

Izuku kept thinking while his mother and bully are waiting for what the boy wants to say.

Inko: 'I don't think it's a good idea.'- She thought about it while looking at her child.

But she denied after all with the arrival of Rias in Izuku's life he has been smiling more and showed more true emotions than he has seen for a long time.

Inko: 'but I denied him that dream and rias-chan can give him that chance.'- She thought about it coming to a resolution.

Inko: "izuku honey accept it don't worry about what others think."

Izuku who heard his mother's words was surprised.

Inko just showed him a comforting smile.

While rias stretched out her hand as she searched through her pieces to select which one could be the right one.

Rias: "which piece could be fr my dear izuku.,"

Rias: "he is made to be a bishop, but it doesn't fit him with his sharp thinking doesn't benefit him and he is never far behind."

She denied keeping the bishop.

Rias: "knight doesn't know how to use any weapon that would give him a benefit at that speed."

She denied keeping the knight.

Rias: 'rook no although it will help his effort and resistance it will stop any advance he has in magic so it will leave him useless for a while the use of magic."

She looked at her tower to put it away again.

At that her eyes sparkled coming up with an idea.

Rias: "that's it izu-kun you will be my pawn."- She said it excitedly to take out the pawn pieces to show it.

Izuku: "the piece that entering at the end of the board can change its attribute and in some occasions can define the victory of the game."

Rias: "yes as I expected from izu-kun if you will be the most precious piece."- She said excitedly while puffing out her chest with pride.

He looked at the pieces to nod.

Izuku: "how would I do that rias-chan?"

Richard: "well honey reach in my pocket to get my camera to record how to do the race change ritual."

Honey: "what do you want to record it for?"

Richard: "it's very simple imagine if anyone can decide just one occasion any species can give it to them plus the human race is the most varied species there is."

She nodded in compression so I started looking in my pockets to put her hands in my breast pocket to find the cube with the camera symbol.

Honey: "I thought you had a connection to the cubes and that's why you knew what they were."

Richard: "of course I may not be a genius, but I don't want to strain my mind on nonsense like that and to avoid ending up killing myself if I decompress something when it compresses it leaves a logo of what it is."

Honey: "that's very good how did you think of that?"

Richard: "well in my first attempts I confused things and problems occurred that I no longer wanted to repeat."- I said it quietly.

She nodded so as not to ask any more questions and squeezed hard with both hands to see that she managed to decompress it to sigh at the overexertion she opted to use all her strength.

Honey: "I think you should make them more sensitive."

Richard: "I can't do that because if I do that I will have to make a special case for them and I don't like to waste time with opening it and taking things out."

As we finish talking she turns her attention to rias who starts to formulate a magic circle on the ground so she starts to form the gremory crest for izuku to lie on this so he starts to float lightly so she raises her pawns so they float so they move to izuku.

I saw the look of bakugo who growled in rage to move against so that only one arm of mine comes out to catch his head to throw him to the side.

He is thrown against a tree while I continue to watch the process.

Richard: 'This is interesting, the fusion with the piece is combining several types of runes that do different functions and another that I thought did not exist or did not know existed.'- I thought it impressed.

[apparently the demons throughout their millennia of life have been able to study all the magics to achieve these evil pieces].

Richard: "you have a point helpi those pieces are a first class work of alchemical engineering, but there is also a problem I see some runes that apparently only delay the transformation I would have to ask why is it not remove from the artificial circle that is forged to introduce the pieces it is an incredible event to feel how a singularity is created between the balance of life."

[apparently your sense of life is recovering sir what do you feel].

Richard: "what I feel right now is something very simple I feel as if the boy's life force is rising to incredible levels, but also his mana core is mutating to only absorb negative mana which is also connected to his bloodstream."

[apparently Lilith's children are completely magical which is why they have so much durability plus their level of magic equals their lifespan].

Richard: "interesting very interesting."- I said it watching as rias introduces another pawn into izuku has seven pawns were introduced that glowed brightly as they enter it completely.

Honey: "is it normal that so many pieces are needed?"

Richard: "from what she told me sera no apparently izuku has a sacred gear."

They saw me without understanding what I meant.

Honey: "What is a sacred gear Richard."

She asked what the mothers and the bully wanted to know.

Richard: "well the sacred equipments are objects that are implanted in the soul of the person by the biblical god to give them the power to fight against the forces that oppose them within those sacred equipments there are 13 of those sacred equipments that came out of the scale of the biblical god and they are called longinus they are objects that have the capacity to kill gods if you have enough will to follow."

Honey: "that means we can see that he has one of those things in his soul how do you summon them."

Richard: "I don't know but I have wanted to study them I have only been able to see some in videos but it is not the same but I am in the process of creating my own sacral team."- I said proudly.

Honey continued recording until the magic circle turned off so izuku stood up to see rias hugging him and kissing him on the lips.

I just watched as the fanboy blushed.

Richard: "well I have information I want and you recorded what I needed honey you want me to invite you."

A smile from honey grew to grab my hand and intertwine her fingers.

Honey: "I would like you to cook for me."

I just nodded to see the arrival of the maid who keeps a glance at izuku.

She nodded as if she understood something so she didn't comment.

Richard: "I see that you know what kind of gear by the magical presence is something feline, but I don't know what kind."

[there are few sacred gears that contain a feline being and within them is the regulus nemea a longinus].

Richard: "so the tomato is lucky even in choosing the person she likes and that her amount of mana masked the sacred equipment."

I just stretch while I think of the house to want to rest or watch the speech that Rick should already prepare to present the devices for the use of magic.

Grayfia: "if you want young Richard I can return you to your home."

Richard: "Yes I would like to after all I have things to do."- I said seriously as I look at my phone I have a call.

I just answer it.

Richard: "well it's richard what's up satsuki."

?? : "I'm not Satsuki-chan."- said it in a playful voice that made my skin crawl.

My eyes turned hostile while my body started to grow as my muscles expanded.

I didn't notice how everyone retreated and rias was surprised with my massive increase in strength at one point.

Grayfia: 'he turned to a stronger than last time if this keeps up his pace he could overtake serafall.'

Richard: "who are you?"- I said it in a serious tone.

?? : "don't worry brother-in-law I'm Satsuki-chan's little sister and I came to pick her up not kill her."- She said it with a childish tone.

Satsuki: "Richard don't come."- She shouted it in a desperate way.

There was only the sound of a knock and a scream.

? : "Satsuki-chan you are a bad girl you shouldn't expel your boyfriend I just want to meet him after all you don't always have the chance to meet the boy who has your heart."

Richard: "where do you want to meet."- I said it keeping my hostility in check.

?? : "How wonderful, no Satsuki-chan he will come to meet us"- She said it excitedly.

Only a sob was heard which infuriated me more.

I hung up to look at grayfia saw my look to understand she teleported me to the airport to be at the door of the private jet where we came for me to enter I look behind me is honey with a worried look.

Richard: "honey stay relaxed and hurry back home I have some serious things to see if."- I said it with my calmest smile I could do.

She just nodded, but understood that nothing was right at the moment.

As we began our hurried flight I don't know what person it could be but it wasn't someone normal the presence of her voice may have sounded friendly but it was clear it wasn't it was more like she was a new toy that she could break.

My fists clenched in anger as honey looks at me with concern.

The jet stops I just quickly get out to look around to see that I got a message where it shows an address that is in the red zone of san fransokio where I run without hesitation.

As I run I see some people who are injured or missing an arm.

I notice that I pass by my home, but it is intact, I only go inside to see John who is sitting there receiving first aid and is missing his arm.

Richard: "who was it?"- I asked looking at him.

He looked at me with surprise at my sudden arrival.

John: "What are you doing here Richard?"

Richard: "who was it and how are the others?"

John saw my gaze only to carve his hair.

John: "they are fine I managed to get serafall to take them away from this place when I felt the desire to kill."- He said it while Ariza finishes healing him.

Ariza: "I only arrived to see him on the floor with his arm missing, honey."- She said this looking at John who only grunted a little.

Richard: "Don't worry mom, everything will be fine."- I said smiling.

She didn't understand only for me to stretch out my hand to be heard as something broke on the way to crash into my hand hell Frost.

My body continued to grow so that my horns were more marked and I let out a puff of steam.


With those simple words my capabilities increased.

[your threat level is C++]

I just sighed to move with explosive speed leaving no time to speak so I continued on my way already wielding my axe.

On the road where once was the red zone of San Francisco is now in flames.

I continued on my way ignoring the corpses around me to reach my destination that can be seen in front of me.

The person who has satsuki gagged and with cuts all over her body as she is completely naked with black eyes and a stab mark on her thigh near her pussy can be considered a childish girl.

"I see you've arrived boyfriend-kun."- She said it in a playful tone.

My muscles tense up at the tone.

Her appearance is of a girl of about 16 years old with blonde hair with a patch on one of her eyes with the other of a pure light blue tone while she has a porcelain light skin with two twin pigtails that has her golden hair caught like the sun with a chafing bun on her head and she wears a princess dress of a certain way in her hand she carries a half of a scissors with a height of one meter 55 centimeters.

Richard: "What do you want?"

?? : "Didn't you hear me? I came to take my sister..."

Richard: "That's a fucking lie, she doesn't have your filthy blood, you don't smell like her and my precious Satsuki nd she would never be blood related to a monster like you."

"You're rude boyfriend-kun interrupting me while I'm talking."- she said it moving in an explosive way leading to my side while moving her scissors sword to my head only interfering with my hell Frost that when it hits the weapon starts to freeze so I move it away in a fast way.

? : "Wow, you're fast, I didn't expect a human to follow me."

Richard: "What do you want with my satsuki."

[sir see your enemy's stats fast]

Richard: 'see her status.'

Name: Nui Harime

Title: mass murderer, unstoppable, walking nightmare, grand couturier, walking danger, novice ninja, no mercy, resentful for generations.

Level: 150.

Threat level: C+++

Quirk: none.

Ability: ultra regeneration, lifestring control, inhumanity.

Passive ability: great strength, super agility, iron skin, immune to fear, hunger resistance, sleep resistance, enhanced senses, pure flower, dreamer, quick learner, bloodlust, sense of survival.

How she sees you: she sees you as a new toy who wants to test her abilities while having fun with the other people in town and wants to see what trouble she can cause without getting any scolding.


Richard: 'I see she must be more experienced in the killing capacity and she is stronger.'

I just took a calming breath.

She disappeared leaving a residual image to move to the side of me.

I only managed to cover myself in time stopping the scissors attack again so that I only felt the impact on my face that sent me crashing into a building.

I just looked stunned as I spit out some blood to see the mocking smile.

As I recover she just moved to the side of me.

Nui: "you know you're not boring if you can take one of my hits even if you're human what would happen to other of your family members."- She said it while her smile started to grow.

Richard: "I see."

The tone of my voice changed only to see how even though she didn't show it she flinched.

Nui: "what's wrong boyfriend-kun do you feel...."

She could only see my kick impacting her chest as I throw my axe towards where she is heading so that when it is about to touch her she repels it with her weapon.


She only opened her eyes when my fist hit her chest so it's only to be seen as her chest collapses so that she flies out explosively.

Watch as she crashes into some buildings.

I started to run to Satsuki to free her.

Satsuki: "Richard run away."- She said it between cut off while one of her eyes let out tears.

Richard: "don't worry everything will be fine."- I said it while smiling softly.

Nui: "you know boyfriend-kun that punch I didn't like it."- She said it in a flat tone while she is behind me.

I quickly throw a kick so that I only get a stab in my chest as I look at her eye glow red as she starts to deepen her weapon more in my chest.

I just spit out a mouthful of blood as satsuki's eyes widen in horror.

Satsuki: "RICHARD."

As I look at the smile that Nui has.

'I have to kill her.'- I thought it as my four arms reach out trapping her limbs to pull hard as she notices the look in my eyes so that she feels her limbs detach from her body to kick her chest.

As I use my strength to begin to pull the blade out of my chest so that it releases a stream of blood as I spit some of my blood to the side.

I notice how the starting limbs disappear in red threads to move towards the direction where I kicked nui.

Nui: "what a violent boyfriend-kun."- She said it as she comes out of the rubble.

I stretch out my hand to reach hell Frost by the time she's close I feel my body shaking as I notice that I'm dizzy.

Nui: "that's the fault of all humans they are so fragile"- she said it in a bored tone.

I looked at my hands that trembled.

Richard: 'I must force my humanity to its limits.'- I thought as I forced myself to stand up so that when my fingers touched hell Frost.

I just felt something enter my chest again.

I looked at the blade to feel myself lose all my strength.

Nui: "and with that we finished you were the human who endured more time with me but like all humans."


With all my ki gathered in my pucho I impact on her chest just look before she loses consciousness her eye that opens while in surprise and spits out a large amount of blood while her chest sinks completely her heart and lungs were crushed significantly but besides that she spit out a large amount of blood.

Nui: "I feel pain, how dare you fucking human."- She said it with fury when she saw my body on my knees inert.

Satsuki: "Richard wake up, please wake up don't die"- She shout it with desperation.

Nui: "well something as fragile as you dared to hurt me I won't leave anything of your damn body....."

Nui only felt an extremely heavy presence to turn to see serafall who's eyes shone in a mowing fury.

Nui before she could act a large block of ice was created.

Serafall: "Richard resist."- She said it hastily as she puts her ear to my chest.

While listening to the faint beating of my heart.

At another point you can see nui who has a satsuki looking at the ice.

Nui: "that bitch like."- She said it looking at her arm which has a frozen part and her regeneration heals but it's leaving a burn mark on a part of her arm.

Satsuki: "Richard."- She said it with a blank look.

Nui: "don't worry I will bring you the head of his corpse when I can satsuki-chan."- She said it returning to her playful tone.

Satsuki: "I'll kill you you fucking monster."

Nui: "don't be rude satsuki-chan."

Satsuki: "I will kill you I swear I will kill you."- she said it while her eyes filled with tears as her body trembled with fury.

Until here.