
Chapter 46 : A New Family

Eleonore’s POV

Recovery had been a bit slow going but as was promised, after a week of being laid up in the hospital and monitored, I was released.

I was still a bit weak but other than that I was perfectly fine and was escorted back to the manor where I was placed in the east wing, all my things already moved.

The room itself was lovely, and reminded me a bit of my old room, just a bit grander. The bed looked like it was king-sized with luxurious sheets while all the furniture seemed specifically chosen to go with the soft blue walls and white ceiling.

It looked nice, like a place I could call home.

The first thing I did after arriving home was call Thomas. He was beside himself with worry that I swore he cried for ten minutes after hearing my voice as I did my best to soothe him and explain what had happened.