

With the talk I understood that rias is a lover of manga, anime and much more super heroes plus a fan of all might plus she has all the limited edition objects of him even the pajamas of his brand.

The little girl did not talk much, but it shows that she is very scared more by my presence plus I feel a little senjutsu which makes her a yokai more than rias I comment that it is her tower that gives them a strength and resistance superior to many people she is called koneko.

The other girl is called akeno is somewhat shy, but apparently she gets along very well with cherry and Jeanne which gave me a very bad feeling, she always has a smile and has a very developed body for her age but she releases a little sacred energy when she sees how cherry and Jeanne whisper in her ear she blushes and rubs her thighs and when she sees me she licks her lips.

That action caused me to shiver.

Lastly the boy named kiba who has a sad look and full of anger, but tries to hide it to show a fake smile that anyone can believe behaves polite, but that stupid fake smile bothers me.

I just saw the time for me to stop and get my stuff ready.

They looked at me strangely.

Rias: "where are you going Richard."

Richard: "I have to go to school."- I said it calmly while I check the papers of the island that I still keep in my backpack.

Rias just puffed out her cheeks in annoyance.

Rias: "I thought you were going to stay and play."

Richard: "you can come with me you will meet some of my friends who are honey, gogo, fred and I think today is the day to bring your pet to school I have two so Amarok and Winston are coming with me."

John: "I forgot that day you are really taking Winston."

Ariza: "Amarok is more dangerous than Winston."

Serafall: *Mom, Winston always rides around in a ship that shoots laser beams and threatens everything that moves."

Rumi: "I like the crazy rat, he's nicer than Director Nezu in some cases, and Amarok is always in the park digging holes and being chased by some guards."

Richard: "rumi don't call him like that he might end up shooting you."

She just snorted.

I just settled my stuff to go walk over to Winston who is just finishing upgrading his Viking that is going up.

Winston: "my master I just finished upgrading my ship."- He said it with pride.

Richard: "excellent Winston today is the day to introduce your pet so you and Amarok come with me to the school to meet you."- I said it so he started laughing.

Winston: "I will show them what a magnificent master you are."- He said it with excitement.

Just smile a little bit.

Richard: "you can't shoot anyone who insults me or makes fun of me."

Winston: "whyyyyy???"

Richard: "because we have to maintain a good image Winston."

He understood and nodded.

Richard: "satsuki we are leaving."- I said it so she nods.

We start with the exit to see Rias who is on top of Ariza's car.

Rias: "you're not coming up Richard"- She ask curious.

Richard: "No, my transport is coming."- I said it so that a portal would open and Amarok would come out with a little bit of dirt on his fur so that he could shake it off and bark with excitement.

I just settled in so that Artoria and Satsuki could get on.

Rias: "that's one of the magical creatures that inhabit the earth."- She said it with excitement.

I just nodded.

Richard: "Well come on we have things to do don't we."

Without further Amarok moved towards the school on the way I see a blur that jumps to grab my neck to see it's gogo that behind us is her pet that looks much more like a fucking velociraptor than anything else.

Gogo: "come on it's not like that it loves to eat fruits more than anything else it doesn't even eat meat."

Richard: "Well it's a vegan velociraptor."

Gogo: "Richard don't be like that we don't all have a super dog that spits ice and can control plants and travel to other dimensions."

Richard: "Come on Gogo you know Amarok mostly just eats and does his own thing I love him, but he's more of a prairie dog that only shows up when he wants affection."- I said this while petting him.

On the road everything is quiet, we see some students going to school with their pets, some magical creatures, others normal animals.

Richard: "Well I hope it won't be a long day.'- I thought about it seeing that Ariza is coming behind us.

While Con rias.

Rias: "Mrs. Ariza why are there so many strange people around Richard."

Ariza: "Well my baby is a wonderful boy and that always tends to attract people who are like him after all he is one of the brightest minds that have been going out to the public."

Rias: "Really."- She said it in surprise.

Ariza: "Yes, he is nicknamed the golden boy because he created a non-polluting energy source at a very young age, my boy is the future and I couldn't be prouder."

Rias: "He has a name for himself."- She said it with some sadness.

Ariza: "Yes, and I understand why he does it in this area there is very little population of people with powers and he is seen as a freak by children his age, that made him take refuge in books, in reading, only knowledge was the only thing that made him feel happy with it, he impressed John and managed to adopt him."

Rias: "so you're not his blood mother."

Ariza: "Yes, Rias, my baby was not born from me, but the family is not the one that gives you life, but the one that is with you every moment you need it, and Richard, although he shows that he is very independent, he loves to feel the closeness of other people."

Koneko: "Richard is yokai."- She said it looking at Ariza.

Ariza: "Oh yes, my husband has started to make me aware of the supernatural, who would say that the man I love is a descendant of Merlin, life is not crazy."- She said it nervously.

Rias: "wait Mr. John is a descendant of Merlin."

Ariza nodded.

Kiba: "does he knows about Excalibur swords?"- He said it angrily as he pronounced those words.

Ariza: "that sword he told me that he has one of those he took it from the church because they are carrying it for injustice."

That infuriated kiba knowing that this weapon was so close to his hand and not being able to do anything against it.

Before he acted in any way that would cause trouble.

Akeno tapped him on the shoulder so that he only saw her look a look she hadn't shown since what happened with her father an empty look there was no smile or playful demeanor.

Akeno: "attack and I'll kill you myself yuuto."- She said it in a whisper that made his skin crawl.

Kiba: "i-i understand."- He said it nervously as his anger turned to fear.

Akeno: "what things has richard-kun done."- She asked smiling.

Ariza: "oh you are Japanese it's wonderful after all Richard has Japanese roots."

Rias: "What family does Richard belong to?"

Ariza: "Like to which family to the stars rias."

Rias: "No, to what lineage yokai always stay in a clan."

Ariza: "he belongs to onigami clan"

Rias: "to the lords of chaos and the beasts."- She said it surprised.

Ariza: "yes."

Koneko: "they are very strong, they don't like blood crosses very much."

Ariza: "they are incestuous."

Rias: "you can tell since they tend to keep the lineage pure and kill the half-bloods."

Ariza: "they still want to kill my baby."- She said it worried when she understood that if I went to Japan they could kill me.

Rias: "I don't think so after all they would have come to kill him if they already know where he is."

That only made Ariza more worried.

Rias trying to reassure Ariza who is getting more and more worried while akeno looks at kiba who keeps his eyes down in fear and koneko watching everything while eating a cookie that Ariza bought.

While with richard.

I arrive at the school while I see honey who hugs me with emotion.

I also see Fred who brings a very fat bulterrier dog.

Honey: "how are you Richard and I see that you came with amarok and Winston, it has been a while since I have seen him."

Winston: "It's a pleasure to see you again, thinking that I should be more compatible with my master."- He said as he opened the main gate.

Honey blushed a little at the comment.

As I watch as more people arrive to see Amarok while some of the magical creatures behave intimidatingly when they feel his presence only for him to start digging a hole and relax in it.

Richard: "it's a mistake to let you coexist with the prairie dogs."- I said it so he would just stick his head out and bark with excitement.

I just stroked his head to continue watching Ariza arrive with the others.

Rias a little nervous and apologizing every now and then while akeno who keeps a friendly smile, but looks very tenacious while a kiba who trembles slightly while koneko is eating a lot of candy.

Rias: "sorry I think I scared your mom."- She said it worried.

Richard: "you told her about the onigami didn't you."

She nodded nervously.

Richard: "don't worry I have to thank you because you saved me from having to tell her."- I said it to pat her head.

Honey: "Richard and who is she?"- She asked with a smile, but she had a very aggressive look on her face, staring at her more developed breasts.

Richard: 'And I thought that at this age physical appearance didn't matter much to them.'

[well we women will always see the disadvantages we can have with a potential contender at times].

Richard: 'I see.'

'Don't you think that rias' behavior became a little arrogant, puffing out her chest even more when she saw honey looking at her more.'

Richard: 'this is going to be a longer day.'- I thought about it while I try to avoid honey to give him any chemical to teach him.

I just jumped in to avoid any unnecessary fights.

With rumi.

She can be seen skipping around the buildings while straining her hearing to hear any distinguishable sound.

Rumi: "sure you can worry about me."- She thought about it remembering what was talked about at dinner.

She just clenched her fists.

Rumi: "I don't need anyone's concern and help.'- she thought annoyed.

Rumi: "I have always taken care of myself since I was in the orphanage since I lost my parents."- She muttered it annoyed.

She thought as Richard hugged her saba on the bed and the feeling of tranquility she got that she hasn't felt for a long time just denied to look back in front of her.

Rumi: 'I don't need your help and I'll tell you that to your face when we meet at the house I won't mind.'- She thought with determination.

She heard the sound of gunshots to stop and move to where the noise is to see something peculiar a person who has two robots that he uses as fire reinforcement while a third robot loads the stolen money to a minivan.

Rumi: 'now they use machines to facilitate their robberies.'- She thought about it to get into position and shoot out towards the thief who was controlling them.

Only for him to see how the machines notice her, but she manages to see a pole she has nearby to propel herself to avoid the volley of shots that was in her direction.

Thief: "I see you arrived."- He said excitedly.

Thief: "Alpha model, get out."- He said it so that in the minivan heavy footsteps could be heard.

A machine came out one very different from the others that he controls this one has four cameras that he can direct like eyes plus his body looks thin and very light plus his feet look very different they look faster his knees are inverted to what a human would have more like a bird's plus they look like pistons that can contract he has a height of one meter 78 centimeters plus he has mostly a beige color and only a striking yellow on his chest.

Thief: "What do you think."

Rumi: "a piece of junk that I just have to smash."

The thief just laughed and denied.

Thief: "no cute I like the way you look you inspired me to create something amazing Alpha is designed to move just like or better than you so you can give me a lot of entertainment."- He said it while a crooked smile formed on his face.

Thief: "Alpha entertain me."

Without further ado the machine shot off at a speed faster than Rumi's as it began to copy her movements like a mirror.

Thief: "Don't even try Alpha, it's designed to copy and surpass you, I can't wait to get my hands on you."- He said it looking at rumi's curves.

She felt disgust at the comment, but that turned into more anger to throw a kick towards him only for the machine to interpose itself, place its arm near one of her ears and drop a sonic bomb on it, incapacitating her while protecting her ears and temporarily deafening her.

She avoided a blow from the machine that was meant to knock her out.

She separated and noticed that she could not keep her balance as she touched her ear to notice blood coming out of it.

Rumi: 'it ruptured my eardrum.'- She thought about it while barely keeping her balance.

The machine didn't miss the opportunity to throw an uppercut on her chin launching her into the air while she notices how time has slowed down and sees the smile forming on the thief.

Rumi: 'so I'll end up kidnapped and raped by a sick bastard...'

Rumi: "Richard help."

She is about to hit the ground head first only to be caught by hands that break her fall.

?? : "Don't worry young heroine mirko."- He said it smiling.

As people stop to look at the person who just arrived.

Young man: "that's all might."- He said it excitedly as he pulls out his phone to start recording his arrival his straight pose with his iconic costume while holding that big smile.

Thief: "shit."

Before he could react or do anything only the robots were seen destroyed while the thief himself was on the ground.

Before he could move a large creature appeared this one being Amarok who sniffed him a bit to approach rumi to lick her.

All might: "I see that you care about her, but don't worry because I AM HERE."- He said it with a big laugh at the end filling with emotion all the population nearby.

Without further ado he ran to the nearest hospital to drop her off while Amarok followed behind to come back to Richard.

With Richard.

While it's time to introduce my pets I look for Amarok to see that I can't find him, I just go in with Winston who is on my shoulder.

Teacher: "well Richard it's your turn to introduce your pet."

I just nodded for a portal to open for Amarok to appear people who didn't know him were surprised.

He came in worried while barking.

I feel that something is not right so I just pet him.

I feel his scent that has to do with rumi but he has a blood stain that scares me.

Richard: "Professor I have to go, something happened to a loved one."

Rias listens to my worried tone and starts to follow me and the rest of the people in her peerage.

I only see that they are following me, I make a signal for Amarok to grow, making them surprised to see his full size, I feel about four meters tall.

Richard: "Get on if you want to follow me."

With those words they got on and I didn't wait for Amarok to get out quickly while Winston gets on his Viking to follow us while Amarok takes us to the hospital where Rumi is.

I only saw the hospital to expect the worst so I quickly went downstairs to get to where the head nurse of the hospital is.

Nurse: "but if it isn't the little golden boy that brings you here you suffered another second degree burn honey."

Richard: "No ma'am, ma'am, a girl with bunny ears and caramel-colored skin."

Nurse: "yes she arrived a little while ago brought her all might she is fine she is just unconscious and has a damaged eardrum but she is in no danger."

I just had a feeling of tranquility because of the comment.

Rias: "All Might was here."- She said excitedly.

Nurse looked at Rias and the other people.

Nurse: "Oh, you've already made friends, how nice."

Richard: "Yes, you can say that they are my new friends."

With nothing more to say, I started to walk to where the room is.

Up to here.


Read 14 chapters ahead of Gàmer and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform



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