
The Game of Empires: Lost in the Arena

In "Lost in the Arena," the world as we know it has been destroyed by terrifying monsters, and our protagonist finds himself transported to a new reality where he must fight to survive in the deadly Arena. With his memory gone and his fate tied to the outcome of a high-stakes game that could determine the fate of entire planets, our hero is forced to battle for his life on a daily basis, entertaining the masses and fulfilling the expectations of those who have placed bets on his every move. As he navigates this brutal world, he will encounter unexpected allies, face unimaginable horrors, and discover that the true cost of failure is nothing less than the destruction of everything he holds dear. Blending elements of adventure and horror, "Lost in the Arena" is a gripping tale of survival, sacrifice, and the human spirit's unbreakable will to overcome even the most insurmountable obstacles.

DaoistGo32sL · Kinh dị ma quái
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105 Chs

Fifth Floor. Spiritual Weapons.

[Name: Participant 137.

Race: Humanoid.

Grade: 4.

Strength: 370.

Dexterity: 460(+10).

Endurance: 340 (+50).

Magic Resistance: 270.

Luck: 2.

Mana Perception: 223.

Intelligence: 277 (+10).

Mental Strength: 282.

Regeneration: 355 (+50).

Experience Points: 120.


Melee (initial -red), Exoskeleton Cultivation (initial-red), Iron stomach (initial-red), Bone arrows (initial-red), Dark threads of the Abyss (initial-red), Ignition (Initial-yellow).

419/200 - To the next level.]


* Level of proficiency in skills:

Initial-yellow. Initial-green. Initial-red. (Each level jump is equal to 5 spiritual stones)

Middle-yellow. Medium-green. Middle one is red (Each level jump is equal to 200 spiritual stones)

Full-yellow. Full-green. Full-red. (Each level jump is equal to 500 spiritual stones)



Melee (initial -red), Exoskeleton Cultivation (middle-yellow), Iron stomach (initial-red), Bone arrows (initial-red), Dark threads of the Abyss (middle-yellow), Ignition (Initial-red).

9/200 - To the next level.]



Copy of the Forbidden Land, Black Crystal (First Floor), Sickle-Shaped Tail, Cyclops Club (Second Floor), Snow-White Horn (Third Floor), Creature Spine, Hybrid Fur, Bones (+16 pieces), Unknown artifact (sharp stick extracted from the Survival Crossroads), Recovery Elixir (+5 pieces), Spiritual Stones (+180), Sword (Yellow Zone), Poison (A Seven-Mile Step), The antidote to 100 poisons (+5)

System points: 52, 335.


I stood face-to-face with my opponent on the Fifth Floor and finally understood the true meaning of "You asked for it."

A formidable creature, with bulging muscles, gripped a katana as it crouched over a lifeless foe, feasting on its face.

Upon noticing my presence, it lifted its head, growling, revealing its purple-dyed fluffy fur.

A portal materialized, and the unfortunate victim plummeted into the gaping maws of carnivorous plants.

Gulping nervously, I drew the sword I had purchased from the System Store. Our blades clashed, sending forth shimmering golden sparks that landed amidst the pool of blood beneath our feet.

With a few determined steps forward, I managed to force my sword against the katana's blade, causing it to crack in the middle moments later. Propelling myself with my feet, I found myself ten meters away from the creature, yet in an instant, it was already behind me. Amidst its triumphant hoots, I failed to anticipate the punch that shredded the needles on my shoulders.

"Achias is unable to predict the actions of the Blue Devil. What will he do?" echoed through the Arena.

Crouching low, I attempted to drive my sword into the creature's abdomen, but it seized the blade with its left hand, squeezing with all its might. More cracks appeared, prompting me to lash out with my tail, unleashing a barrage of needle-like bones.

The burgundy bones pierced through the creature's hands, and with a howl, she finally shattered my sword.


Clutching the remaining hilt, a sense of internal devastation washed over me.

My hard-earned 20,000 Points.

The creature swung its wounded arm, the earrings adorning its ears swayed in rhythm, emitting an eerily melodic sound that momentarily clouded my mind. Then, a crushing weight descended upon my stomach, sending me sprawling across half of the field, leaving behind a faint trail of burgundy needles.

"Huh. It seems our beloved Achias is losing," the announcer's voice echoed through the arena, taunting and merciless.

[Participant 137 is attacked by an enemy, suffering 20 points of damage out of 950 points.]

Coughing up a vile clot of blood, I instinctively grasped hold of the creature's leg, desperately preventing it from delivering a devastating blow to my skull. With every ounce of strength left within me, I strained against the overwhelming force, slowly but surely extending the limb closer to my grasp.

With my intervention, the creature lost its footing, stumbling and collapsing onto the cold, unforgiving metal floor. However, even in this dire circumstance, it remained fiercely defiant, its unwavering belligerence driving it to expose the deadly katana once more. With grim determination, it positioned the tip of the blade menacingly, aiming directly for my vulnerable neck.

Reacting swiftly, I instinctively drew out the Sickle-Shaped Tail, aiming to intercept the creature's wrist. But, in a cruel twist of fate, the razor-sharp blade found its mark just below my neck, penetrating with a sickening crunch of colliding bones. A surge of agony coursed through me, and I cursed under my breath as I endured yet another wave of excruciating damage.

[Participant 137 is attacked by an enemy, sustaining 70 points of damage.]

Blood welled up from the wound, cascading down my body in rivulets, staining the ground beneath me. The creature's screech pierced the air, its piercing sound intertwining with a strangely hypnotic melody. Refusing to succumb to despair, I summoned the power of the Dark Threads, encasing the creature in an inescapable grip, rendering it momentarily motionless.

I unfurled my wings, veiling myself from the prying eyes of the audience.

"I can't believe my eyes. This battle has been completely turned upside down!" exclaimed the announcer.

The air was filled with a chorus of whistles, mingling with the labored breaths of the two battling creatures. Now, I had a chance for revenge.

Extending my razor-sharp claws, I mercilessly raked at the creature's muzzle and neck, causing its fur to fall off in tattered shreds. Blood splattered my face like a torrential rain. I gazed fixated on the katana embedded in the iron floor, glimmering with a deadly edge. Before delivering the final blow, I raised the blade and immediately felt a searing pain in my shoulder.

[Participant 137 is attacked by an enemy, receiving 20 points of damage out of 490]

Was I attacked by the katana?

No. It was the work of a Spiritual Weapon. So, this creature was born with such an ability?

Gazing at the katana, I chuckled. Very well, then.

Plunging the blade deep into the creature's chest, I heard it wheeze and whimper. Tearing away skin and flesh, I drove the blade deeper once more...

Finally, as the creature drew its last breath, I tore off the motionless, ring-shaped earrings hanging from its ears.

This time, there was no resistance from the artifact, and I stowed the earrings away in my inventory without incident.

A portal materialized, and the lifeless body, katana embedded in its mangled chest, vanished into the ravenous mouths of the plants.

Amidst the jubilant exclamations and applause from the spectators, I grew weary of the commotion. The noise only served as an unwanted distraction.

"Achias has defeated the Blue Devil. It's time to commence the second battle," declared the announcer.

Following the announcer's words, another door opened, and a small black beast emerged. For a fleeting moment, I found myself speechless.

Its dark, beady eyes surveyed the entire arena, ultimately fixing their gaze upon me.

Gasping for breath, I leaned against the metal bars and skeptically picked up a weapon that could hardly be considered formidable.

"A real heavyweight among creatures, our Black Beast, flawless in its physical prowess. The first of the rising stars of the Arena in the First Level!" the announcer proclaimed.

Pfft. My apologies, but I believe you made an error in the description.

Under my mocking gaze, the monster's eyes turned red, undergoing a dramatic transformation. What was once a 40-centimeter creature suddenly grew to a towering 4-meter beast within the confines of the cage.

Surprised gasps echoed throughout the Arena. Transformation, indeed, left no one indifferent.

Goodness gracious, sir, what have you been fed?

With a menacing growl, the monster pounded its chest plates and charged towards me with thunderous footsteps.

I took to the air, hovering in front of its colossal head. Drawing in a deep breath, I aimed for the massive crown and struck with precision. A dull ache shot through my legs, but I gritted my teeth and whispered, "Die."


[Participant 137 was injured... attacked by an enemy, taking 2 points of damage.]

"Achias cannot penetrate the defense. As you may recall, only one creature managed to defeat the Black Beast. Unfortunately, she recently met her demise in the jaws of the plants," remarked the announcer.

Who could have breached this impenetrable wall?

As frustration consumed me, a resolute determination to vanquish the enemy ignited within.

Gazing at the impenetrable armor-like skin of the beast, I realized that I needed to deliver precise strikes in large numbers or unleash one powerful blow.

Suddenly, I sensed movement behind me. Startled, I turned my head and saw a massive palm hurtling towards me. Just as I was about to take flight, the creature began scratching at the point of impact. Its razor-sharp claws scraped off a small patch of dead skin, causing a bead of sweat to form on my brow.

My own attack had backfired, inflicting damage upon myself while the monster seemingly brushed it off as nothing more than a mosquito bite. Standing atop its head, uncertainty and a hint of fear crept over me.

Reaching into my inventory, I retrieved a vial of poison and its corresponding antidote. Breaking the phial, I summoned the Dark Threads. The poison began to seep into the threads, and with a resolve to act, I sprang into motion. Racing along the top of the creature's head, I descended closer to its ear, and with a single sweeping motion of my hand, I directed a large cluster of threads deep into its auditory canal. The threads writhed like a dense black cloud, slipping inside.

In a subsequent motion, I dispatched the artifact acquired from the previous battle after the threads.

The earring shimmered in a brilliant light before vanishing from sight within the creature's ear.

Sensing a tickling sensation, the monster turned around, just as I swung my tail to summon a barrage of bones. Enormous eyes locked onto mine, peering deep into my soul, while the skin on its face formed a multitude of wrinkles, revealing a sinister smile adorned with sharp teeth.

The bones inflicted small wounds on its body, yet they healed rapidly, not only restoring its skin but also regrowing fur.

[Health: 98%]

[Endurance: 97%]

The moment I summoned the Dark Threads, a colossal mountain of muscles reached out towards me, tearing them to shreds.

Flapping my wings, I glanced at the timer:

7 minute and 12 seconds.

The poison didn't work, and neither did that thing's earring. It remained to rely on their own strength.

"The battle has reached a desperate juncture. Will the force of impenetrable defense prevail, or will we witness another miraculous turn of events like in the previous fight? Will we witness the birth of that eternal flame?" The intrigue in the announcer's voice only served to further irritate me, more so than the clamor of the audience.

Engaging in close combat was out of the question. I was outmatched in strength, and even my speed seemed futile. Besides, the Dark Threads proved feeble against the impenetrable defense of the Black Beast. Unless...

As I pondered the possibility of employing a rare skill, a shard of metal hurtled towards me, slicing through the air and rending bone with a sickening sound. My right arm hung limp, shattered by the blow.

[Participant 137 is attacked by an enemy, the damage is 49 points.]

Flapping my wings, my crimson pupils locked onto the bones protruding from the punctured skin. The pain was dulled by adrenaline.

Unfortunately, the poison didn't work and the artifact didn't help. His defense was beyond my expectations.

The monster howled with delight within the confines of the cage.

Insolent creature.

A fiery rage ignited within me, coursing through my veins. As I was about to retaliate, I remembered that I would need to consume an elixir to replenish my stamina if I wanted to employ Ignition.

Patience. Let's see who else will face me in the next battle.

Dismissing that thought, I flew closer to the creature's muzzle, narrowly evading its slashing claws. With my left hand, I grasped the Sickle-shaped Tail and delivered a vertical strike across its face, only to be met with a fierce counterattack accompanied by a monstrous shriek.

As expected, even the tail failed to breach the creature's eyelids, staring back at me with its abyssal black eye sockets.

The monster's fingers grazed my wing, causing me to veer to the right and tumble into the gaping maw of another battlefield.

[Participant 137 is attacked by an enemy, the damage is 9 points.]

And indeed, this opponent was formidable.



The deafening ringing in my ears persisted as blows from the triplets of boxers rained down on me, forcing me to retreat into the corner of the cage, the bars bending under our combined weight.

[Participant 137 is attacked by an enemy, the damage is 7 points.]

[Participant 137 is attacked by an enemy, the damage is 6 points.]

Summoning the Dark Threads, I always encountered a living barrier that rendered the threads useless for a full-fledged attack. Gasping for breath, I retrieved the Recovery Elixir, gulping down the sweet liquid as I felt renewed energy surge through the walls of my stomach.

When I initially stepped into the cage, there were merely three diminutive creatures resembling gloomy dwarfs. Instead of hands with fingers, their limbs hung with red protrusions. The first one greeted me with an uppercut, the force of which lifted me off the ground. Seizing the opportunity, the second dwarf leaped onto his brothers' backs and aimed a blow at my abdomen, depleting my health points further.

My endurance dropped below 100, making it impossible to withstand a spell. I had attempted to focus on close-quarters combat, albeit with limited success. In truth, I had become nothing more than a punching bag.

I could barely hold off one, maybe two of them, but not all three. Their movements were too swift for me to keep up.

[Shouldn't the opponent be fighting alone?] I wondered.

[This rule applies only to those who can fight alone. In the case of the Dark Dwarf lineage, they are not warriors but rather craftsmen. They can create weapons, artifacts—anything. However, within the Arena, they become exotic fighters employing extraordinary tactics.]

Evading the crimson afterimages, I summoned the needle-bones, but one of them immediately latched onto my tail. In the blink of an eye, the second dwarf materialized a mere centimeter away from me, delivering a precise strike to my eye.

"Wow, right on target," commented the announcer.

[Participant 137 is attacked by an enemy, the damage is 10 points. Red Zone. Red Zone. Residual health of 28 points.]

Growling in frustration, I sensed that all my parameters had returned to their original state. Determination surged within me as I called forth the power of Ignition.


Timer: 3 minutes 29 seconds.