
A Field of Flowers

I awoke slowly, curled tightly in Fable's encompassing embrace. My room had a bed, of course, but I found it impossible to sleep without Fable's deep, rhythmic breathing and his silky fur tickling my face. His coat felt particularly soft and warm, and, still half-asleep, I nuzzled my cheek against his stomach, slowly building motivation to leave his embrace.

At long last, I forced myself to move, breathing out softly as I stretched my arms overhead. An unexpected chill crept across my extended arms, the cool air stealing down my skin and seeping into my core, sending a wave of goosebumps across my flesh. The year had longed moved into summer, yet this felt more like a brisk spring morning, an unwelcome echo of a season long past. Shivering, I dove back into Fable's fur, breathing out a sigh of relief as his warmth surrounded me.