
The Game of Empires: Lost in the Arena

In "Lost in the Arena," the world as we know it has been destroyed by terrifying monsters, and our protagonist finds himself transported to a new reality where he must fight to survive in the deadly Arena. With his memory gone and his fate tied to the outcome of a high-stakes game that could determine the fate of entire planets, our hero is forced to battle for his life on a daily basis, entertaining the masses and fulfilling the expectations of those who have placed bets on his every move. As he navigates this brutal world, he will encounter unexpected allies, face unimaginable horrors, and discover that the true cost of failure is nothing less than the destruction of everything he holds dear. Blending elements of adventure and horror, "Lost in the Arena" is a gripping tale of survival, sacrifice, and the human spirit's unbreakable will to overcome even the most insurmountable obstacles.

DaoistGo32sL · Kinh dị ma quái
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105 Chs

My spoiles (44)

The cell door swung open, and a group of skeletons in loose robes entered. Their bony fingers clasping familiar handcuffs that were promptly placed on my wrists. Leading us through a musty corridor lined with locked cages, they guided us to an entrance with a sign that read:

"The Supreme Court."

Shackled and restricted in movement, I peered into the spacious studio before me. An uneven stream of dim illumination cut through the darkness, revealing a scene within. Wooden chairs, worn and riddled with holes, were arranged haphazardly in the center. Purple stains marred the faded decor, evidence of past events. The judge was not there; only the accused were present.

The rest of the space was engulfed in darkness, shrouding the identity of those who would pass judgment upon us.

I was pushed into a glimmering area, causing the handcuffs to emit blue arcs of electricity that coursed through my entire body. I crumbled to the floor, unable to support myself on my weakened legs. As my wings brushed against a chair, it shifted a few centimeters, emitting a creaking sound that reverberated with an almost deafening ring. Unprepared for such torture, I bit my lower lip, tasting the metallic tang as blood filled my mouth. The screams of unseen creatures reverberated in my mind, blending with the cacophony of pain.

"Kill!" the creatures fervently screamed.

I continued to convulse, twitching uncontrollably, and with great effort, I raised my head. Through the grimy outlines, I saw hundreds of creatures pointing at me with their curved claws.

"DON'T! GH-H!" Shorty's voice was abruptly cut off as electric arcs surged through the purple veins on the back of his head.

Others nearby also collapsed, succumbing to the torment. We were subjected to the audience's sadistic pleasure, enduring an agonizing ordeal that felt interminable.

The torture momentarily ceased. The amount of blood I had lost left me dizzy. It trickled from my clawless fingers and the puncture wounds in my torso, where the needle-like bones had embedded themselves in my flesh.

In the depths of my consciousness, I heard the system's squeak:

[The Survival Mission in the Redemption Plaza has commenced.

Kill 10 enemies. Earn 17 tokens.


18 hours 59 minutes.]


I awoke in a forest, my bones aching with each movement. With a sharp click, I forced my dislocated shoulder back into place, grimacing at the pain. The brightness of the day was filtered through the canopy of leaves, shielding me from the scorching sunlight.

How long had it been since I had last glimpsed the sky?

Examining my magenta fingers, stained with dried blood, I connected to the system.

[Mission To Survive in the Redemption Plaza.

Enemies Killed: 0 out of 10. Tokens Received: 0 out of 17.

Time Remaining: 12 hours and 19 minutes.]

"Redemption Plaza?" I questioned.

[It is the final frontier of survival. Those who have suffered two defeats on the Battlefield are sent here. It is also the destination for notorious scumbags and those who have violated the prescribed level rules. They are transported to random dimensions, each unique but bound by a common thread—dangerous traps and obstacles.]

"So, I ended up here because of that rescued beast?" A hint of hardness crept into my voice. If it weren't for that accursed Mission, I wouldn't be in this predicament.

[Well, maybe you would have found your way here regardless. Consider it an opportunity to witness all the wonders this place has to offer.]

[Forget it. Can I access the System Store?] I inquired.


The blue interface flickered before my eyes. Guided by my thoughts, I skipped unnecessary tabs while the system provided an explanation.

[There is only one rule here:

Survive within the designated time frame.

Only one-tenth of the neglected critters and beasts will remain. Currently, you have 2 days and 13 hours remaining within this dimension.

Launched within the dimension:

185 creatures and 17 beasts.

Still alive:

120 creatures and 3 beasts.]

I paused, studying the amount in my wallet.

Rubbing my chin, I asked:

[When will the final Mission check be completed?]

[In 10 hours and 32 minutes.]

Not enough time, it seemed. I closed the tab on the system and surveyed my surroundings.

[What does this dimension look like?]

[The map is loading.]

A 3D terrain model materialized before me, devoid of any enemy or location markers.

Tall trees and barren rocks sprawled across the landscape, with a river meandering through the middle of a nearby desert.

And I was fortunate enough to find myself in the forest.

I decided to set up a trap near the river and wait for some plump sheep to come by. After removing the tabs for weapons and food, I focused on browsing through the artifacts section.

With 15,700 Points, I purchased an invisibility cloak that could conceal my aura. It had a daily usage limit and could last for three hours each time.

I made a mental note to save up and buy another one in the future.

As I pulled the cloak out of my inventory, my lips twitched in amusement.

Taking the cloak out of my inventory, I couldn't help but smirk.

[System, can I exchange this item?]

[Not possible.]

The cloak barely reached my knees.


I chuckled at the comical sight before my laughter transitioned into a sigh of resignation. Ah, well, next time I should carefully consider the dimensions before making a purchase.

Having spent 200 Points on fried meat and various fruits, I sat down to satisfy my hunger.

A branch snapped nearby, causing me to pause my meal. I swiftly leaped onto a tree trunk adorned with lush leaves and observed the newcomer.

It was the beast that I had recently saved. Sniffing the air, it hurried towards the tree where I had perched.

A solitary tear welled up in my eye. He remembered who saved him.

His black eyes shimmered in the rays of the setting sun. Just as I was about to descend back to the ground, an unbearably cold air enveloped the surroundings.

A faint mist permeated the branches and grass, silently shrouding the forest in darkness.

An alarm bell rang deep within me. I struck my tail against the trunk, summoning the Dark Threads and lifting the Beast from the ground.

A predatory plant emerged from the mist, its long, splintered appendages reaching out and clawed at the spot where the hyena had been sitting, wagging its tail just moments ago.

I swallowed hard.

The plant's body was covered in lively, watchful eyes. Its long, splintered appendages protruded, and its toothy mouth opened wide like a monstrous sunflower as it pressed against the tree.

The initial strike was as feeble as a gust of wind during a storm, causing leaves to rain down onto the thick, gray haze that thickened with each breath.

There was a whimper from the beast as it narrowly avoided the plant's grip, retracting its tail just in time for another tentacle to emerge from the darkness.

Cursing, I created a bridge of threads and swiftly moved to another tree trunk.

The hyena clung onto the threads, peering down at the emptiness below.

So, this was the infamous Redemption Plaza.

Amidst the cacophony of howls, growls, and whines from countless creatures and animals within the danger zone, I traversed along the threads as the thick fog closed in from all sides.

Flapping my wings, I ascended into the air, ensuring to take the hyena with me.

The threads strained under the weight, and it seemed that other limbs were also attempting to make their way along the fragile strands.

Just a meter away, I could hear the incessant chomping sounds, indicating that someone had fallen into the trap set by the predatory plants.

Scanning the area with wide eyes, I ignited my hands, summoning flames that I hurled towards the source of the gruesome sound. For a brief moment, the horrifying scene became painfully clear, etching itself into my memory.

My blood turned to ice as I witnessed the creature's desperate struggle for life. Its broken arms weakly flailed amidst the tightening grip of dozens of tentacles. Opening its mouth, the tentacles tore into the unfortunate victim, relishing every bite. Skin, fingers, and muscles were torn apart in a macabre feast, as if the plants savored each morsel. The dying critter's eyes locked onto mine, blood spurting from his torn mouth in erratic spurts. Seizing the opportunity, a tentacle plunged deep into his larynx before the fog veiled the unbearable sight behind its suffocating veil of death.

My shoulders slumped, contemplating whether I would have felt the same pain had I awoken an hour later.

I ignited an old tree nearby, its flames casting eerie reflections in the curling fog. Silhouettes twisted and writhed within the orange glow, resembling worms preparing for an imminent assault.

A casually purchased grenade plummeted squarely into the heart of the approaching mass, resounding with a deafening BANG. The carnivorous plants recoiled in fright, their remnants of green slime splattering in all directions. The larger specimens rustled as they collapsed onto flimsy leaves.

Using my fingertips to wipe away the repugnant residue from my face, I smirked.

"Don't lay your hands on my spoils."

The fog coalesced once again at the edges, burying its fallen soldiers beneath the carnivorous plants. It pressed closer, growing taller and more imposing.

A spell cast in no more than five seconds caused the swirling, bluish fog to transform into a raging inferno.

The searing heat licked at my chest and face, and as my consciousness teetered on the brink of darkness, I chastised myself in my thoughts.

Fool, you haven't fully recovered yet.


A sensation of weightlessness enveloped me. Had I died?

Would I witness a blinding white light?

To the latter question, I smiled and clenched my fingers, feeling the stiff wool beneath them.

Gradually, my sense of hearing returned amidst a low hum.

"Hurry up. They are already closing in."

My head dangled over the precipice, and as I struggled to open my eyelids, I discerned vague movements of rocks and trees.

Summoning my willpower, I managed to roll onto my side.

The novice swiftly drew another arrow, readying himself for the impending onslaught.

The cacophony of creature trampling and branch cracking snapped me back to reality. A horde of beings fled through the night forest, pursued relentlessly by a multitude of enemies. We found ourselves encircled within a fragile barrier, intermittently assaulted by carnivorous plant.

Amidst the chaos, a crack materialized, allowing the insidious fog to seep through.

"They're inside! Quickly, we need to split into small teams," a voice commanded urgently.

Only now did I notice a diminutive figure perched upon the shoulders of a giant. Armed with a blade, he valiantly defended a small silhouette clutching a staff.

My fingers twitched as I sat atop someone's back, burying my face in my hands.

A searing pain shot through my forearm.

One of my wings had been nearly torn off, held together by a single bone. Grunting, I retracted my wings into my body, gingerly massaging my temples.

"Get up. We have to fight," the novice's hoarse voice cut through the whistling wind, and a gloved hand reached out to me. Grasping the slender palm, I rose to my feet, realizing only then that I had been slumbering atop a hyena.

The round ears of the hyena perked, attuned to our surroundings. We found ourselves amidst dense foliage, with the giants ahead, toppling trees and creating barriers in their desperate bid to escape the encroaching fog.

"Where are we headed?" I extended sickle-shaped tail and gazed at the retreating silhouettes of the creatures.

"We need to reach the rocks," the novice replied, pointing an arrow towards a distant patch of barren ground, aiming for the growing fissure.

So that's the plan. And it's quite a distance away.

Pursing my lips, I glanced at the timer.

5 hours and 3 minutes.

No time to spare before our allies are overwhelmed.

The crack continued to widen. The magician spat out crimson blood and collapsed into the arms of the short critter.

The first arrow pierced one of the cunning plants, but there were dozens more. Creeping within the fragile protective bubble, they multiplied with each passing second.

Drawing upon the power of the Dark Threads, I realized their bodies possessed formidable resilience, adorned with countless eyes on their writhing appendages. They swiftly maneuvered around various angles, closing in on the magician, ready to strike.

Blades sliced through thick tentacles, narrowly averting an ambush on the novice. I pierced one of the plants, splitting open its gaping maw.

They encircled us.

My health stood at a mere 47%, while my endurance was even more depleted.

Exhaling deeply, I retrieved silver pollen from my inventory and placed it in my mouth.

The tiny granules clung to my tounge, making it difficult to swallow. Nearly spitting it out due to a sudden jolt from behind, I covered my mouth with my palm.

Then, with tear-filled eyes, I bit down on my tongue, allowing warm blood to fill my mouth, diluting the solid particles.

A surge of energy pulsated through me, my body shimmering with a foreign power. I recalled the words of Maledictus:

"...I shall bestow upon you a fragment of scales, imbued with moonlight. Remember, you must be entirely alone when you harness this energy. For the return is most potent...".

The system beeped in my ear as I shed my own exoskeleton and lunged towards the encroaching plants.