
Speculating on Rumors part 1

"I heard, they rode together while sharing a horse."

"Oh, I actually saw them. And you know what?"


"Her Highness's arms were wrap around His Majesty's waist."

"It was the same when they came back, the Princess was all smiles while His Majesty walked with her, his arms full of gifts."

"How romantic."

"Do you think we're finally going to have a new Empress?"

"I hope so."

Natsuo cleared his throat. He was quietly standing behind the gathered maids as they bent their heads, gossiping. He was irritated because the sun has not risen properly yet the grapevine in the Jade Palace was already active.

"L-Lord Natsuo."

"How may we help you sir?"

The women stiffen when they sensed Natsuo and slowly straighten themselves to face him. The maids were pale and their eyes wide as saucers, looking terrified. One stood more still than the others, trying to be brave. The rest hid behind her, trembling.

Natsuo sighed and gazed upwards. "It's fine, just start working."

"Yes, My Lord." The maids replied in unison and scurried away.

People in the palace gossiped none-stop about Emperor Asahi and Princess Shiori's relationship. It was all everyone talked about. Even the stuffy nobles whisper about the couple behind their pipe and fans.

Natsuo's ears meanwhile, rang in exasperation as he dazedly walked to the Emperor's office. He lost sleep from thinking of precautions for yesterday's incident. But how could he hope to stop rumors about them if it was already this widespread? The Emperor shouldn't be this careless if he plans to stay away from plotting court ladies who aspires to be the next Empress.

"Good morning my friend."

"What's so good about the morning?" Natsuo grumbled with a scowl.

"Now, now, don't be like that," Tatsumi admonished him lightly. "His Majesty came back safe, isn't that a relief?"

He was already waiting in the office when Natsuo came. Unlike him, Tatsumi looked lively and well-rested. Even his cheerful voice got on Natsuo's nerves.

"Yes," he snapped, running a frustrated hand on his already disheveled hair. "Only to make the rumors worse!"

"I'm certain that we can fix this." Tatsumi tapped his friend's shoulder for support.

"Why, did he have to walk her in the Indigo Villa, anyway?"

"Well, maybe, he was charmed by her?" Tatsumi mused.


"Think about it," Tatsumi ticked his fingers one by one to make his point. "His Majesty has been talking about the Fox Princes none-stop, he also never went out with a lady, except her. They call each other with their given names, he gave her unrestricted access in the Imperial Archives which was unheard of and, I saw him hugging her from behind that one time."

"Why, am I just hearing about this now?"


"Wait," Natsuo's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Why are you so calm about this, Tatsumi? Normally, you would have work with the Rat Clan to stop the rumors by now."

"Yes, yes," Tatsumi said, quickly standing as he studiously gathered his things. "I'm actually on my way there when you came."

Natsuo's gaze drifted down to see colorful paper objects scattered on the desk. A half-empty teacup was beside it and a plate of steamed buns was also there.

Natsuo quickly grabbed Tatsumi's arm and twisted it before he could pass. "Nice try, bastard. Did you really think I wouldn't notice?"

"Hey, don't get violent," Tatsumi shook his arm free. "This is His Majesty's doing, why are you angry at me?"

"Because you wouldn't be this calm if you didn't know something!"

"I already told you what I know!"

"What is happening here?" Asahi asked and wiped his eyes as if clearing them. "And aren't the two of you too old for such games?"

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