
The Game of Empires: Lost in the Arena

In "Lost in the Arena," the world as we know it has been destroyed by terrifying monsters, and our protagonist finds himself transported to a new reality where he must fight to survive in the deadly Arena. With his memory gone and his fate tied to the outcome of a high-stakes game that could determine the fate of entire planets, our hero is forced to battle for his life on a daily basis, entertaining the masses and fulfilling the expectations of those who have placed bets on his every move. As he navigates this brutal world, he will encounter unexpected allies, face unimaginable horrors, and discover that the true cost of failure is nothing less than the destruction of everything he holds dear. Blending elements of adventure and horror, "Lost in the Arena" is a gripping tale of survival, sacrifice, and the human spirit's unbreakable will to overcome even the most insurmountable obstacles.

DaoistGo32sL · Kinh dị ma quái
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105 Chs

Chains of Powerlessness: Trapped in an Empty Vessel. (55)

Someone's growl and rapid breathing above my head sent shivers down my misshapen spine, intensifying the already mounting nervousness within me. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as I realized I had somehow been discovered. Just as anxiety gripped me tightly, a horrifying creature leaped forward with a guttural squawk, causing my heart to skip a beat.

I strained to keep my composure, suppressing the urge to react. The sounds of a brief struggle, wheezing, and a painful howl filled the air around me. The atmosphere grew unbearably hot, as if the very essence of the Arena was boiling with frenzied energy. Amidst the chaos, I remained motionless, playing my part, snoring with all the realism I could muster, my mouth filled with decayed fangs.

The effects of the Sleepy Elixir began to wane, lasting no more than seven minutes. As the elixir's influence wore off, I sensed the life fluctuations drawing nearer, like an impending storm gathering strength.

Suddenly, something heavy jabbed into my stomach, forcing me to release the remaining air from my lungs in a gasp of pain.

[Recording paused.]

As I slowly opened my bloodshot eyes, I surveyed my surroundings. Others were already clumsily rising to their feet, clearly bewildered by what had transpired. I mimicked their awkward movements, though with my already ungainly body, I didn't need to put much effort into acting.

Suddenly, a surge of pain shot through my lower back. Grimacing, I shifted my hip slightly forward, accompanied by a satisfying crunch.

Damn sciatica.

Glancing in the direction of the recent intense battle, I saw no sign of the other monsters, only a purple trail leading further into the dark corridor ahead.

A forceful shove push in the chest urged me back, joining a chain of monsters making their way toward the exit. I kept my eyes fixed on the ground, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

My entire body itched incessantly, and painful wounds adorned my skin, oozing yellow pus.

Oh, how I longed for my needles.

Every movement felt heavy and laborious, my disproportionate limbs demanding constant effort to combat fatigue and tension. Amidst these overwhelming sensations, something far more destructive gnawed at my mind.

[Why is it so difficult to walk?]

[Your body is composed of filth, and it is gradually deteriorating both internally and externally.]


[The answers will reveal themselves in due time.]

My six-fingered hands refused to bend completely, hindered by the unformed bones within my palms. My head, oversized in comparison to my grotesque torso, seemed to further weigh me down.

No matter how deeply I inhaled, a subtle yet repugnant aroma filled my airways. Breathing through my mouth provided slight relief compared to the constricted passage of my nose, which oozed a sickly green substance.

Once again, I wiped my face with the back of my hand, my touch almost bringing forth bloody tears.

I would have preferred to transform into a fleshless skeleton than endure this torment.

We found ourselves in an unfamiliar place, enclosed on all sides by towering steel walls. The lower platform bustled with life, forming a small patch of earth amidst the otherwise sterile environment of the Arena. This particular area seemed to serve as a recreational space for the creatures who frequented it, a respite from the brutal battles they endured.

The atmosphere was thick with tension, as if the air itself carried the weight of imminent danger. Anxiously suppressing my body's defensive reaction, I turned to the system for answers.

[What is this place?]

[The Arena is a battlefield for survival. You should not possess too much knowledge about this place. Your presence here, in this section of the island, is already considered a significant mistake and puts me at risk.]

Yes, I remembered that this was a place for fighting, not leisurely strolls akin to one's own backyard. However, unforeseen circumstances had led me to this point.

Sighing, I observed the unfolding actions of the dominant figures before me.

One of them possessed more proportioned body parts, reminiscent of a lizard, with a long tail swaying behind. He pointed towards us, engaging in a conversation with a towering monster who wore a blindfold. The blindfolded creature's entire body was tightly wrapped in bandages, resembling a mummy. Despite the desiccated, cracked mouth, a sinister grin stretched across its face. It played the role of a guard, its long claws grazing the ground as it stood watch.

I strained to listen to their conversation, attempting to grasp their intentions, but their words eluded my understanding. Nonetheless, the guard nodded in acknowledgement and permitted us entry into a quieter section. The tailed creature continued on his way, casting wary glances around.

Even in this relatively calmer space, we remained encircled by formidable creatures, and their predatory gazes made my nerves jangle. Warlike auras and the stifling environment offered no respite to my anxious mind. I felt as if I were walking on thin ice, cold sweat trickling down the bridge of my nose. One of the creatures even licked their lips, eyeing the figure with the tail intently.

To the rest, we were nothing more than insignificant refuse.

They congregated and engaged in what could loosely be described as "small talk," but instead of clinking glasses filled with aged wine, they sipped from skulls of various sizes brimming with eerie purple liquid. The metallic tang of blood hung in the air, mingling with the nauseating stench of decay.

Who were they? What purpose did they serve in this macabre realm?

I made an effort not to reveal my repulsion, clinging to an impassive expression on my face, and continued to trail behind the figure with the tail.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of a feeble-minded monster, bearing some resemblance to myself, drooling over cooked dishes laid out on a translucent tablecloth. The spread covered the surface, offering an assortment of creatures as culinary delicacies.

I clenched my teeth in disgust. Even for my inner "gourmet," it surpassed the limits of acceptability. With my jaw tightly clenched, I silently prayed for a swift journey to our final destination.

I hoped that our destination wouldn't be a vat of boiling water or, worse yet, a table adorned with cooked plants, leaving an empty space at the center for serving... myself?

My imagination conjured images of us all bound and tossed into scalding water, a horrifying thought that sent shivers down my spine.


Soon, we departed from the "fun" zone, embarking on a journey towards a towering column that emanated an eerie, bone-chilling aura. The only path available was a narrow steel bridge, stretching towards the column, surrounded by darkness and emptiness below. Above us, straight paths led to enclosed circular platforms, linked by an infinitely tall column. Carefully treading along the precarious path, I forced my gaze forward, avoiding the temptation to peer into the abyss.

As we approached, the path concluded with a monolithic floor transitioning into a stone pillar. I absentmindedly scratched my elbow while surveying the surroundings.

The fusion of steel and stone in this place created an eerie harmony, as the silence seemed to drown out even the beating of my own heart.

[This place..]

[Is it the entrance to a prison?] I asked.

[Based on the data collected, this area is designated as black territory.

Black territory is reserved for two types of areas:

The unknown.

The most dangerous.

The lower Arena is also classified as black territory.

Exercise caution and refrain from sudden movements.]


I couldn't help but feel an unsettling sense of uncertainty about what lay ahead. The intricate patterns adorning the pillar began to rotate clockwise, awakening an ancient mechanism that groaned reluctantly, its rusty gears grinding into motion. Suddenly, a depiction of a winged creature burst forth from the pillar with a resounding bang, hovering before our eyes.

The wings and torso of the creature folded horizontally, creating a platform suspended in mid-air. The clinking of chains resonated like an ominous melody. Frantically, I searched for the source of the sound. Before I could fully comprehend the spectacle unfolding before me, a stone platform materialized, hovering just a meter above the ground. The rectangle-shaped platform was adorned with glowing runes, and from it dangled the skull of an unprecedented creature, restrained by rusty chains.

I could have sworn that a minute ago, there was nothing of the sort in sight. The chains rattled against the stone as the gaping skull seemed to mock us. A sense of alarm pierced through my ears, growing stronger and more intense with each passing moment. The surrounding monsters erupted into heartrending screams, their calls echoing at a frenetic pace. I could feel the inevitable approach of something sinister with every fiber of my being.

Desperation overcame me as I attempted to tap into my primal abilities, invoking the power of Dark Threads. Yet, to my dismay, it proved futile. Even as I whispered incantations, no surge of energy surged through me, and no familiar backlash of power occurred.

[What is happening?] I nervously inquired, my voice betraying a hint of desperation.

Before the 605th could respond, the leader of our group knelt down, placing his forehead against the edge of the platform.

[You can no longer access your powers or abilities.]

Then, he bit down on his hand, and the sound of his gnashing teeth left me stupefied.


An unknown force tightened its grip on my limbs, compelling me to perform ritualistic actions against my will. I found myself no longer in control of my own body, my front paws striking the steel floor as I let out desperate screams.

[You are in a place where all connections to the Mother Source have been severed.

Furthermore, you have lost your token, the only thing that confirmed your true identity.

However, you have undergone a Transformation without finding an object that can establish your true ownership of this body.

In other words, your current form lacks personality, strength, and resistance to magic. You are an empty vessel.

Even your predator instincts wither with each passing moment.]

As the system outlined these grim facts, my situation began to crystallize before me.