
The fugitive's system

Just imagine finding out one day that you belong to a clan of strong system users who were feared by all but for some reason you are still weak. follow the story of Ray as he tries to keep his identity a secret while becoming stronger

Idu_Idu · Kỳ huyễn
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In the year 2010 peace reigned and humanity was safe and about to go through evolution. Until they attacked the monsters that almost destroyed the world but i don't think monsters are the right word for them rather i would say aliens because they came from space and they were known as destroyers.

But humanity survived due to something no one could have thought of, maybe it was because all of the carnage the destroyers brought or maybe it was because humanity was on the verge of extinction but people from the shadows started coming out with powers and abilities that could only be seen from comics and manga and not only that but they had systems.

But even with these abilities humanity still wasn't able to protect themselves from the destroyers until humanity's scientist were finally able to crack teleportation but these teleports didn't lead them to another planet or to a different timeline instead it could teleport them to different worlds and in these worlds different powerful and dangerous beasts lived. Humanity couldn't damage them with guns so system users where brought for the expedition and what they discovered was that there were cores in these beasts and those cores could be used to forge weapons. These weapons could increase the physical attributes of humans and also some of these weapons had special powers.

With these weapons  even normal people could participate in the war and so humanity and the destroyers were at a stand still. And so a treaty was signed between them. 

You would think that after all this that humanity would stay in peace and tranquility but nope that wouldn't happen because people who got systems started making families and the weak were thrown aside. But there was a bigger problem and that was not all system users were good guys and so crime rates were increased and from this evil rose. There were a group of system users who were feared all around the world and they each had a system which was connected to blood they were known as bloody dragons.

Some of them could use blood to heal others while others could use blood to enhance their physical capabilities but one of the major reasons why they were feared was because of their leader who could control blood itself and he could even increase his lifespan due to how much control over blood he had . And so the government created a group of the most powerful humans and wiped out the whole clan of blood system users and a policy much rather a law was created that anyone who had obtained a blood system should be killed.

And so time passed on and the people slowly forgot about these blood users and they were only used as a myth or a kids bedtime story but no one could ever forget the law and no incidents of blood users ever came up and so humanity continued on until now

(p.s guys this is one of the first novels i am ever writing so i hope you love it and i hope you can stay for the growth of this novel thank you and i hope you will be ready for another update)