
Chapter 13 : Eyes… Red Eyes

Eleonore’s POV

Something was missing as I attended classes and worked on projects, going through the motions of university, just devoid of company, and I didn’t realize how big a gap it would cause in my life until the company was gone.

Until they were gone. For different reasons, yet it all boiled down to one thing. Broken trust.

Charlie was supposed to stay by my side that night but got sucked into a conversation after talking to the host of the party.

A flurry of apologetic texts explained that she’d been cornered by one of the guys on the football team on the second floor, someone who was in her baby bio class but was failing said class and desperately needed help.

However, he wouldn’t let Charlie leave for anything as he worked out a deal with her. A deal that overtook her attention when the dude could get her tickets to her favorite underground indie band.