
The Fox's Lament

what happens when you fall in love with a mystical being?

Ryanna_Jasmine · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs

CHAPTER 7: He can't find out about you...

"Shit." I said as Nikita looked at me totally weirded out, I covered my mouth and cleared my throat I had not told anyone I was living with someone else, let alone a woman. I stood up and headed to the window and looked out, Cash...what was I going to say?

"Kingsley, I'm sure he'll understand the situation If you just explained it slowly. That's what you did for him." She said walking towards me. I shook my head and looked out at the view. London was pretty chilly to say the less.

"Cash is my best friend, he has been there for me since the time I can remember he's not much of a danger, you don't need to worry. What I'm worried about is when he's going to get here." I said as she stepped next to me.

"If that's the case, I'm not worried if you aren't. Now, I have a new problem, it's about my diet. And I think I'm getting affected by it, and very soon I won't be able to take it." She said.

"Is...Is it about the fact that you eat humans to survive? Is...Should I be worried?" He asked and she laughed at his concerned face.

"No, Oh God no, there's nothing for you to be worried about trust me, You are my host, I need you, but I'm going to have to find a way to subside it. But there is another way although I wouldn't burden you with it." She said. Her tone seemed concerning and her fingers were shaking too. For some reason I really didn't want to know, but human nature refuses to admit otherwise.

"What is it? Is it something that I can help with?....Nikita, tell me I'll help you, you've helped me so much, it's only right that we be fair here right?" I said to lift off her tension, but that didn't seem to work so I didn't ask anymore.

I had lived with her for three weeks and I had noticed it was like the woman was pledged to secrets and preferred not to talk about herself as much but what prefer to hear about the human life, my life. The only thing she ever did dare to mention was that mortals and her kind used to have alliance until it was broken, by one of her own, apart from that she kept everything else to herself and hid it with a smile. In this whole time, I considered her a friend who would listen and console me when I needed it.

On top of that her cooking was the best, I just never knew how she did it, when she never tasted it. Perks of being a supernatural fox, I guess. I like the fact that I was the only one who knew her as her human form, but she told me the last thing she wanted to do was hurt me. And in moments like those I would feel my heart flutter, and when she and I connected really well.

When I have colds, or I am feeling under the weather, she was always there, when I had a long day, she would welcome me home with a warm smile and that just melted all the fatigue away. The times I would hang around with my friends in college or elsewhere I wouldn't want to talk about her, she was classified, she was my secret, and these feelings of wanting to be with her, and the only one that knew about it, was me.

Ding! Dong!

Nikita looked towards each other and nodded, at least we communicated just fine, otherwise living with her would have been a disaster. I ran up to open the door, and Nikita was right behind me. Before I could even finish opening it, Cash swooshed in with a hug I hadn't seen coming from a while away.

"I'm so proud of myself, this place looks amazing. Am I right or Am I right, huh?" He said as soon as he stepped inside.

"It's been a while, Cash, the visit though is sudden. You usually tell me when you wanna pop in." He laughed and started to walk inside after I let him in. We said our usual greetings and headed to the living room. There, we saw Nikita stand up and walk towards us. Cash turned to me with a death glare and a terrifying smile on his face.

"Kings, you never mentioned that you had another person with you, when were you going to tell me, were you ever going to tell me at all?" He asked completely turning to me. I was dumbfounded and had nothing to say, until Nikita came over and hooked her hand through mine and smiled.

"You're right we should have informed you, we are sorry. I'm Nikita, Kingsley and I just started seeing each other and we wanted to keep it to ourselves for the time being we should have told you first." She said as Cash looked at her surprised, but pleased at the same time.

"Wait excuse me?!" I exclaimed