


In the bustling City of Glasgow, a young boy by the name of Josh Docherty was drawn to the enchanting beauty of the game that captured his heart - football. From an early age, Josh's love for the sport burned within him, a flame that grew brighter with every kick of the ball.

However when Josh's grandfather died when he was 14 he took his training to a whole new level and honed his skills, weaving through imaginary opponents and imagining himself playing on grand stages. His parents, supportive and nurturing, encouraged his passion, recognizing the glowing potential harbored within their young son, and let him join a football team called St. Convals and he played for the under 16 team.

As the days slipped by like sand through an hourglass, Josh's talent blossomed, attracting the attention of not only his local community but also those who held the dreams of ambitious footballers in their hands—the scouts. Little did Josh know that in a world far beyond his city lay the illustrious Manchester United, their gaze fixed upon him like a wandering star.

It was during one fateful match, where the grass still glistened with morning dew and the air hummed with eager anticipation, that fate intervened. Amidst the spirited clash of the two teams, a scout from the mighty Manchester United had traveled hundreds of miles, drawn by whispers of a special talent.

From the moment his boots touched the pitch, Josh's performance was nothing short of extraordinary. He danced across the field with grace, evading defenders like a ghostly apparition. His passes were precision-guided, his natural speed and jumping ability that were on display and his shots carried the power of a cannonball. The scout's eyes widened in astonishment, captivated by the young Scott's prowess. When he had scored he stood there looking into the stands at his dad who had came to watch, with the wind blowing on his kit with the number 14 on the back.

Sitting pensively in the stands, the scout envisioned a future that extended far beyond the grassy fields of Scotland for this gifted young talent. His heart stirred with excitement as he realized he had discovered something truly remarkable—a diamond in the rough, destined to be molded into a legend.

With a heavy heart pounding with anticipation, the scout approached Josh after the final whistle, introducing himself with a glimmer of a Scottish smile. In that moment, amidst the camaraderie and the scent of sweat, a dream started to weave its way into reality.

The scout's words hung in the air, carrying the weight of destiny. A chance to join Manchester United's prestigious youth academy, an opportunity to shape the foundations of a career that could redefine the sport; it was an offer that would alter the course of Josh's life forever.

With hesitant excitement and the unwavering support of his family, Josh accepted the proposition, traversing uncharted territory to chase his dreams in the city of Manchester. From this moment on, his future would forever be entwined with the colors of red, the roar of the crowd, and the echoing cry of victory.

As the curtain of youthful ambition rose upon a world of possibilities, a journey unraveled with promises and trials, leading young Josh Docherty to a fate that awaited him—a destiny bound with the dreams of a young Scottish footballer embraced by the embrace of Manchester United.