
Chapter 28 : Want and Desire

3rd Person POV

Missael loved his brothers, but by the Goddess did he believe they were idiots. Now, he knew that wasn’t very fair of him, seeing as he did have the advantage of being able to feel emotions but that didn’t change the truth.

He never tried to pry or spy on someone by feeling out their personal emotions, but that didn’t change how strong emotions came through no matter what he did, and boy, were his brothers feeling strong ones.

His best hope was to ignore them, and he was–trying to at least.

Both Gael and Gabriel’s dates with Eleonore had been more than enjoyable, but the way they ended seemed to be just a little less than ideal, though Missael didn’t know why since neither were talking about THAT part of their dates.

The only thing he knew was that their dates ended with them being horny. At that point, Missael had cut his losses and vacated the apartment to study for his classes and plan out his own date with Eleonore.