
The Game of Empires: Lost in the Arena

In "Lost in the Arena," the world as we know it has been destroyed by terrifying monsters, and our protagonist finds himself transported to a new reality where he must fight to survive in the deadly Arena. With his memory gone and his fate tied to the outcome of a high-stakes game that could determine the fate of entire planets, our hero is forced to battle for his life on a daily basis, entertaining the masses and fulfilling the expectations of those who have placed bets on his every move. As he navigates this brutal world, he will encounter unexpected allies, face unimaginable horrors, and discover that the true cost of failure is nothing less than the destruction of everything he holds dear. Blending elements of adventure and horror, "Lost in the Arena" is a gripping tale of survival, sacrifice, and the human spirit's unbreakable will to overcome even the most insurmountable obstacles.

DaoistGo32sL · Kinh dị ma quái
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105 Chs

Bargaining with Shadows: A Deal with Death. (93)

Stroking the communication stone in my hands, I met the fighters of the Infernal Legion. They prostrated themselves as soon as they saw me.

"General of the Third Battalion, the Leader wants to see you," one of them informed me.

Although they couldn't confront me directly, each of them clutched an explosion talisman for the worst-case scenario. A wry smile played on my lips as I heard the clinking of steel armor. They lowered their eyes, but even in their casual movements, there was a hint of contempt.

I simply nodded, gazing at the darkening sky. I had spent more than two days in a dream, which meant that everyone had already gathered.

We proceeded in silence, and it felt as though I were being led to the gallows, as if I were sentenced to death.

Boots thudded on the stone floor as I stepped onto Shorty Joe's floating island. It was a place of chaos, with fighters wandering like shadows around the castle. High-ranking skeletons hovered above the tall towers. Most of the henchmen seemed out of control, speaking in hushed tones and constantly glancing around. They stopped every now and then in front of the closed doors of a multi-story building.

Exhaling, a visible puff of steam escaping my lips, I sensed the shifts in temperature. The sky seemed to be veiled in a pure crystalline gown, and it wouldn't be long before pristine snowflakes descended.

Stretching out my arms, I suddenly heard a distant voice behind me.

"...AAAY... KAAAY..."

Turning towards the piercing cry, I beheld Mina hurrying towards us with a cumbersome bag slung over her shoulders. Purple rivulets dripped from the bag, leaving a winding trail in the girl's wake.

"You're back," she said, her voice quivering.

"Yes," I replied.

She gasped for breath, casting a resentful glance at the castle. Tears welled up in her eyes. "It's so cold here... it's like the heart of heaven has frozen over."

Indeed, it was bitterly cold.

We continued our march, and soon Chang Qing and Uchi approached, while Gosha's bright attire glimmered somewhere ahead.

A fierce gust of wind tore the yellowed leaves from the gigantic trees, enveloping us in their swirling dance.The icy chill settled upon our bodies, further stoking the internal turmoil.

"You're here," Mark greeted us with a genial smile.

"I see you've been here a while." My words sliced through the tense atmosphere like a rusty blade.

"Of course, where else would I be?" Mark responded. His eagle-like beak opened slightly, as if he wanted to add more, but then closed without a sound.

"Please." Lena, standing beside Mark, looked pale. Her meticulously arranged braid had already unraveled into disheveled strands cascading over her shoulders. She seemed unperturbed by her tousled appearance.

The wind outside howled one last time, as if warning us of impending danger. Ignoring nature's call, lulled into complacency by the words of our hearts, we rapidly crossed the threshold. The black door creaked shut behind us.

Nostalgic images flitted through my mind. Here, I had felt in control of my body for the first time. Now, I stood here, bereft and disillusioned, my grandiose dreams reduced to ashes.

The corpulent figure of the Leader sat on the throne. His beady eyes looked at us with a mixture of expectation and something more sinister. A deathly silence pervaded the room.

Mark executed a polite bow and began to introduce each of us.

Without waiting for the Leader's words, Mina stepped forward and emptied the bag, revealing the remains of her comrades strewn across the stone floor. She then transformed into a beast with a roar and lunged at Joe.

Long and slippery spider legs extended from Leader's massive shoulders, their sharp edges adorned with small spikes that could, in extreme cases, pierce skin and penetrate soft tissues.


During her attack, two of her shoulders were pierced by Joe's limbs, suspending her several meters above the ground. Swinging her legs, the werewolf girl attempted to reach the grinning face of the creature.

Clutching onto Joe's bony limbs, Mina struggled to shout out her grievances. "But... Even Greg... why..."

"Because you interfered with my plans. I won't let some brats tamper with a sacred place!"

[Participant 137, the Leader field is activated. Obedience.

The Leader field is activated. Submission.

The Leader field is activated. Humility.]

An oppressive weight bore down on my shoulders. My legs gave way beneath me.

Gosha was the first to succumb, sinking to his knees, though his blood-smeared muzzle betrayed his defiance.

"I hereby decree the execution of all vassals of the highest rank, with no opportunity for case review. You all stand accused of complicity in the murders of your own subordinates and associates. Your audacious demand to halt all efforts to restore justice has deeply offended me. I am the Leader of the Infernal Legion Alliance, and I have brought forth the Supreme Court officials themselves to enforce these sentences."

As the pronouncement echoed through the chamber,, fourteen winged figures descended from the ceiling. Their tattered cloaks were riddled with holes, much like their bodies. Winged skeletons unfurled ancient books and regarded us as though we were the enemies of the entire Arena.

The second unspoken rule: refraining from killing within a Residential Area. And the third: not to pass judgment upon allies without a formal trial.

Several recording stones suddenly erupted in purple flames, their destruction creating several hovering screens displaying silent videos.

I was there, but it was not quite me—it was my clone.

My brows knitted as I recalled Madeleine's words, "I saw my duplicate. She gazed at me, smiled, and vanished into thin air."

Then, looking up, I witnessed "myself" mercilessly striking down an unsuspecting Yuna with a Spiritual Weapon within an earthen cage.


[Participant 137, your emotional data...]

Veins throbbed on my cheekbones as I watched my subordinate's fall.

"All evidence has been thoroughly scrutinized! You have deeply disappointed me! And you still had the audacity to stand at my doorstep, attempting to take my life!" With these words, the Leader cast away Mina's struggling form.

From my vantage point, I could only see the back of her head. She stood at the screen's edge, where Greg was seated, propped against a dilapidated building. He was smiling, gently caressing the one who held his heart with razor-sharp claws. Blood flowed from two mouths, and life slowly faded from six eyes, yet he seemed to be whispering something to the assassin, seemingly oblivious to the pain.

"BASTARD... HOW COULD YOU?!" Mina cried hysterically. Her frail shoulders trembled with sobs.

The skeletons advanced as I raised my venomous gaze to Joe's smug countenance.

Ha, he had prepared for everything. Did he think he could get away with this charade?

Several magic circles connected us, their black runes gleaming brightly against the backdrop of grimy windows, where fallen leaves clung together, poised to capture the moment.

"For your many years of service... The Leader will grant you a swift death," Mark intoned, standing near the throne with a compassionate expression.

"HA, HA, HA," I couldn't contain my bitterness. "For our years of service or for your extensive exploitation of peaceful fighters?"

"Both of you," Joe retorted with a dismissive wave of his pudgy hand. "I can't endure this entire circus any longer. End it..."

[Participant 137 is subjected to Erasure magic. Stamina points can be restored only twice, health points - four.

There is a countdown to the complete obliteration of your existence.

In 2 minutes and 17 seconds...]

None among us attempted to breach the magic circle, as any Second Level fighter and above knew of the potency of this magic.

For such a grand-scale invocation, the magic of a mere pair of skeletons would be insufficient. Yet, the most crucial point was that the guilty parties would be entirely eradicated. And with fourteen skeletons, this was certain.

Chang Qing wrinkled his narrow muzzle, growling as he pounded on the invisible barrier enveloping us.

It was all in vain—there was no escape.

For this magic to function fully, the plaintiff's energy must be expended. If he didn't breach the rules or reject the appeal, the magic would inexorably erase the accused.

Joe watched with morbid fascination as the skeletons painstakingly attempted to erase our existence, their bony fingers tracing arcane sigils in the air.

His pudgy legs twitched under the folds of his flabby, knee-length stomach as the imposing black door began to quiver from the relentless blows.

The guards stationed by the iron shutters cast fearful glances at the seated monstrosity. Only after receiving a brief nod from their obese overlord did they finally relent and swing open the door.

Margot stood there, holding her breath, her arms wrapped tightly around her waist, her gaze darting furtively across the audience from beneath her furrowed brows.

"I need Kai Theron," she stated firmly.

"Unfortunately, according to the rules of the Arena, he is no longer registered as a fighter," Joe thundered in response.

Upon seeing her, I crumpled to the floor beside Mina's unconscious form.

[19, 18, 17...]

Since I had been sharing my powers with the others, my body was draining at a faster rate than theirs. First, I lost control of my legs, then the creeping power of erasure inched inexorably closer to my waist. That's when Margot's voice pierced the air:


"WHAT?!" Joe bellowed, fury contorting his features. Rumbling footsteps echoed up the stairs as he shouted at the impassive skeletons, "DIDN'T YOU HEAR?! DEACTIVATE THE CURSE QUICKLY!"

Coughing painfully, blood flecking my lips, I rolled onto my side and beheld Gena and Madeleine, who had just arrived.


It had all been worth it.

My efforts had not been in vain.

I left Gene a note with a message about a tip on Margot, so that in the worst case, he would contact the Leader of the Winged. Just before I left my castle, I contacted Gena, so from the very beginning it was just a matter of time.

The talisman attached to the fake artifact should evaporate soon.

As I sat there, I gazed at my mutilated legs, which still seemed like a nightmare in reality.

Exhaling a warm breath through my split lips, I surveyed Margot's expectant eyes and Joe's impatient demeanor.


After wiping my lips with a handkerchief, I uncorked an Elixir of Recovery.

"I have it," I said, rummaging through my spatial bag. I retrieved a copy of the Lamp of a Thousand Dreams and turned the artifact thoughtfully in my hands. "But what do I get in return?"

Staring at the lamp's rusty surface, Margot swallowed nervously. "First, we need to determine its authenticity, and if it is genuine..."

"Determine it? And how exactly do you plan to do that?" I interjected, my legs throbbing with pain, though the painkillers I had taken offered some respite.

"I need to transport him to the Survival Crossroads or the Redemption Plaza," Margot declared.

They wanted to test him to see if he could absorb souls. Judging by Joe's expression, he too understood the real value of the artifact. Observing our conversation, Shorty Joe decided to chime in:

"An artifact, huh? You didn't mention that."

I brushed a strand of blond hair away from my forehead and retorted, "Did you listen?"

"I would've listened from the start if you hadn't come to my doorstep radiating a murderous aura," Joe countered with a deep inhalation through his wide nostrils. He then flashed a seemingly good-natured smile. "Give it to me, and I'll turn a blind eye to all your tricks. Remember, you'd be saving not only your life but also that of your comrades."

He still dares to threaten me in this situation.

"Why should I make excuses for something I didn't do?" I scoffed. You, my friend, have your own fate to face.

"Are you implying that you disagree with the Supreme Court's verdict?" Shorty Joe pressed.

Fourteen pairs of empty sockets glimmered faintly, and the skeletons reanimated once more.

"You wanted to kill them. You nearly destroyed the only valuable thing here," Margot lamented, "Now he's under the custody of the Winged, and I'll personally handle matters concerning these past days."

"Don't stick your nose into someone else's dirty laundry, Margot Dmitrievna," hissed the Leader of The Infernal Legion. "Do you want to amass materials on another alliance's turf?"

Margot couldn't resist a cheeky grin as she faced the imposing mountain of flesh. "Heh, you always manage to surprise me."

You're both right. Rising to my unsteady feet, I turned to Joe. "I want to witness the power of true Judgment, and I also wish to challenge the Leader of the Infernal Legion."

For a brief moment, the grand hall fell silent, its occupants crowding in to witness the unfolding drama. Then, Joe's laughter, unhinged and maniacal, filled the room.


"Oh, I can't, you naive fool." The Leader grinned menacingly as he approached me. Yellow saliva dripped from his monstrous maw onto the summoned helmet of the General's Armor. "Do you truly wish to fight me?"

I gazed up at the creature's navel and grinned so hard it hurt my lips.

"Yes, and more."

Another recording stone came to life, echoing with the voice of an undead dwarf.

"You know, we were ordered to kill you. Ever wonder who it was? Your Leader, Shorty Joe. Haha..."

The dwarf's words reverberated through the chamber, and Joe's growl cut through the silence.

"Do you have the right to present unverified testimony?!"

"Let them verify," I declared. "I entrust this matter to Margot Dmitrievna. Meanwhile, I want to either defeat you in the black section or die there without a single regret!"

My words seemed to strike a nerve with Shorty Joe. Black beads rolled across the floor before his gaze fell on the rusty lamp and replied:

"Fine. But if you die, this artifact becomes mine!" His blue tongue licked his thick upper lip. "Of course, if you lose, I'll gladly relinquish my position as the Leader of The Infernal Legion."

Mark immediately leaped out from the shadow of the colossal mound of flesh, "How dare you! You..."

"That's enough," the creature interrupted, raising his hand. "I agree. I, Shorty Joe, now the 19th Leader of The Infernal Legion, accept the conditions set by this kid. If I lose, an act befitting cowards and weaklings, I will willingly cede my throne to Kai Theron!"

"I, Kai Theron, accept these conditions..."

This brief episode, recorded by me earlier, couldn't entirely clear my name. But on the other hand, losing such a body would be blasphemous.

Although I hadn't wished to resort to such methods, but...

[Participant 137 activated automatic absorption cards.

+18,000 to all parameters.

Remaining uses: 0.

More than 109 High-Grade Spiritual Stones were consumed.

Remaining: 397.

Sold 17% of the treasures found at the Redemption Plaza.

Remaining ordinary Spiritual Stones: 1,230,900.

Absorbed 75% of the souls digested by the artifact Lamp of a Thousand Dreams:

Remaining: 25%.

Special features:

Reset all parameters once.

Restore health once.

Difficulty increased:

Participant 137 is prohibited from using berserk mode.

Participant 137 accepted an additional mission in the Arena:

Become A Legendary Leader.


1 year.


Become the Leader of one of the main Arena Alliances.

Remain in the role for more than a year.

The system wishes you the best of luck. ♥]