
Sweating my underwear off

I have been running in a mostly straight line for a while now.Still no civilization in sight.It's getting harder to continue running.I'm sweaty, tired, thirsty, and still wearing only my underwear.Maybe running in a straight line until I reached civilization wasn't such a great Idea.------------------------"Glurkle, What did you do about the Human?" Shnerk asked as he returned to the security room, a new cup of space coffee held in one of his purple tentacles.Still looking at the screen showing the camera feed of the human that's been running around wearing only his boxer-briefs for the past thirty minutes, Glurkle answers his question, his insectoid eyes focusing on the Human. Who seemed to be around his late teens or early twenties, If his height and musculature was anything to go by.Glurkle wasn't a proffesional in Biology, all he really knew about Humans was that they were very creative."I called the boss""..." Shnerk let those words go through his mind for a moment, his one singular eyes slowly turning to look at his Mantis Looking co-worker in the security booth, his eyestalk tentacle quivering with an undescribable feeling."Why are you quiet? You told me to-" Whatever Glurkle was about to say was interrupted as Shnerk grabbed his shoulders with two tentacles that acted like arms for the many limbed Alien."Why the hell did you think calling the boss WAS A GOOD IDEA?!" Shnerk yelled at Glurkle, His tentacles shaking the Insectoid as his one eye leaned close to his face."You said-""We are so fucked!" Shnerk threw his coffee on the ground and stormed out of the room, ignoring the confused look on Glurkle's face, the green mandibles around his mouth clicking as he tilted his head in confusion."...But you told me to call the Boss if I didn't know what to do..." The Alien whispered as he watched the door close behind his Tentacled coworker. Glurkle turned his head back to the camera screens, watching the Human, still wearing only a pair of boxer briefs and nothing else.----------------------How long have I been running? An hour? A Day?I'm so tired...It'll probably be better to take my underwear off, my legs will chafe less. They're already soaked in my sweat anyway.I really didn't think my plan through, I think I'm going to pass out now...------------------------"Sir, We have found the Human." A Robotic voice is heard over the intercom of Zork Industries Security Search Ship 13-XZ."Very Good, Pick him up" Blabl Zork, The Five-eyed Octopus looking President of Zork Industries told the ships AI, looking through the cameras of the ship from his office in his ultra expensive private spacestation.He paid a lot of money to have his Space Station constructed, It'll be a shame not to use it."Very Well Sir. May I add that it seems that the Human has taken his clothes off" The Robotic voice stated as a tractor beam dragged the naked human into the flying ship, levitating the unconscious body through the atmospheric barrier of the Security Ship."You May add that, Yes." Blable Zork said without a care, he had trillions to be making, he didn't really care what the AI of a Security Ship was saying."Very Well, It seems the Human is completely naked, sir." Zork Industries Security Search Ship 13-XZ repeated its observation."Get on with your Job" Blable Zork told it, no longer staring at the Screen showing the Camera Footage as he rolled himself a Cigar that was worth more than the entire AI that was talking to him."Very Well Sir" The AI said as it focused on safely containing the Human it picked up and doing its job of detaining the nude trespasser.