
The Fourth Prince's Beloved : A Modern Girl In A Magical World

Meryl Lee was an ordinary girl who loved reading and learning. She had just graduated from high school and was accepted into her dream college. She had a bright future ahead of her and nothing could stop her from pursuing her passion. Until one day, she died in a car accident and woke up in another world. A world that looked like it came out of a fantasy novel. A world where magic and martial arts existed. A world where she became the protagonist of the novel she bought before she died. A novel that was about a young girl who had a rare talent for both magic and martial arts, and who was engaged to a cold and domineering prince. A novel that was called… The Fourth Prince’s Beloved: A Modern Girl in a Magical Land. Now Meryl has to live as the Fourth Prince’s Beloved, facing dangers, intrigues, enemies, and romance in a world where nothing is as it seems. Will she be able to survive and find happiness in this world? Will she be able to change the fate of the novel’s characters? Will she be able to return to her own world? Or will she fall in love with the Fourth Prince and stay with him forever? Find out in The Fourth Prince’s Beloved: A Modern Girl in a Magical Land! A thrilling adventure of transmigration, fantasy, romance, comedy, and drama! Don’t miss it! The cover photo is generated by AI

Joy001 · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: The Reunion

Meryl couldn't believe what she had just heard. Her father in this world, the man who raised her, loved her, and supported her, was the villain?...He was the Marquis Yuan Wei, the leader of the rebel faction that opposed the emperor and his sons?...Meryl muttered feeling surprised.

He was the mastermind behind many plots and schemes to overthrow the royal family and seize the throne. and was the enemy of the fourth prince, her fiancé. Meryl thought feeling weird about this plot twist.

She felt a surge of emotions. She felt anger, betrayal, sadness, and fear. She wondered how her father could do such things. She wondered how he could hurt innocent people and cause chaos and destruction. She wondered how he could be so different from the father she knew and loved. Feeling surprised by this thoughts she wondered if this was the emotions of the real Yuan Xi.

She also wondered what he would do when he saw her. If he would recognize her as his daughter or as the princess. She wondered if he would love her or hate her. She wondered if he would protect her or harm her.

She didn't know what to expect or how to react to this sudden revelation.

She felt helpless and hopeless.

She wished she could talk to her real father, the one who was in her world. She wished she could hear his reassuring voice and feel his warm hug. She wished she could tell him that she loved him and that she missed him. Meryl thought feeling a bit emotional

But she couldn't.

She was stuck in this world, in this body, in this role.

She was stuck as...

The Fourth Prince's Beloved.


Meanwhile, at the entrance of the prince's mansion, a carriage arrived. The carriage was large and luxurious, with a coat of arms on its side. The coat of arms depicted a dragon and a phoenix, symbolizing power and nobility. The carriage was escorted by a group of guards, who wore black armor and carried swords and spears.

The carriage stopped and the door opened. A man stepped out of the carriage and walked towards the mansion. He was tall and handsome, with black hair and brown eyes. He had a refined face, with a straight nose and thin lips. He had a dignified appearance, his attire befitting his noble status. He wore a dark blue robe with gold embroidery and a jade pendant around his neck. He looked like a marquis. He looked like...

Yuan Xi's Father.

He was Marquis Yuan Wei, the leader of the rebel faction and the Yuan Xi's father.

He walked into the mansion with confident steps. He was greeted by the head butler, who bowed to him respectfully.

"Welcome to Prince Xian's Mansion, your lordship. His highness is expecting you," the head butler said.

"Thank you," Yuan Wei said with a nod.

He followed the head butler to the prince's study, where he was invited to enter.

He entered the study and saw the prince sitting behind a desk. The prince looked up from his papers and met his gaze.

He saw a man who was so handsome he looked like he didn't belong in this world.

The Fourth Prince.

He had long silver hair that fell over his shoulders. He had piercing gray eyes that seemed to see through everything. He had sharp features that gave him an aristocratic air. He had a tall and muscular body that exuded strength and power. He had a regal appearance, his attire befitting his royal status. His deep crimson cloak commanded attention, symbolizing power and prosperity. Beneath it, a white shirt with delicate gold embroidery showcased elegance and purity. A royal blue sash added contrast and represented wisdom and loyalty. A sword completed his ensemble, embodying craftsmanship and strength. He looked like a prince. He looked like...

His Enemy.

He was Prince Xian, the fourth son of the emperor and his daughter's fiancé.

Lu Xian stood up from his desk and walked towards Yuan Wei. He spoke with a deep and commanding voice.

"Welcome to my mansion, Marquis Yuan Wei. I'm glad you're here," he said.

"Thank you for your hospitality, your highness," Yuan Wei said with a polite smile.

They stared at each other with cold eyes, each being wary of the other as tension crackled in the air.

They hated each other with every fiber of their being.

They wanted each other dead.

But they hid their true feelings behind masks of courtesy and civility.

They were enemies pretending to be allies.

They were playing a dangerous game of deception and manipulation, each waiting for the right moment to strike.