
Chapter 21 : Father Wants Me Dead

Eleonore’s POV

Thomas’s warning had left me paranoid over finals week, doubling my stress but somehow, someway, I managed to pull through. I was a bit worse for wear and run ragged, but the first semester of university was over, and we were allowed to start choosing our courses for the next semester.

Professor Sanderson had given me back my final project with a proud smile and told me I had some real talent and that he was hoping to see me for his next class, and I swore that I almost cried.

I was really doing it, huh? Learning like my mother did. She never got to build anything, after college she met father and was practically married right away. I wondered if I’d get to build anything or if father was going to drag me back before that could even happen—but no.

For now, for now I was happy, and I didn’t have to worry about him. For now I was just focusing on the trouble right in front of me.