
Speculating on Rumors part 4

Shiori ignored her burning cheeks and greeted her guests icily. "Don't you know that it is only proper to knock first before entering a lady's chambers, Your Majesty?"

"Oh," he smirked at her flustered appearance. "Didn't I told you to call me, Asahi from now on?"

"Only if you wipe that smug smirk off your stupid face, Asahi." She replied sweetly, her smile sharp as a knife.

Hinako looked horrified. "P-Princess Shiori!"

Asahi shook his head in mock despair. "My, won't your mouth burn if you recite holy scriptures?"

"Are you saying that I should curse you instead?"

"No," he waved his hand as if warding Shiori's words off like a fly. "But the fact that you thought of it first says a lot, don't you think?"

"What the hell do you want, Asahi?" Shiori growled.

She was crumpling her embroidery in annoyance and Shiori looked like she would throw things at Asahi any moment now. Hinako was pale beside her while Natsuo and Tatsumi was shocked. Asahi fully entered the room and stopped in front of the glaring Shiori.

He grinned and offered her a hand. "I'm sorry for teasing you but we need to talk."

Shiori ignored it as she stood. "About what?"

Asahi signaled for their attendants to follow them and he lead the way while Shiori glided beside him. Natsuo, Tatsumi and Hinako walked a few steps behind the two. Though it was quiet where they passed, the group could feel the curious stares directed at them.

"Honestly, are all Emperors this arrogant?" muttered Shiori. "I mean, can't we talk inside?"

Asahi looked irritated. "Normally we can but it will fuel the rumors even more."

"Rumors," Shiori sounded confused while Hinako cringed behind her. "What rumors?"

"You don't know?"

"Know what? I just woke up and I was waiting for my cousin because he promised me a tour in the City today."

"I see," Asahi grimaced. "Well… there are actually rumors about us, being a couple."


Shiori was fuming as she walked back and forth in front of the stone bench in the Rose Garden, a suffocating silence following her movements. Asahi crossed his arms as he watched her while Tatsumi and Natsuo stood a couple of paces away to give them privacy. Hinako, meanwhile, sat on a corner with hunched shoulders and her gaze conveniently averted.

Asahi took them to his mother's garden and he promptly told Shiori about the rumors about them. Needless to say, Shiori's grousing and the cold air surrounding her told Asahi she was not pleased.

He decided not to tell her that the situation was somehow worsen due to their carelessness. It was better to be safe than sorry, like what his nanny used to say. Asahi proved himself wise when Shiori interrogated her maid.

"Really," Shiori barked and turned to Hinako with an icy glare. "Why did no one tell me this?"

"We were about to Princess," Hinako replied. "B-But you told Lord Kuro to find Shiro so…"

"Couldn't you have told me instead?"

"I don't know most of the details so I thought it would be better if we waited for them."

She scoffed. "As if I'll believe that. Nothing gets pass you Hinako, which is why you are my maid."

"Enough," Asahi stepped in. "The gossip had already spread and there is nothing we can do about it now."

"Dammit," Shiori complained and plopped on the bench. "This is so troublesome."

"I agree, but isn't it the specialty of the Fox Clan? Surely, you can cover this up."

"Yes, but this could have been avoided and it's irritating me."

Asahi joined her on the bench and couldn't help but be amused by her. Shiori was leaning back, her head carelessly lulling on the side. Seeing her like this was far from her usual elegant and graceful appearance, it was jarring.

"Come on," he nudged her hand. "Do something about it."

"Like what?" she replied, her face gloomy. "I'm sure that the idiots…"


Asahi laughed at her maid's horrified exclamation and Shiori's unapologetic face. She continued, hoisting herself into a seating position, properly facing him.

"The elders in my clan already knows about this," she scowled. "So besides your courtiers, they would hound us too. I really thought I was rid of them for a while."

"Maybe," he nodded. "Are you suggesting to just grit our teeth and bare it?"

She sighed. "We can only handle this in two ways without damaging both of our reputations. First, directly deny the rumors and punish the people who would still gossip about us."

"I am not a tyrant, you know."

"You are the Emperor," she pointed out haughtily. "It's within your right."

"What's the second way?"

"Confirm the rumors and stick with me for a while. We can tell them that the relationship didn't work after a month or so. That way, everyone will leave us alone."

Asahi's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Could it be? Have you fallen for me, Shiori?"

"Don't give me that crap," Shiori snapped and swatted him on the shoulder. This is the Fox Clan's misdirection tactics at its finest. If you have a better way, let me here it!"

"Actually, I don't," Asahi looked thoughtful and turned to his friends. "What do you think?"

"It is a good plan," Natsuo nodded. "The gossip will stop and we wouldn't be flooded by dossiers from Empress candidates."

"Yes," Tatsumi mused. "It would lessen the grumblings among the aristocracy and dispel nasty rumors about Your Majesty."

Hinako chimed excitedly. "Great thinking, Princess. Agreeing to date the Emperor will boost your reputation in the capital and that would stop the clan elders for a while."

"Don't look so happy, it's suspicious." Shiori frowned and crossed her arms. "Are you sure the three of you have nothing to do with this?"

"Of course not Princess," Hinako exclaimed, a hand over her heart. "We would never betray you!"

"Right." Shiori looked unconvinced but turned away, nonetheless. "So, what will it be, Asahi?"

Asahi smiled, his jade eyes filled with mirth. "It will be my honor to be your partner, Princess Shiori."

"It is settled then," Shiori smirked. "I can't wait to see the look on Lord Saru's face when he finds out."

"Don't provoke him Princess." Hinako reminded her, exasperation coloring her voice.

Asahi laughed. "I'll be sure to reserve you the front seat."

"I take it back," Natsuo shook his head worriedly. "I no longer think this is a good idea."

"Be quiet," Tatsumi shushed him, an evil grin on his face. "I want to see that too."

Asahi and Shiori ignored them as they smiled on one another. They lifted their hands and shook firmly, a zap of electricity traveled from their intertwined fingers but both ignored it in favor of the excitement they felt. They had turned an unforeseen disaster into an amazing opportunity. Now that freedom is within their grasp, Shiori and Asahi would take it with both hands.

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