why you hardly pay attention to your mana. Consequently, you prioritize Regeneration, albeit with delayed effects, but intuitively, you strive to salvage the situation. If you possessed mana, you wouldn't indulge in Melee as a means of combat. You would have succeeded long ago in utilizing your skills differently than you currently do. You subject yourself to unnecessary danger far too often. Observing your battles, I sometimes wonder how you have managed to survive in the Arena for so many consecutive days.]

"That's enough," I interrupted, dismissing the impudent cat from my shoulder. "I survive in the best way I can, and I deserve recognition for my timely reactions."

[You sought the answer, and I have provided it. My intention is to offer an impartial assessment of your actions, enabling you to identify and eradicate your weaknesses. Let us begin nurturing your powers.]

Exhaling wearily, I looked at Loss once again, feeling the weight of the world pressing against me. No matter how determined I was to move forward, it always felt like I was fighting against an invisible current, pushing against the tides of fate. With a weary smile, I closed my eyes, attempting to find solace in the depths of my own mind. It was crucial to calm myself down and approach this situation with rationality. From now on, I needed to carefully choose the path that would lead to the improvement of my skills.

As I opened my eyes, I met the unwavering gaze of the floating cat, its ethereal form unaffected by recent events. Its fluffy blue fur shimmered in the sunlight, giving the impression that the entire creature was radiating its own inner glow. Shaking off my wandering thoughts, I spoke up:

"And what skills can be combined with Witchcraft?"

Three black boxes materialized within the blue window. Puckering my lips, I attentively listened to the explanation provided by the 605th.

[Combining witchcraft or magic with other skills can be a perilous endeavor, fraught with potential dangers. As such, it is often recommended to select skills that serve a supportive purpose, such as enhancing one's own abilities or facilitating the development of other skills. Given your inability to wield pure magic, you will be granted the opportunity to choose one supportive skill from the three options provided.]

[Why are they hidden from my eyes? Can't I evaluate the supportive skills before I start combining with witchcraft?]

[Participant 137, there are three auxiliary skills in these boxes that are most often used by players. You have the right not even to choose, but rather to snatch your own chance of survival from fate. Combining skills can be dangerous, but if you succeed, you can create a rare or legendary skill that will help your ascent over the Empire in the future.]

A sarcastic smile curled upon my lips, for once again, the System's cunning wordplay has managed to evoke a sense of despair and hopelessness within me.

Yet I choose my own destiny upon me, and I am steadfast in my resolve to seize this chance of survival and shape my own path. Even though combining skills carries risks, I am willing to embrace the challenge, for if I succeed, I can forge a unique and extraordinary skill that will greatly help me destroy the Empire.

I nodded, absorbing the information and feeling a surge of determination. "In that case, I choose the one in the middle," I declared, my decision made without hesitation.

The blue cat's gaze intensified, its eyes fixated on the box that floated out of the window. Its curiosity seemed almost palpable as it observed the unfolding scene.

The box gently landed in my hands, its weight nearly imperceptible, yet it felt as heavy as the weight of responsibility resting upon my shoulders. I stared at it intently, realizing the significance of my choice.

"Your choice..." the cat's voice trailed off, leaving a sense of anticipation hanging in the air.


[What kind of skill will Participant 137 create? Your bets!] The system wants to win Earth money:

1. A legendary skill. Devil's Touch: With one touch, Participant 137 will be able to feel and understand the emotions and intentions of others, and corrupt their souls and manipulate them. By touching wounds or injuries, he can channel the devil's energy to speed up the healing process.

2. A legendary skill. The Mundane Way: Reading with the help of the Mundane Way is one of the taboos in many universes, because with this skill, the master can read the future and past of all beings and things, including himself! There are only 3 Players who have ever been able to learn this skill.

3. A rare skill. Malevolent Illusion: By touching a person's face, Participant 137 can create an illusory image of themselves or someone else. This skill can be used for deception, distraction, or confusing opponents in combat.

4. A rare skill. Soulbound Connection: Participant 137 establishes a psychic bond with the Spectral Familiars, allowing him to perceive what they see and sense. This connection enables him to track the movements, actions, and intentions of the individuals being followed.

5. A legendary skill. Soulforged Resurgence: When Participant 137 activates this skill, he can harness the collective energy of the absorbed souls to resurrect himselve in a new form.

6. A rare skill. Abyssal Shielding: By invoking the devil's power, Participant 137 can create an impenetrable shield that can defend against even the most potent attacks. This shield draws strength from the dark energies it is connected to, making it nearly indestructible.

7. A rare skill. The Silence of Death: By learning this skill, Participant 137 becomes highly resistant to various forms of damage. They can withstand extreme temperatures, shrug off poisons, and endure powerful magical attacks.

8. A simple skill. Reinforcement: a skill that enhances magic and other abilities by tapping into the wellspring of soul power. However, as with any skill, there are intricacies and hidden facets.

Leave a comment with a number and maybe you will guess the future of the protagonist!