
The Game of Empires: Lost in the Arena

In "Lost in the Arena," the world as we know it has been destroyed by terrifying monsters, and our protagonist finds himself transported to a new reality where he must fight to survive in the deadly Arena. With his memory gone and his fate tied to the outcome of a high-stakes game that could determine the fate of entire planets, our hero is forced to battle for his life on a daily basis, entertaining the masses and fulfilling the expectations of those who have placed bets on his every move. As he navigates this brutal world, he will encounter unexpected allies, face unimaginable horrors, and discover that the true cost of failure is nothing less than the destruction of everything he holds dear. Blending elements of adventure and horror, "Lost in the Arena" is a gripping tale of survival, sacrifice, and the human spirit's unbreakable will to overcome even the most insurmountable obstacles.

DaoistGo32sL · Kinh dị ma quái
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105 Chs

An artifact of the Dark Rank.

My mind was hazy, and I struggled to recall what had transpired after consuming the silver pollen.

[Participant 137 was isolated for 7 hours. All parameters have returned to normal. Re-check initiated.

Launch Window:


I found myself tightly ensnared by sturdy vines that dug into my wrists and abdomen. A metallic object encircled my neck, constricting my breathing.

The seated position had numbed my body. I attempted to break free from the restraints, but my weakened limbs moved sluggishly, succumbing to pain.

[The mission to Catch the Escapee has passed the test. Successful completion.

The completed report Redemption Plaza is being reviewed by the database.

27 creatures were eliminated. 42 tokens were acquired.

Would you like to open the coupon for the completed Mission To Catch the Escapee?

Yes. No.]

The window that appeared barely concealed the group sitting not far from me. Lips moved, attempting to vocalize my thoughts, when I caught sight of the familiar face of the hyena.

"Lycan. Stop it," Shorty tugged on the approaching beast's fur, and two frightened eyes met mine.

So, the novice's name was Lycan.

"He's awake," two silhouettes multiplied before my eyes.

"How is he feeling?"

"He's not going to go crazy, is he?"

The voices blended together, their noise becoming an indistinguishable babble.

The novice crouched down beside me and prodded my chin with an arrow.

"No reaction. Untie him."

"Are you crazy? What if he starts slaughtering everyone around?" Shorty clearly disapproved of the suggestion.

"Do we have any other choice, or do you wish to abandon a potentially powerful ally to die?" Angry pupils flickered beneath the hood. Talismans were placed around my neck, and the weight that had constricted my head dissipated.

"The darkness approaches, another wave of Carnivores is drawing near. Prepare yourselves, everyone." The hoarse voice of the purple-skinned giant roused the others. The magician plunged their staff into the ground and began casting a spell. Just as before, a protective barrier enveloped us.

The Lycan pressed its front paws to the ground, baring its teeth as it fixed its gaze on the faint outlines of our encroaching adversaries.

Two towering giants grasped spiked clubs and positioned themselves with their backs to me, ready for battle.

The novice's glove emitted a vibrant yellow glow, as dozens of sharp arrows soared through the air, aligning with the path illuminated by the setting sun.

Shorty positioned himself in front of the magician, unsheathing two gleaming blades.

Leaning against the cliff's edge, with sheer drops on either side of me, I observed as small pebbles tumbled down from the height, disappearing into the shadows cast by neighboring rocks. A thick fog swirled nearby, while two moons—one pink, the other gray—disappeared behind a shroud of purple clouds. As I rose to my feet, I sensed a surge of growth within me. Flames spontaneously erupted from my elongated arms, devoid of any spellcasting, and I was startled to catch sight of my shadow in my peripheral vision.

Two sharp horns sprouted from my head, resembling crescent moons against the darkening sky.

[Congratulations, Participant 137. You have obtained a Dark Rank artifact. The zone's level is Red.

Do you wish to add the General's Armor to your inventory?

Yes. No.]

Gazing at the maroon armor, I bared my fangs in anticipation.

I had completely forgotten about the invisible cloak I had purchased.

The armor encompassed my shoulders and abdomen, providing sturdy protection.

[The General's armor absorbs half of the attacks from creatures below Rank 10.


Participant 137 is currently Rank 4...]

[How much longer will I be in the Redemption Plaza?]

[There is 1 day and 2 hours remaining until the end of the Supreme Court's punishment.]

Tentacles from the fog pressed against the protective barrier, their mouths filled with human-like teeth, relentlessly scratching at the surface.

The screeching cacophony persisted for barely half a minute before the barrier fractured.

"It's my turn," the novice declared. With those words, they unleashed a barrage of arrows at the plants, piercing their eyes and dispatching several of them.

Without delay, the giants arrived as reinforcements, obliterating the assailants with their mighty clubs, reducing them to a gruesome pulp.

The Lycan, teeth bared, attempted to tear the tentacles from its body, but they proved far too swift. Its fur bristled, and its eyes glowed a pale green as spikes erupted from its back, rending all manner of adversaries apart.

[Health Window:


10,700 Points.]

[The following skills have been updated :

Melee (middle-red).

Exoskeleton Cultivation evolved to Dragon Scales (Level 1).

Iron Stomach (middle-red).

Bone arrows (middle-red).

Dark Threads of the Abyss (full-yellow).

Ignition (Level 3).


Name: Participant 137.

Race: Humanoid.

Grade: 4.

Strength: 800.

Dexterity: 690.

Endurance: 830.

Magic Resistance: 530.

Luck: 3.

Mana Perception: 623.

Intelligence: 710.

Mental Strength: 615.

Regeneration: 750.]

As hundreds of tentacles ripped the clubs from the giants, they swiftly encircled them, dragging one of the giants by the ankle into the dark maw of a spherical creature adorned with predatory eyes. It was only now that I noticed that when these predators came into contact with the red sands, repulsive ulcers erupted on their flesh. Activating the Dark Threads, I felt the explosive power coursing through the threads and charged towards the encroaching plants.

The magician's barrier began to regenerate just as I ventured beyond the sandy stretch, ascending above the fog.

A thin magical barrier separated the group from the captive giant and me, effectively keeping us apart.

My wings sliced through the air with a resounding whoosh.

Drawing in a deep breath, I invoked my final skill, Ignition, its blue flames consuming much of the fog.

"Aaah! Are you trying to get us killed, you little beast?!" Shorty exclaimed, hastily carrying the magician away from the blaze. Meanwhile, I enveloped a small cluster of allies with the Dark Threads, preventing the passage of fire.

As I severed the thick body of a Carnivore with Sickle-shaped Tail, the giant was already a meter away from the serpentine plants. Seizing the creature by the collar, I hurled it instinctively over the Dark Threads barrier, landing it safely onto the sandy terrain next to the novice.

Hissing, screeching, and disintegrating plants dotted the night forest. Trampling the verdant mire with each step, I pressed forward, drawn by the pulsating life forces nearby.

A charred hand emerged from the thicket. A gaze, blurred and unfocused, momentarily swept over me before the creature collapsed onto all fours, exhaling billows of black steam from its maw.

Scooping it up in my arms, I returned to the group. The novice, initially aiming arrows in my direction, was taken aback upon my arrival.

"You're back?" the hoarse voice expressed surprise, but quickly regained composure upon noticing my burden. "Who is he?"

"I don't know. I encountered him nearby," I replied, depositing the partially lifeless figure onto the sandy terrain. Taking a seat on the edge of a nearby cliff, granting me a wider vantage point, I accessed a Video Hosting.

The video displayed grisly scenes of me ruthlessly dispatching any living creature that crossed my path. The plants recoiled instinctively as they sensed my presence. I was engulfed in a smoldering gray fire, a maniacal smile adorning my face as I skillfully controlled and unleashed all my skills, obliterating the surrounding environment.

Yes, now Shorty's reaction makes sense.

[Why does the system need tokens?]

[With the killing of creatures above the Second Level, you will accumulate points with the help of acquired tokens, and in the end, you will increase your rank.]

[What will that grant me?]

[Many things. You will gain access to new tabs in the System Store. Rewards and Missions will become both perilous and generous. It is the primary indicator of your strength.]

[Hmm. What is the highest rank in the Arena?] I probed.

[There are over 12 ranks on the Sixth Level. Your current stats wouldn't even constitute a twentieth of their strength.]

The System replied, emphasizing the vast disparity.

Lost in thought, the image from the video I had watched shook me to my core. I exhaled sharply and paused the video, rewinding it to a particular moment.

There, on the screen, I witnessed myself summoning magic with rune incantations, obliterating dozens of plants—similar to the ones I conjured in the cave against the bothersome lizards.

[Why don't I have this skill? You never mentioned it before.] I questioned the System, growing suspicious.

[You lack the necessary authority to further investigate this matter.]

I furrowed my brow, exchanging a gaze with the hyena. It sat before me, wagging its tail. As I stroked its ear, I noticed a silver earring adorned with runes.

"It's safer here, but I encountered such madness during the day that I am uncertain of anything anymore. Does anyone have any ideas on what to do next?" the wounded giant spoke, his mouth filled with elixirs as he chewed on glass flasks. He produced dozens more from his spatial bag.

"We should rest. We'll take turns on guard duty until everyone recovers. Then, perhaps we can head towards the desert, closer to the river," Shorty suggested, assisting the magician with his medicine.

"I'm in favor," the newcomer chimed in as the first volunteer.

The hyena and I followed suit, while the two giants maintained vigilance, anticipating the calm before the impending storm. Little did we know then how prophetic those thoughts would prove to be.

Once everyone was nearly ready, the fog intensified with tripled force, swirling ominously.

The creature I had rescued came from the direction of the desert and pleaded to be left in the forest. We swiftly obliged, granting its request without hesitation.

And so, we set off on our journey.


Remaining punishment time: 2 hours and 1 minute.

The invisibility cloak was fastened to my armor. As I drove the Sickle-shaped Tail into the head of a scorpion, purple blood stained the red sand.

The hyena sank its teeth into the enemy's back, dragging it away from the magician, while Shorty severed the claws of another assailant. The novice skillfully directed arrows, decimating a wave of oncoming scorpions.

Summoning the Dark Threads, I noticed an arc of lightning hurtling towards our group.