
Clan extermination

'We ought to go and exchange these crystals before the sun goes down.' Chaos said lazily still hurt that she didn't let him have any word.

"I'm sorry, won't you forgive me?" Pan standing in from of him walked forward leaning into his chest and giving him a hug whispering into his ears in a an apologetic tone.

'Of course, we're family aren't we?' Chaos said sighing mentally at his own childishness biting Pan's cloths and throwing her light onto his back.

'Now let's get moving before sun down!' Chaos said in high spirits and though she said nothing he could feel it, she was happy.

Running towards the exchange office they traded a hundred low quality cores for one hundred silver raila's.

The currency on the board at the side of the exchange halls showed as follows.

Low quality core = 1 silver.

Medium quality core = 100 silvers or one gold coin.

High quality core = 1,000 Gold coins or 10 white coins.

Supreme grade cores = More than 100,000 gold coins.

From this they could understand that silver is the lowest quality currency in the kingdom with white coins being the highest level of currency.

Putting away the coins into the sack with the cores Pan and Chaos started searching around at the different Inn's around the city, but though many had space none of them accommodated for Chaos as they didn't have a big enough room and those that did were too expensive, even if they echanged all of their cores they wouldn't be able to afford it.

With this In mind Chaos said 'You sleep inside on the bed, I'll sleep outside with the horses, so don't worry nothing'll happen to you.'

"No. if you sleep out so do I." She said back with no hesitation in her voice but Chaos would have none of it forcing her to sleep in an Inn.

'We are connected remember? You'll be fine, don't worry.' With this he went towards the stables by the side of the Inn and went to sleep.

Pan too went to sleep, though it was a restless night, by the time she fell asleep it was already deep night.

It was also then that several pairs of eyes began shining in the darkness of the alley in front of the Inn, all of them men in black.

"We make our move now." The man in front said and all of them disappeared from the spot, with that speed they reached Pan's room in a few breath's time, the owner completely unaware of the situation.

Chaos, however felt the slight disturbance and got up to check in on Pan, but once he got up intense killing intent was released from his body mixed with his power as he disappeared from his spot charging into the Inn and onto the second floor.

But it was already too late, she was gone "AWOO!" With a single mighty howl he started looking for races of aura, once he found it he disappeared once again.

The entire city heard his howl infused with dense killing intent and power.

Near the gates the captain's eyes suddenly shone with a radiant light disappearing from his chair, running towards the sound of the howl at the fastest speed he could muster.

Elsewhere in an abandoned alley inside of a broken down black smithy a pair of silvery grey eyes too suddenly revealed a fierce glint, the sounds of hammer strikes speeding up, and the Warhammer itself going berserk trying to escape to its master.

Inside of the royal palace a pair of abyss like eyes too were looking out of the window towards the place of the howl, with this persons eye sight they could see Chaos moving at high speeds chasing some one farther ahead.

'Someone dares to undermine the city guard?' This person thought wisps of killing intent appearing around her. 'After all I've done for them they would still do this?!?' and just like that the woman with pupils like the abyss disappeared leaves after images behind her.

Back to where Chaos is two of the assailants stopped to block him from advancing any further.

'ROAR!' Infusing his energy into the roar the two opponents were temporarily stunned but that one breath of time is all he needed to rip them to pieces, killing them instantly.

It was also in that moment he stopped to kill them that he lost sight of the kidnappers as well as their traces.

"What is the meaning of this!" The captain also arrived then seeing the two bodies on the ground but Chaos completely ignored him trying t pick up the slightest trace of the kidnappers.

Meanwhile, inside a mansion in the housing district.

"The mission is complete." The voice of the leader of the black clothed men dropped the unconcious Pan onto the ground.

"Good, you may disperse." The bald man sitting in the room said, turning towards the other bald men as well.

"This girl, I want her first!" One of the bald men said moving to grab at her.

"NO! I caught her so i get her first!" The first man who spoke now moved to block him.

"Then I get her second." The man said disgustingly giving up ground.

"Hehehe, all mine." The man said picking her up and carrying her towards the bedroom.

'You will regret offending me.' The man thought while getting undressed.

Moving towards her he started ripping at her clothes, but just as he was about done taking everything off her in an alley way over a kilometer away the Warhammer was done, and with it the windows of the smithy broke again, this time from the Warhammer flying out towards the mansion.

Within a few seconds the man had taken off almost all of her clothes leaving her clothes looking in disorder and her disheveled, but also within those seconds the Warhammer slammed through the side of the mansion and crushed the bald mans head, letting out one miserable scream before dying.

From afar Chaos also saw the Warhammer flying by and chased it arriving in front of the mansion and hearing the scream.

'Death!' Without a second though he let of a massive flaming breath incinerating the guards and the gate, in a few seconds he was inside where the bald men were now trying to escape, trembling in fear.

They were all rich scions of their respective families, but today they would die without a corpse.

In his anger he released several wisps of his energy infiltrating their bodies, and burning them slowly from the inside out.

Breaking through the ceiling he arrived up stairs, his connection now functioning better at such close distance he broke down the door and saw the completely naked Pan, and the dead man with the Warhammer in his head.

All around Chaos' body sparks and flames appeared discharging into the atmosphere, the symbol in his mind churning fiercely as more and more power was accumulating around him.

'You DARE to touch MY PAN?!?' Misunderstanding that she had been violated Chaos' entire body turned into a body of fire, the entire mansion melting.

The insignia of all of the bald men deeply in bedded into his mind he put the blanket over her body putting her onto his back, on his way out he willed the men with his energy inside them and they all died by incineration not even the dogs and servants would be spared from his anger incinerating all of them.

Outside the captain watched as Chaos came out from the flame, completely on fire, Pan on his back wrapped in a blanket.

Once he arrived in front of the captain he dropped Pan into his arms and the Warhammer inside the house broke through the walls once again this time gently floating down onto her.

"I'll take care of her." The captain said, from just looking at his eyes he understood.

Tonight would be a bloody night.

All of the clans and businesses associated with those marks were burned to a crisp leaving not even the smallest speck of dust untouched.

Through the night Chaos' rank was skyrocketing, the violent energy inside him circulating at insane speeds tempering his body constantly, he arrived at one of the clans of the bald men after destroying all of the business on the way.

Inside the Mansion all of the guards were gathered, but Chaos didn't care, the fight was savage, and he received serious injuries but he did not stop, in the end burning the entire clan down, leaving nothing behind.

On his walk to the other clans he would come across those clans guards that had been sent out to stop him, but he couldn't be stopped.

After killing off the first two clans he had grown to an Peak Intermediate Rank 1 and it was also now that the last two clans came together to stop Chaos.

"Will you really kill all of us because one of our people offended you?!?!" But Chaos all the same bulldozed through the small army arriving in front of one of the patriarchs.

Not caring towards it at all Chaos released a breath incinerating him, now with no one left at the clans or the rest of their business to guard them, he set them ablaze, completely wiping their existence of the map the only thing left to prove they even existed being in the memories of the towns people.

During his time destroying all of those clans, the pair of abyss like eyes were watching, and a golden pair of eyes in the forest several miles were watching the scene as well.

With all of the clans now completely destroyed, Chaos ran towards where Pan was using his connection as a guide.

"She wasn't violated, she'll be out for a few hours because of the drug they gave her but she'll be fine." A lady with a staff and a witches hat said, upon hearing this, the wounds all over Chaos' body finally caught up with him, passing out and leaving him at deaths door.

It was also then that the man with abyss like eyes appeared in front of the lady. "Give him and her the best treatment you have, send the bill to the army, please Miss Yori." The soft voice said reaching into her coat and handing her a bottle of orange liquid, disappearing again.

"So, your highness finally found someone to trust." Yori said in a happy tone, but becoming serious once looking back towards Chaos.

Opening the lid on the orange liquid Yori began chanting, what to the untrained ear would sound like some sort of cult worship.

The liquid inside the bottom began floating out and forming in strange symbols in the air before floating down and onto Chaos' body bringing him back from the line between life and death.

"You brave kid, rest and recover now." With that Yori was done as if that liquid could not save him then no one in the city could.