
I'm Katherine

The truck stopped and Katherine is still going through the process of converting the sinister energy into her own power. The dark energy had put her on the verge of another breakthrough to gaining her second tail. Katherine had baked herself in the cleansing herbal bath to hasten the increase of her physical strength.

Her spriritual power is the factor that needs replenishment and increase in quantity and quality in order to advance and grow her tails. They come with fox mystical abilities which requires different types of world energies to fulfill. The order of the tail ability she is able to gain depends on the type of energy she is able to absorb and turn into her power.

"I heard the entire Pheonix team was almost wiped out in order to acquire this body. Be careful not to damage it with your crude handling." A woman in a white coat said to a group of vampires who are moving Katherine to the experimental facility. This woman is a witch who also studied science for decades now. Trying to find ways for magic and science to benefit the organisation.

Her name is Linda and her favourite thing to do is discovering new magical and science theories that have never been studied before. She is also one of the most important people for this organisation as some of the potent poisons and cures were discovered and studied by her team.

She is happy here, she gets to do any experimental data collection without the red tape in the human world. She honestly couldn't wait to start on the new subject, it has been a few years since she had something new to study but the higher ups had put it on hold until all the leaders came to the annual meeting.

This facility is only one of the many that the organisation has under its belt. They have an annual meeting to discuss 'business' that Linda is only ever part of when she makes a significant breakthrough in her research. She doesn't mind this too much because she doesn't want to be slowed down by the world of leadership.

She can wait, but she really wants to fix her eyes on her next subject. When the vampires gave her disgusted looks, It is a known fact that she likes to experiment on people. The higher ups like to send prisoners to her and she will then have them go through horrible experiments and call it the science of magic. They call her the mad witch scientist.

Linda doesn't mind them. She rushed to open the coffin only to be repelled by powerful magic. She is not linked with the other witches if she was linked to them she would have seen the barrier covering the entire coffin. She sneers at this little trick meant to keep her in line. "Nothing I can't handle. Those field witches think they run this place. Just because they can fight doesn't mean they are better than me. I am the one who came up with those powerful spells they use in battle. Do they think me a fool to give them weapons without first obtaining a counter?"

Linda opened a heavely spelled draw and took out a powdery substance in a small transparent container. She took out a handful of the powder and sprinkled it all over the coffin. She then stepped back as the barrier turned red and then blood red, the colour kept deepening and then it started expanding outward until it exploded shaking the entire lab.

"Humph" To think they used the high level of magical spell on a prank. It is obvious they are bored. She scoffed and proceeded to open the coffin. Upon seeing the peaceful expression of the corpse, she gasped in amazement at her beauty.

"This is the face that decimated the most powerful team in the organisation? She seems nice. Those guys were not very nice to me. You will be nice to me wont you? Of course you will. Dead people are the nicest people. They lay there and let me do whatever experiment I want to do on them without giving me hate filled eyes or insults."

"I'm sure you're wondering where you are and who I am, since you are so beautiful and you will be my partner for who knows how long? I am Dr Linda Frost. And since your eyes are closed I'll tell you how I look. I have brown eyes shaped like the almond peanuts. Full red lips and a red hair which I cut regularly so it is neat and short. 1'8 metres tall."

"Between you and me, I used to be 1'5 and I came up with this fun growth potion in the early nineties. Unfortunately it also promoted growth for the nails an hair. I'll be performing surgery and my nails would bust out of the latex gloves. Don't get me started on my hideously coloured hair. I went to sleep one time and woke up with it reaching my knees." Linda complained.

"Anyways, the brutes didn't bring me any information about you so I can't can't call your name yet. I can wait, they will probably ask me to perform and autopsy in the open surgery room. They are pervets like that, but who can blame them? You did wipe the floor with their most capable team. And not to mention you are very interesting."

"I haven't watched the footage but I heard you could take things out of nowhere. They probably think if we cut you open, treasure will fall off your body. Don't they know such things are not possible? But then again, stranger things have happened, am I right?" Linda seemed to be very happy to have someone to talk to or more specifically to speak at.

"Their thinking is simple. I think you have access to another location where you store your items and can retrieve them at will. This is not the world with space rings and other mythical items like that. But you would have to have a point of contact with your storage, an enchanted item or a mark on the body. It can't be a body part right? You would need to have deep knowledge on teleportation magic as well." Linda looked at Katharine's head with obsession.

"I can't wait to find out all your secrets inside your brain. Just who are you?" Linda mummers.

"I'm Katherine. Nice to meet you Dr Linda Frost." Katherine said directly inside her brain.

Linda's entire body froze for a moment before she tried to scream and alert someone to come help her. Katherine has been inside her head for a while now. It is the first thing she did after the barrier got broken. While Linda is marvelling at her appearance and her deeds, Katherine had been busy studying the entire facility structure and all the monitoring cameras location.

"You are an organised individual Dr Frost. Everything is neatly placed in its place. It's a very clean place up here." Katherine continued speaking when she was done freezing Linda so she wouldn't make a sound or move a muscle.

"It's okay Linda you can not talk outloud but you can think talk with me." Katherine said in amusement. Linda tried to organize her thoughts and when she felt ready she spoke.

"How are you in my head? Are you psychic?" Her mental voice asked. Hearing her questions Katherine giggled.

"I guess I am. Your mental voice is very firm. You must have very strong mental fortitude." Katherine commented.

"Why are you inside my head? Do you want some information from me? Or there's more?" Linda's stable voice asked.

"I wanted to get the map of the place. Thank you for being distracted enough for me to get that which I seek."

"Then why alert me at all if you were done already?"

"Because I wanted to introduce myself to you. You seem lonely but brilliant. I have always admired people who work hard and are brilliant at their chosen fields. So hello." Katherine said without the earlier amusement.

"Thank you. But I don't believe that's all. What is it that you want?"

"Right. Smart people are easier to talk to. I want to know what this place is and who is in charge. I could have gotten the information myself but I was starting to feel sorry for you speaking with my dead body out there."

"I can't divulge that information. They put a lock on it." Linda said for the first time with trepidation. If something goes wrong her brain will be fried.

"Yes I know, this is why you are just going to think about his or her face and I'll collect it from you. I am already inside your brain and I didn't want to disturb that locked information myself, in case I flood your brain with whatever will explode in here to destroy everything." Katherine answered truthfully.

"What if something goes wrong?" Linda asks with apprehension.

"Whomever locked the information did so in guard against someone who will go through your memories and not for someone who will read your thoughts as they come, now go ahead and think about the last time you met the leader." Katherine coaxed gently.

"Why would I sell my home to you? I don't know you." Linda hearing her brain is safe came back to her senses.

"Because I am inside your head. Do you know how much power I have over you while in here? I can rewrite your entire life's worth of memories and make myself to be some long lost sister you have been secretly searching for using your employer's resources."

I can change your preferences on sexuality, I can make you have a special taste for human meat. Do you want to try it?" Katherine asked with a sadistic tone that made Linda's hair stand.

"I may have left something crucial in my introduction Dr Frost let me introduce myself again. Hi, I'm Katherine Pierce. I am a bad kitten. I am what they call an evil incarnate. I have ways to make your current life turn horribly wrong. Linda."

"Most people think the important part of the body is the heart. But I'll tell you right now your brain is what seperate you from an animal, it is the real engine. When the humans had less than 6% thinking capacity all they did was eat, sleep, mate and repeat. It was the brain that made them speak, build traps, learn other animals habits so they can hunt them better. Without the use of this very clean and meticulously kept space of yours. You. Are. Nothing but an animal."

"You know what happens to the animals? We eat them. If we don't like the taste we chop them up and feed them to other animals we want to fatten up so we can eat them. Tell me Linda, is that what you want? To be gutted into pieces like a fish and then fed to the lobsters? I do have a particular taste for lobster. I wonder how it will taste if it is fed witch meat? I imagine the reminent magic will make it taste like those spirit animals with mystical qi. God's, I'm salivating." She made a smacking sound like a kid drooling.

"Please.... Stop!" Linda is a scientist and is used to gruesome scenes but it wasn't about someone eating her meat.

"But that was just one example I have plenty more fun things that can happen to you because I went and opened a classified file inside your brain and the booby traps exploded your vains. I know I'm talking relaxed and dancing on land mines pretending they are Daisies but .... " She doesn't get to finish before A person came up wearing a blue suit and a cream white shirt.

In the memories he seats on the head of the table as Linda presented her breakthrough in her research. Piercing blue eyes that showed no emotions. Very handsome, very cold. It is what's behind his eyes that interest Katherine. A brewing black whole that overflows with darkness. But there is something else, the way he carries himself as if he is of nobility. The kind of arrogance that is Fostered from childhood.

Katherine had spent years studying people's micro expressions she can tell this man thinks very highly of himself and is a bit of a neat freak. He reminds her of someone.

"Well, we are done now right?" Linda feeling the stretched out silence asks Katherine who laughed.

"Yes. All is well, your brain is safe. You normally go home during this time right? Forget about me and our conversation Linda. I will see you tomorrow." Katherine compelled her and Linda did as asked. Linda came back to find herself standing there gazing at Katharine's dead body. She laughed at herself feeling like she needs to go out more.

Two tails of her fox beast comes with two mystical abilities but the part that interest her is the boost in her mental strength even her mental space upgrades. She is able to use her mind in a bigger scale than before. She had trouble lifting up a person before but now, she can lift an entire group of people and herself into the air using the power of her mind.

She can definitely lift a small car and smash it into someone. She feels powerful. Power sure is intoxicating. The hum of her channels as she pulls on the mystical abilities of her tails fills her with joy. Katherine can admit that she misses the feeling of absolute strength but being lowered to the levels of mortals have taught her a good lesson.

Never underestimate your enemies. Which is why she is not going in blazing as it's her most preferred choice of handling things but instead she is lying inside her coffin.... plotting. This meeting they are having is probably about what to do with her Vampires who had shown immense Strength. These old people wouldn't want their throne to be challenged.

The world works the same everywhere no matter if it is mortals of celestial beings. The powerful wants to retain control while the weak wants power. It is a cycle.

The wonder twins failed at convincing Bonnie to come up with a way that will stop Elena from turning into a Vampire. Damon is pushing for her to feed but Stefan wants her to remain human. They had been in an awkward situation before she died but they had been dating before so it is easier for him to assume the position of babysitter.

Damon felt he is also in equal standing with his brother. Elena had said she can't choose between them which may suggest he can still win the love of the woman he loves deeply. He and Damon are fighting over what to do, Damon wants her to feed as soon as possible while Stefan wants her to wait for a solution from Bonnie. Elena wants to wait too. She doesn't want to be a Vampire.

Alaric may have died but he had made sure the council is aware of every Vampire in the town and all the accomplices who habor such creatures. The entire council is planning to clean up and get rid of all vampires and take away the power of the accomplices including the mayor.

Jake lost a coin toss, now he has to go give Elena a letter that Katherine had prepared a while a go, in case Elena turns and she is not in town for some reason. Katherine had foresaw that Elena would be reluctant to feed because she had previously made it clear she doesn't want to turn. Katherine couldn't risk Elena turning and then making ill informed decisions about the Salvatore brothers.

Jake went to Elena's home and knocked on the door. He and the rest of the pack had minimized their activities in the town while Klaus and his 18 werewolves were patrolling looking for his mother and then making the entire town into a war zone between the Mikaelson family siblings and the mother.

They have spent this entire time drinking from the barrel given by Katherine before her departure. She had told them not to follow because the enemy is in the dark while she will be in the light when she gets there. They will listen to their clan leader and stay put. The new Vampire hunter saw Jake and planned to kidnap him and kill him off to use his venom but still needed to ensure he doesn't have a pack so Conner started following Jake.

Jake can feel eyes on him as if a creepy sensation at the back of his neck making his hair stand on end. He decided to pretend he can not see it because the enemy is in the dark. "Can I help you?" Damon still pissed off from his fight from earlier with Stefan opens the door and find Jake.

"I have come to deliver something to Elena Gilbert under the orders of one Katherine Pierce upon her death." Jake said with a doosh tone making Damon angry. Damon wants to attack him but Jake flash him his werewolf eyes making Damon halt his movements.

"Please inform miss Gilbert she has a delivery to sign for." Jake says with a smile.

"What is it?" Elena came down because of the sounds. She sees Jake and is surprised to know Katherine had left her a letter in the event she turns.

"Thank you." Jake gives her a letter and a small box.

"The letter will explain what is in the box. Good luck miss Gilbert, happy decision making." Jake flashed her a dazzling smile before turning around and leaving.

"I don't recommend reading a letter from the evil one." Damon tried to take the letter away from her but Stefan stand in his way making Damon frown.

"These are all about the three of us. I see your names all over." Elena ignored their little spat and read the first page.

Dear Elena.

I am saddened by my absence during this monumental date. You have died. How? I wonder. Anyways, I wanted to say I told you so. Now, I know what is going on in your always 'save me' little head of yours. First you had your only living parent die in order for you to remain human. If you feed and turn you feel like his sacrifice was all in vain. Which is true.

Before your high emotions make you throw the letter away. Remember Elena, I am not writing to you just to say this.

I despise you and your little pets because of Jenna's death. I can't look any of you in the eyes without wanting to melt your faces from your skulls. I guess I am glad I am not there at the moment so I can say that which I really want to tell you.

I didn't say all this before because you were only human and would die at some point. Now that you died with human blood an will be around for a long time should you choose to feed I will say it. I am glad for your existence.

Shocker, I know.

Whatever idealistic nonsensical childish hope you are hoping for to not turn vampire and somehow remain human after this, let it go. Come on, think about it. If you are human, the two men you love with every fibre will remain gorgeous and you will have monopos and not enjoy them.

On the serious note. You should turn because they need you. Both of them need you to be the centre and remind them how much they love each other. I am glad for your existence because you were able to fix what I had fractured.

Damon's love for his brother is what had drawn me to him. He loves that little wizzle and they would die for each other. Stefan misunderstood him when he swore to give him an eternity of misery and thought it was because he had forced him to turn but it was all my fault.

Damon was angry that I had turned him too. Damon wanted me to choose him in the end but what I had loved about him was not just because he was kind, gentle and most importantly his capacity to love with his all. What had drawn me to him was their bond. Their brotherhood is very strong and I wanted them to have each other for all eternity.

Love between a man and a woman is never as strong as that of family. I did not just turn them both for my own enjoyment, which I admit would have been great too but I wanted them to remain together. Forever.

I had miscalculated Damon's reaction. The truth is I had never really believed him when he said he would love me forever because of my own insecurities so even when I saw him terrorizing his brother I didn't go to him because I was scared. I was terrified of letting him in completely and of what would happen if Klaus find them.

My point is that I fractured their bond but you have mended it, and in the process you helped to end my guilt. However, dear Elena, your job is not done just yet. Just because you went an got killed doesn't change anything. You have a job to do and the only way you can even do it half way is if you have forever as a start. So, do me a favour and kill the girl,let the woman you were always meant to be get born from the flames of your death.

I am going to be selfish and ask that you stay with them, monitor them and slowly glue together those pieces on the ground that I had stepped on when I didn't turn back. Do it because only you can do it. Most importantly because they can not be functional and remaine together without you there to test their bond.

I have gifted you a single pill. It is called 99 poison cure. It can cure 99 types of poisons it will make you impervious to most known and unknown toxins in the world. Which will include werewolf bite. A Vampire who is not afraid of a werewolf bite has an extra layer of immortality skin. Do not, I repeat, do not eat it before turning into a Vampire because it will be excruciatingly painful.

The pill will change your innards to be resilient against toxins. This process is not something a mortal body can endure. You will die and it will be forever this time. Most importantly, the pain will make child birth look like a picnic.

Almost forgot about something important. I hope the blood of the one who turned you is not one of the brothers because if that is, then you are definitely sired to him. He he.... Drama!

But seriously, feed Elena. I know it will make John's dead body turn in his shallow grave... I'm excited just thinking about it. Don't listen to Bonnie who will probably try and 'find a way' to 'fix you' Elena you are not broken. You are immortal, if you don't find yourself with a stake in the heart, or that nasty business with flying heads.

Your death will put a damper on Klaus's plans to build an army of hybrids. I am telling you, it's good news all around Miss Gilbert, why don't you go ahead and feed?

The one and only Katherine Pierce.

Elena looked at the small pill that glows in the dark with a green luster. The brothers also looked at the pill. "It's beautiful." Elena smelled the aroma from the pill and she instantly felt better. The noise that was making her irritable disappeared in the background.

Elena watched the pill intently. "A cure to 99 different types of poisons. What if it can exterminate the vampiresm growing inside of me?" Elena said bringing both brothers who had also gone hypnotized by the smell of the pill.

"Don't be stupid. The letter said no mortal can survive it." Damon said trying to take it away from her.

"But am I mortal? I am not living or dead in this stake Damon. My body will survive it, it has to." Elena said with conviction.

"Elena it is too risky. Also why would we trust her? This pill probably has some hidden effects that will have horrible concequencies." Stefan said with worry.

Elena used the distraction of Damon and Stefan getting aggitated to swallow the pill. The pill melted on her tongue and then disappeared into her insides. She felt the entire body heat up as if she is being cooked alive and released a deafening scream. Damon rushed out and came back with blood.

His brother tried to stop him but Damon shoved his hand into his brother's stomach. "I told you not to get in my way again." The look in Damon's eyes is one of aggitation an fear. Stefan fell to the ground but Damon didn't even give him a second look and made Elena drink the blood completing the transition in one go. Elena is still thrashing and screaming on the floor in agony.

Damon saw her vampire fangs and smiled. She is so beautiful like this, he will be damned if he let his brother steal her away from him too. Damon is aware of how much he has fallen for her which is okay because she will probably hate him now just as he resented his brother for making him feed all those years ago. But he would rather she hates him and live than the alternative.

Caroline entered seeing Elena passed out on the floor wondering what is wrong she goes to her friend smelled her changed scent. She looked at Damon seeing the look on his eyes and realised what happened here. She can't help but smile. Being love by a crazy psycho like Damon sure has its downside. She didn't even turn to look at Stefan as she opened Elena's belly.

The two men wanted to stop her but they are aware of how powerful Caroline is now compared to them. They stayed silent and didn't move but watched what she is doing.

Caroline pierced Elena in the belly button leaving a beautiful black ring with small blue stones she chanted one word and they all felt something happening to the ring and Elena.

It felt as though Elena and the ring became a single entity. Caroline had gotten it from Bobby who stole it from the many that Katherine had made for her vampires using rune language. They are far superior to normal day light rings. First, as long as the Vampire is not harming the residents or have any malice towards a house, they can enter without an invitation. Two, no one other than the vampires in question will be able to remove it from their bodies.

It will melt and become part of their bodies if it feels malice. Katherine had used runes for weaponry when she carved these items. She had researched all over to be able to help her Vampires to be impervious to compulsion and have some of the more desired benefits for every Vampire under her rule. She wanted to be able to help them while saving herself time. She couldn't Tatoo all of them at once.

These jewelleries are equal to small artifects. They will bond with a person upon contact with their blood and the chanting of that single rune language phase. What Caroline doesn't know and what Bobby doesn't know is that these little trinket she made have all sort of fun runes inside them that allows Katherine to monitor her Vampires.

Each jewelry is a part of a hive. Katherine has the queen artifect that is connected to all the others. The vampire faction hadn't proven themselves so she had not given them the items. The artifects also allows her control over her Vampires. If any of them commit something atrocious such as turning off their humanity, Katherine can turn it back on with a single thought.

The most important function of the artifect is the fact that as soon as a Vampire's humanity comes off, the artifect will have many other functions that Bobby didn't know about.

She will still need to bond with the queen artifect first for it to work. Katherine will even be able to communicate with her army and monitor their every move. She made it so the artifect will put golden lines infront of the people and they can read her messages and will respond by speaking out lout. This is so they don't get suspicious of her getting inside their heads.

This project has not been put in motion yet and Bobby only knew what she had told her when she was carving the runes and Bobby asked if she was becoming a jeweller.

"What is that?" Damon took a step forward. He will fight this girl if she is harming Elena.

"Relax! It is a day light ring. It's a little more special than yours. Bobby called it an artifect, only the wearer can take it off. It will bond with the owner and can move, look what happens if I remove it." Caroline tried to yank it away but it turned illusory and couldn't be touched.

Both brothers looked on in shock as the ring disappeared inside Elena's skin and playfully came out in different places playing hide and seek with Caroline who keeps trying to catch it. Caroline laughed happily at this.

"Bobby, that is one of Katherine 's wolves. What if there is more than that to it? Katherine is unpredictable and dangerous Caroline." Stefan said with worry.

"I thought the same thing but she had made these for her Vampires and we all know how protective she is over her family. She wouldn't hurt them. In any case Elena can now be able to live as before if there is no accident." Caroline Said while putting a wet towel on her forehead.

"What do you mean? She is now a Vampire Caroline, everything has changed." Stefan mourned.

"She can enter any house without and invitation as long as she doesn't mean to harm it's residents. In which case she will need an invitation. Think about it, the only thing that will be a little inconvenient for her is the blood lust." Caroline said going to dampen the towel again.

"I have answered all your questions tell me why is her temperature so freaking high? It better be good, because I am still angry at the two of you for this morning." Caroline looked at Damon.

"She ate something Katherine gave her when she thought it might cure her of becoming a Vampire." Damon defended.

"I thought Katherine is somewhere far away?" Caroline didn't believe Damon.

"She had left a letter in case Elena dies with Vampire blood in her system. She did write that Elena eat the pill after fully turning into a Vampire and not before. but Elena thought she still had a shot at curing herself." Stefan defends his brother.

Where is this letter? I want to see it." Damon gave it to her. He had kept it in his pocket. Caroline reads it and is surprised by Katherine's confession about the Salvatore brothers, and about the fact she wishes for Elena to be around for a long time to come.

Offended. "And she turned me and then left me to figure it out on my own. But has time to write letters to the girl who already has people looking after her."

"It is because you are strong willed and as tenacious as a queen while Elena has been cuddled all her life. Sure she is strong but when it comes to decisions about her own life, she is clueless. Her words not mine." Bobby came in walking towards Caroline. She put her hand on her shoulder and looked at the brothers.

"Hi, I'm Bobby the backup." She turned to look at Caroline who seems touched by her arrival.

"I heard you are going to check on the doppelganger who has her two goons who threatened you this morning so I came." Bobby said to her friend.

"I hear the town's council is trying to round up all the vampire sympathizers for "questioning" I have to watch your back. What if you are killed in their purge of all things evil and dark. I'm sure they will come for your friend now that she is no longer human." Bobby said an the brothers looked at each other.

Caroline looked at Bobby with pleading eyes. Bobby seeing this realized she has just invited trouble for herself. "No!" Bobby said plainly.

"Bobby, she can't fight in this state. Besides, she injested something your clan leader gave her." Caroline accused.

"Yes! My clan leader gave her a pill, not stupidity." Bobby folded her arms.

"Your house has a barrier that can block anyone who has bad intentions for anyone inside. All she needs is a place to lie low until all this blows over."

"My siblings and I don't welcome strangers inside and most importantly, where is that Jeremy? He is supposed to guard her. That is his sister going through a tuff time and he is where axactly? He has the power to defend his home single handedly but he is a no show. Some brother he is." Bobby said without mercy.

"Ouch!" Jeremy got inside and looked at his sister noticing that she is unconscious. Stefan took him to the side and explained what happened. Jeremy didn't know what to feel, Damon had cealed his sister's fate as a Vampire when he forced her to feed but she was dying.

"He is here now, don't bother me anymore. I only came for you not all these other people Caroline. Don't make me leave you here in their nest and place of power all by yourself." Bobby warned. Caroline gave up.

"We don't need protection from little children." Damon comented. Caroline smiled at Bobby.

"I can't leave her here Bobby. Friends don't abonden friends. You can go, rest assured I can take care of myself." Caroline told her friend.

"Fine. Be stubborn. I am leaving." Bobby stomped her foot. She felt like she is being sidelined for Elena. In Caroline's heart, Elena is more important. She disappeared.

"That is not what you did this morning. Are you conflicted? You seem indecisive about which side you are on." Damon taunted.

"This morning you were going to harm my friend. Who is still grieving her mother whom you two killed." Caroline said with a hard stare.

"Don't be dramatic she is still alive." Damon defended.

"Like how Elena is alive? Did you save her by stripping away the enterty of her being. Making her one of the things she has fought and lost so much to protect her town from? Tell me Damon, what axactly did you save?" Caroline asked with a cold tone.

"Her life! I saved her life Caroline. She can now use the long life that we have given her to disappoint her daughter over and over again. She can watch over whatever little bit of family relatives she had and protect them from monsters for a long time to come. I upgraded her from a semi competent witch to a guardian of the Bennett bloodline."

"You really are broken inside. Elena and Stefan may not see it now but some day the illusion will disappear when they learn just how hallowed out you really are inside. You look at me and say these things as if what you have done is done but let me tell you Damon. What is done is never done. It leaves on in each of us, and as a Vampire it will continue to eat away at whatever human Damon used to exist in there."

"But you know this don't you? You know that you are headed for a point of no return. Where only the darkest parts of yourself reside, you know this, which is why you want her." Caroline points to Elena. "All to yourself."

"She is the small dot of light in the abyss that is your heart. She makes you want to do better. She is your anchor Damon and if she wakes up hating you for what you did you will not dispair. In fact you wish to be unable to get your hands on her because she is the rain of hope you long for. As long as you don't contaminate her and snife out her light, as long as she is alive and well, you don't mind even if she hates you. You love her that much." Caroline smiled at Damon.

"I guess even broken things can be resurrected with the burning flames of love." Caroline laughed.

"But you are wrong if you think being able to gaze into her at the distance will preserve her light Damon. It is being loved by a monster like you that will shatter her light. You will be the end of the kind, generous and loving Elena that we all love. Look at what you did in her name? To the one person she loves more than many other people around her."

"In the name of saving her, you destroyed someone's life Damon. The kind and loving Elena would rather die than let the people around her suffer just to save her life. But you don't care! You just don't care! It doesn't concern you that she would willingly jump on the highest of buildings than have Bonnie go through what she is going through right this moment. You just don't care! How could you? You are a monster that only knows darkness."

"So this light, you are both coverting from her to warm yourselves up from the endless darkness that you have dwelled in for the last century? It will not survive! It will die out because you and you love her so much." Caroline said and went back to the bathroom to wet the towel.

When she came back Damon and Stefan are drinking bourbon in silence. Jeremy had been silent listening to Caroline telling off the Salvatore brothers. He still can not believe his sister has become one of them. Seeing the silence he spoke.

"When I went out I collected a lot of information. The council is rounding up everyone who would help Vampires, my opinion is that they will come for Vampires next when there is no one left to stand in their way." Jeremy said immediately getting attention from everyone in the room.

Jeremy has changed from that young punk image he exuded before. Now he is confident and with a bit of arrogance between his eyebrows making him very mature. Damon doesn't think so however.

"Why the hell did you not tell us this the first thing when you came back?" Damon shouted.

"I was surprised to find my sister already a Vampire and secondly I was enjoying your increasing discomfort as Caroline rip you a new one." Jeremy said with a dazzling smile.

"So, what's the plan? I doubt they will get to Klaus who has an army of hybrids surrounding him but I saw him taking what blood he still has left to create his hybrids and left. Apparently he has been stealing Elena's blood without anyone knowing and now that she had become useless to him, he is leaving."

"Yeah, those hybrids were making me uncomfortable. They are everywhere I look but if he is leaving I can finally breath easily. He also looks at me funny." Caroline said with a shudder.

"That's because he is obsessed with you." Damon said drinking some more.

"That is not true. Anyways we should probably prepare for whatever they are going to do to us. Elena in this state, we can't move too far now. I wish Bobby wasn't so stubborn." Just as they speak, the house got surrounded by the sheriff department and the council.


"I can hear. I don't want to kill all these people Jeremy, what do we do? If they have as much information as you say, then they will surely focus on the both of us more than Stefan and Damon. Damon, take Elena and disappear Stefan and I will be the bate." Caroline said Damon grumbled.

"I don't want to run! I want to stay and fight!"

"Listen to her Damon, you are faster than me who feed on animal blood. Caroline will be their focus. Jeremy will be keeping his sister safe, the two of you are very fast you can do it Damon, only you can do it. Please, she can't fight." Damon took Elena's body and they both bolted.

It happened just as she had predicted, she was the focus but she wiped the floor with them incapacitating them trying not to kill them. Stefan got down easier and was transported to the car. Caroline got caught when she got distracted by Stefan's listless body and her body turned cold.

They shot her with far more concentrated vervain. In the car they found Rebekah who had come back to check on her brothers only to be ambushed and poisoned with vervain. She is bound bound by vervain ropes in the car at the moment.

She doesn't talk to Caroline when the car is turned over and Caroline is rescued by a couple of wolves. She can see they are the hybrids of her brother. Sees them leave her saying to keep the humans busy little sister. Rebekah is so angry but she is rescued later by them before Damon came for his brother.

She is less angery about it since they came for her in the end. But she still got rid of some of her brother's stash of the doppelganger blood. This angered Nicklaus and he snapped her neck leaving her behind. Followed by his many wolves.

Vicky grounded Matt her brother at home. He couldn't disobey her orders as she promised to return all the debts he was drowning in before she came back from death. Matt cares for Elena and wants to know how she is but he is even more scared to be that person who couldn't even enjoy his youth. Thinking up to here, he remembered Damon's way of dealing with things.

Damon will kill him for surviving the accident while Elena died. There will be no mercy just because Rebekah had been watching Vicky to ensure Elena dies. After remembering how they had kept her sister's death from him. He decided to listen to his sister who is obviously more mature than her these days. Damon went to save his brother but got heavily injured as Jeremy did not want to leave his sister un attended to.

The same Night the council burnt to ashes. Everyone suspect Damon did it. Stefan realised he needs to drink human blood. He couldn't help too much in the fight because of how weak he had been. He talks to Damon about it who tells him he will be there to pull him back if he goes too far. The brothers have a rare moment of comfortable emotional silent as they bond over a drink.


The morning came and Katherine's fox had already assimilated the dark power into her mysterious abilities. Due to the nature of the acquired energy, the types of fox tails that she managed to grow was firstly the space tail, it was the first to come when she first had the enlightenment.

Katherine has concluded that it is because she had been using space magic at that time so it was the easiest to come forth when she advanced. The next had been the shadow ability fox tail. This is probably because of the dark aspect of the energy she has absorbed from the weapons.

The last power is that of necromancer fox tail ability. This is probably because of the sinister qi in the dark magical energy from the weapons. Necromancy is a form of power that defies the laws of nature and the death aura that surrounds a necromancer will sometimes corrupt heir mentality turning them into the dark part of themselves.

Katherine had not been overly concerned with Mikel because of how much power she had put into transforming the nine tails spirit energy. They can all definitely resist the temptation of the dark side. But should the time come when they are not able to, she had known she will be there to offer her help.

Katherine had waited to go out of the coffin in the morning when her targets have gathered in one place. She did not want to startle the snake, so she waited for the meeting to begin. In the morning, Linda had come to check on her and get her ready for surgery.

"Hello there, let's wash you and get you ready for surgery. Ahh!" Linda screamed when she saw the previously bloodied outfit spotless as even Katherine's skin seems to have been washed clean of all the dry blood from yesterday. Linda looked outside the coffin to make sure she has the right coffin. Seeing she has not gotten it wrong, she calls her assistant.

"Yes Dr Frost." The assistant said respectfully.

"Who washed the body and the clothes? Still had enough time to put her back inside her clothes. Who touched my material?" Linda's voice is angry and if she doesn't get her answer, the entire team will feel her wrath.

"Dr Frost, I can assure you no one entered your lab the entire night last night. We had been assigned with extra security to ensure that no one gains access to this lab. There must be another explanation." The security guard is well aware of dr Linda's temper. He doesn't want to be punished just because she forgot she had washed the dead body yesterday.

"Another explanation? The only possible one is that she got out, washed and dried her clothes then she took a bath herself, put on her now clean clothes and then got back into the coffin. Is that what you are saying happened here last night?" Linda fixed the security with a hard stare.

While everyone is lost for words on what to say a slight nose came from the coffin. Katherine looked at all of them with a playful expression. "Hello, I'm Katherine." She said and nimbly jumped out of the coffin landing elegantly on the mubbled floor like a graceful cat.

The faces of the people in the room grew pale with fright.