
The Game Called Love

“Don't feel bad, it's all because you don't know how to play the game of love" “Love isn't a game” Arianna defended, sounding like a child who was trying to prove Santa was real. Nathan looked at her from the corner of his eye, a smirk played on his lips. “It is a game and the sooner you realize that the better, you're never going to get a guy to fall in love with you if you continue to act the way you do” “I know you are my boss and I'm supposed to agree with whatever you say but I can't agre e with this. Love isn't a game and I can make any guy fall in love with me just the way I am” “Okay then prove it” Arianna raised her eyebrow questioningly at him, maybe he was drunk. “Prove it? how?” “Make me fall in love with you” …….. All her life Arianna has believed in love. The way it was told in fairy tales. She knew that one day she was going to find her prince charming and that made her ready to do anything for love. Even things that looked foolish to others, to her it was a little price to pay for the happiness that comes with being in love. Although she had her mind in a good place. Fate always played a nasty game with her and she always ended up heartbroken but that did not stop her from dreaming. She had never questioned her way of love until she meets Nathan Miller, her boss who seems to believe love is a game and she doesn't know how to play it. The two go out to drink and something happens leading Nathan to carelessly say that she should make him fall for her. Arianna takes his words seriously and makes it her mission to make him fall for her. And let's not forget Kyle, Arianna's handsome coworker who she has unintentionally friendzoned. What could happen when these three people's lives get intertwined. Will Arianna give up on her dream to find true love? Will Nathan's ways rub off on her? Would she find love I the arms of her boss or would she realise her prince charming had been sitting right in front of her the whole time or would she give up on love in general? Read this book to find out

DurojaiyeAdedayo · Thành phố
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134 Chs


Arianna's P.O.V.

Arianna cracked her knuckles as beads of sweat trickled down her forehead. The only thing that stopped her from going into full panic mode was that she wasn't the only one who had been told to wait behind in his office. Luckily Kyle was also asked to wait behind, Arianna glanced at him and smiled when she noticed that he was already staring at her. She directed her gaze to the reason for her sweat, Nathan Miller, or as she would have to call him if he doesn't fire her, Mr. Miller.

Mr. Miller cleared his throat before he began to speak.

"I have an important work-related function to attend after work and I need the both of you to be there"

"Us?" Kyle asked in disbelief.

"Yes, you, I hope it wouldn't be a problem"

"No sir it wouldn't be a problem" they replied in sync.

"Okay, you both may leave. I'll see you by four"

Once they were out of his office Arianna breathed out a sigh of relief, it felt good to know that she had not lost her job.


When Mr. Miller had told Kyle and Arianna that they were both needed at a work function, they had expected it to be an office meeting and certainly not a party that looked as hyped as the one they were at. There was loud music, people dancing, drinking, and doing all sorts of things around them.

Arianna badly wanted to ask if they were at the right place but she bit back her tongue. She had already gotten on his bad side and didn't want to add more things to the list of things that she had done.

A waiter passed by them with a tray containing drinks, they all took a glass from the tray and drank.

"You see those men over there?"Nathan asked pointing over to a group of four men standing at a corner, talking about something. Arianna and Kyle nodded their heads as they looked over at the men and back at Nathan.

"Those men are french. I'm going to go and talk to them, I need you, umm…. What's your name?" he asked, pointing at Arianna.

"Arianna West" she replied firmly which was in contrast to the way she felt inside.

"Ok Miss west, what I need you to do is to listen to what they say after I leave, do you understand?" he asked as though talking to a little child.

"Yes sir"

Arianna watched as Nathan walked up to the men, she walked casually towards them while taking little sips from the glass of wine in her hand. Was this why he did not fire her just so that she could help him to eavesdrop on some men. Well, anything was better than being sacked from her only source of income.

She looked up from her glass and noticed Mr. Miller was walking away from them and back to Kyle she concentrated on what the men were saying to understand it properly. She understood french to an extent but if she didn't hear it well she could not interpret it.

"There's no way we can give him the contract," one man said.

"I heard that he just started working at the company today, we can't trust him with the work" another replied.

"Don't you think we should give him a chance he might be new in the business but he could be very skilled"

"Its agreed we are giving this contract to the other company that we first decided upon and not this Nathan Miller or whatever his name is now can we get back to enjoying the party"

After that, the men began talking about other things.

As someone who had gone through heartbreaks multiple times in her life, Arianna knew how it felt to be rejected she raked her brain searching and trying to come up with the nicest way to let Mr. Miller know that the men had rejected his offer and to make matters worse when Arianna looked up at where Kyle and her boss were supposed to be, Kyle was nowhere in sight.

'Just great, now I'm alone with him and I have to tell him some bad news' she muttered to herself.

He stood with eager eyes as he waited for her to talk. Since she had met him the only emotion he portrayed was pride and courage but right now she could see that he might be their boss but just like them he was vulnerable sometimes.

She took the last sip of wine from the glass and finally emptied it before telling him what the men said.

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