
The fortuners

"No need to run , i will reach you anyway, you have to repay " saying this he broke glass in his had

Pakeeza_Rani · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
12 Chs

She can pass the shield

"How dense this forest is ?" Aroxin said while kicking the stone with her feet . That forest was very magical , the colourful trees were presenting the sence of paradise. Pink , red , blue and all kind of leaves were looking amazing scattered on ground.

"The wild animals here are also very voracious " David who was ahead all of them said when he heard her voice turning toward her . "So we must hurry again , before animal makes us it's food " Buccy said stroking the beak of Pincall .

"But I don't want to die of hunger" Jessica said sadly .

"I can't walk anymore " Aroxin lifted her wet hairs from her shoulder and threw them back , stood in front of him with quick steps .

"Stop" she authoritatively said .

"I am your princess, so there must be some special arrangements for me , i can't walk anymore " .

"But " he wanted to say , she stopped him by eye gesture.

"When it comes to stubborness , she wins

But when it comes to her , i lose "

"My clothes are wet and it's very cold, it's getting dark too , i haven't eaten, i can't go any further. " she tied her hands and stood up stubbornly in front of him .

"Look , try to understand what iam saying . it's not easy for us in fortune forest to get help, and that's all, once I reach my Empire I will put you on your royal ride" saying this he broke a piece of wood from nearby tree and moved on .

"Now the last hope also has gone , we have to walk , hum" Jessica mumbled.

"Just a little bit away , a little bit...." Pincall flew around her . Seeing him she smiled and moved forward saying " Come on , let's go" .

Darkness began to spread , the birds began to leave for their nests, and the only sound was the sound of their feet and chirping of birds.

"We are here now" he said pointing above.

Everyone got a smile on their faces , as if they got heaven , because they were out of hell now , the hell where there is only walking .

There was small hut in which light was on.

"Thank goodness , we got there" Jessica said . That house was on top of slope . There were high mountains behind . Now , somewhere behind the mountains, Moon was also began to emerge.

In the dim light of Moon , those high mountains and greenness, colourful trees presented a very beautiful view.

Jessica and Buccy started to run toward that hut " We will reach there first , wo...."

Aroxin standing behind , her lips trembled with cold , she felt dizziness . But as usual he saved her head on his lap.

"Are you okay ?" he asked worridely . Tears came to her eyes and looking in David's eyes she begged for water, then fainted .

He picked her up in his lap and looked at the sky , then he flew and landed in front of that small hut .

Seeing him landing forward all of them stopped."This is not fair " Jessi and Buccy quickened their steps .

"Aroxin , Aroxin " her parrot quickly reached them .

David quickly entered the hut without door .

"What ....hh...appened?" Pincall was screaming.

Far inside the small thatched hut was a pitcher with a pot upside down . He left her leaning against the wall in one corner of hut , and ran toward another side , poured some water in pot and rushed towards her .

"Drink it , you will soon get fine " he poured some water in her mouth .

Meanwhile Jessica entered the hut with Buccy , rushed toward her in worry .

"What's wrong with her?" Buccy and Pincall looking at her in surprise.


When she opened her eyes she was still there in that corner . No one was around . They were busy in collecting fruits from trees . She saw herself that her clothes have been changed into a long white frock with a red belt at waist , who's sleeves were long and wide .

There was a red handkerchief next to her , she picked it up , but suddenly she realised that someone is outside . She moved slightly toward outside but that same black shadow was waiting for her , but this time she was happy to see it again.

She rushed toward it , but the shadow started running toward fortune forest . She was also running behind it .

She was runing beside it so as to know her past thinking that she must had any relationship with this shadow in her past life .

But when she stopped in the middle of fortuner forest to catch some breath , shadow disappered. "This time , you can't go , you can't " she screamed too much loudly.

But suddenly it appeard . She ran behind it , but this time she collided with an invisible sheet, and blue light emerged and spread all over the sky . She was disappered.


He heard a scream while picking up fruits .

"It's Aroxin's voice " Jessica said while placing the fruits down . She turned to tell David but he was already gone .

Standing in front of CLYPEUS Trium imperiorum with a sword in one hand " she crossed it ? oh no , what should I do now , on this side is The wolf Empier, Oh God" he said stroking his hairs.