
The Formation of MAVE:

MAVE: The Girls of IDYPIA Four girls in a futuristic world with all the technology humans can dream of, come to the present in search of emotional freedom. In the year 2089, wars and catastrophic environmental destruction caused by religious, ethnic, and national conflicts have pushed humanity to the brink of survival. A new unified nation called Idifia, founded by emotionless activists, has emerged, and humanity has chosen a peaceful and safe world by installing emotion-erasing brain chips in their brains. The four girls of MAVE: Siu, Zena, Tyra, and Marty, born in the era of emotion deletion, meet at Noah Tech School, a vocational school, recognize each other's specialness, and return to 2022 in search of humanity's emotional freedom...

kaura_universe · Khoa huyễn
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32 Chs

Episode 8. Year 2110


"Lofty goal, you say?"


Ark, an eighteen-year-old soldier who looked remarkably youthful, was listening to Commander Karl in an old tent serving as a makeshift headquarters.


"Yes, a lofty goal. Of course, that doesn't include us."

The bulky man stroked his scruffy beard with a large hand. Indeed, his nickname "Bear" suited him well.


"What does that make us, then?"

"What else? We're targets for elimination."



Ark turned as Hanna, the white-haired platoon leader who had been listening to music through wireless earphones nearby, interjected. When Ark fell silent at Hanna's words, she chuckled mischievously, much like an ordinary grandmother would.


"You act surprised even though you already knew the answer. Those bastards would never let the Resistance survive, right?"

"Still... isn't there a way to talk to AG?"


Ark furrowed his brow, whether from the chill on his nose or the bitterness of their situation. Seeing this, Hanna's expression turned solemn.


"They're too committed to their beliefs. And they have the power to defend them. From their perspective, we're like germs invading a sterile room."

"Germs... are we?"

Commander Karl chimed in.

"Well, not to belittle us to that extent."

"It's just an analogy, Commander."


As they were engaged in their quiet conversation, the wireless earphone-shaped communicator in Karl's ear emitted a faint beep.

"This is Y. The targets are expected to pass through the designated location soon."

"Understood, Operator."

"Be careful, Commander. Their defenses are getting stronger by the day."

"Ha-ha, if it comes to it, I'll retreat without a second glance, so don't worry too much."


Karl laughed heartily, his voice full of confidence.

"…Understood. Please make a prudent decision based on the situation."

"Got it. See you later, then."


As Karl was about to disconnect the communicator, Hanna interjected from the side.

"Y, I've been enjoying the music you made for me. It's much better than before. Wasn't it worth jotting down those lyrics in my notebook? Ha ha ha."

"Thank you, platoon leader Hanna."

"So, I'll see you again soon. Don't worry too much. Prepare some more good music for me."

"Heh, understood. Until then."

With Hanna's words, Karl's communicator went silent, ending the conversation.


"Such a good kid, isn't she?"



Turning away from Hanna's indirect remarks, Karl turned around to look at the members of the Resistance.


"It's finally time."

"Yes. Everyone, move to your designated positions and stand by."

"Yes, sir!"


Following Karl's command, about 30 members of the Resistance, equipped with night-vision goggles, quietly emerged from the makeshift headquarters, crouching low as they moved towards their designated positions.

Ark, the youngest among them, wrapped his body around his rifle to protect it from the drizzling rain that could cause rust. He moved towards a large rock, positioning himself to support Karl and Hanna.



"Hmm? What is it? Need to use the bathroom?"

"No, it's not that. You mentioned earlier about the music Y made, right?"

"Yes, I did. Why?"

"Just curious."

"Oh, is that so?"


Pleased by Ark's interest, Hanna took out a wireless earphone from the left pocket of her field jacket and handed it to him. Ark took it and inserted it into one ear. Soft electronic pop music with a gentle beat flowed from the earphone, soothing Ark's tense mind. This music, new to his ears, captivated him instantly.


"It's nice."

"Isn't it?"

"I want to listen to more of it."


Hanna, with a slight smile indicating her good mood, put the wireless earphone back into the left pocket of her field jacket after Ark returned it.


"I feel the same. So, let's focus on making it back alive first."

"Yes, ma'am!"

"If you tell her you want to listen to more of her music, she'll be happy about it."


Ark imagined the future. He pictured himself returning safely with the children they intended to rescue, enjoying Y's music and sharing the joy with them. And to make that happen, just like Hanna said, he firmly resolved to make it back alive.



How much time had passed since they arrived at their ambush location? The rain had almost stopped, and a thick white fog blanketed the ground around their ankles. Then, in the distance, the massive walls of what was known as the fortress of IDYPIA began to emerge, along with the shadows of the fortress's defense system artillery mounted atop the walls. The overwhelming size of the fortifications seemed to heighten everyone's tension, making their movements even more cautious.


"You're nervous, boy."

"Yes, seeing it in person is intimidating. But we have to do this, right?"


"But ..."


"Why did AG build the Intelligence Research Institute right in front of the wall?"


Hanna, who had never considered this question, was momentarily taken aback by Ark's sudden inquiry. Instead, Karl, standing nearby, took over to explain.


"Well, considering how shady they are, they couldn't possibly keep it inside, could they?"


"Look closely. The cannons are aimed right at the research lab, as if ready to fire at any moment."

"…You're right."

"If something goes wrong in the lab, they plan to cover it up immediately."

"And what about the people inside?"

"They'd all be killed. That's how AG operates."

At Karl's response, Ark was at a loss for words. Silently, he seethed with anger.


"That's why we need to make sure this mission succeeds."

"Yes! Absolutely!"


After the disappearance of the rebel forces resisting AG, the organized Resistance had been fighting AG for a staggering 18 years.

However, the Resistance found itself at a significant numerical disadvantage, and they welcomed comrades who shared their cause, regardless of age, gender, or race.

"Everyone, stand by in your positions until the next order."


To overturn this numerical disadvantage, the Resistance had to gradually build up their forces by rescuing children produced in IDYPIA before they were brainwashed in the Intelligence Research Institute, while there was still some emotion left.

The probability wasn't high, but it was the best way to diminish IDYPIA's influence and increase the strength of the Resistance. This mission was no different. Between Noah Tech School inside IDYPIA and the Intelligence Research Institute, which had become a fortress on the outside, there was a distance of about 500 meters. The plan was to lurk in between and swiftly rescue IDYPIA's children on their way to the fortified Intelligence Research Institute.

It seemed that was all they needed to do.




Suddenly, a loud explosion accompanied by a strong shockwave shook the ground. Ark, suspended in the air amidst the white smoke, fell to the ground, losing consciousness upon impact.


"Hey, Ark!"


How much time had passed since then? When Ark's blurry vision finally cleared a bit, he found a sky tinted with shades of red. He couldn't believe he had briefly lost consciousness.


"Are you coming to your senses?"

"Ugh, Ma'am?"

"Looks like you're aware of where you are. Are you okay?"

"What happened? What about the others?"


Despite Ark's questions, Hanna couldn't say anything. Because everything he needed to know was right in front of his eyes.



Ark couldn't believe the scene before him. No, he couldn't accept it. With a single shot from the fortress cannon, the formidable Karl was shattered into pieces, and the bodies of other members were scattered around. The few surviving members were also covered in wounds.


"We've been spotted. The effective range has increased... Without a chance to counterattack…"



Listening to Hanna's words, Ark felt everything inside him churn. Yet, the agony didn't subside. It was only now that he truly realized this was a war for survival.


It can't be… How can Karl be…


Ark trembled as he held his hand over the deaths of Karl and his comrades, with whom he had just enjoyed a pleasant conversation. Was it due to the tension? He couldn't even feel the blood running down his cheek. His vision narrowed, and the surrounding sounds became muted. In the silence, only the throb of his heartbeat echoed.

"Pull yourself together, Ark."

"Now... what do we do?"


In Ark's frightened eyes, there was a chilling fear.


"Don't worry."

Hanna comforted Ark, wiping away the blood on his cheek with a handkerchief.


"I'll do whatever I can."


Though usually a like playful grandmother, Hanna's presence, a seasoned veteran, provided immense comfort in this moment. Ark regained his composure, and the trembling ceased.


"...Got it."


However, the situation was dire. The ambush had failed before it even began, and most of their trusted comrades, including Karl, were now gone. With their location compromised, facing total annihilation at any moment seemed inevitable. Hanna swiftly assessed the surviving members and issued orders without delay.


"Everyone, pay attention."


"The ambush has failed. As of now, the mission is suspended. Disperse quietly, lower your profile, and retreat slowly..."

"Ma'am, they've appeared."


As the rain ceased and the faint light of dawn illuminated the surroundings, children from IDYPIA, dressed in experimental white clothing, revealed themselves one by one. These children, appearing to be around 5 or 6 years old, obediently followed the instructions of the two accompanying Overseers, forming a line as they moved toward the direction of the Intelligence Research Institute.

Too late. This is a trap.


Upon seeing the vacant eyes and synchronized movements of the children, the members of the resistance collectively realized that AG had anticipated the resistance attempting to rescue the children. The resistance members were conflicted. Returning without the children was an option, but witnessing the feeble, lifeless state of the kids made it difficult for them to turn away. Once the children entered the Intelligence Research Institute, all memories would be erased, brain chips implanted, and Emotion Resets triggered, rendering them incapable of experiencing any emotions thereafter. Rescuing children whose emotions had been erased proved to be an incredibly challenging task.

'Is it truly the right thing to leave those children behind?'


Despite that, it was as it was. Human decency tied the feet of the Resistance, and the time for choice was approaching.




The soldiers waited in silence for the next command.




Without uttering another word, the unit withdrew as ordered. None of the soldiers could criticize the decision, as they, too, had entrusted their moral choice to their leader.


- Thud!


A light sound of something falling echoed, and the resistance members instinctively stopped and turned around, drawn to the noise.




Everyone was shocked at the unbelievable scene. Anyone who witnessed that scene would be. AG's Overseers, having taken the children to the cliffside, were dropping them over one by one.



"How could... they are children…"


The AG always sought the most efficient means for human survival. Therefore, if eliminating the Resistance posed a threat to IDYPIA, they would ruthlessly exploit the situation, even if it meant using the children they had created.

"Keep going!"


"If we just leave, what will happen to those children?"

"Wasn't this mission about risking our lives?"


Angry and agitated, each of the members expressed their thoughts to Hanna. Of course, Hanna understood it all too well. However, on the battlefield where choices were always forced, one could only weigh their lives.


"I understand. But I can't lose all of you."

"Then is there really no way to save them?" Ark asked quietly.


"Yeah. Not advancing beyond this point is practically suicide, more than just a low chance of success."


Hanna recalled the fallen comrades who had attempted to rescue the children. She looked at Ark, one of the children who had survived and was now fighting alongside her. She had to be rational. Even if the children who had just died would haunt her dreams tonight, she had to stay alive.


"Let's go. Let's go back and plan the next move. We need to survive, no matter how unpleasant or disgraceful it may be."


However, the fortress did not miss the moment when the Resistance hesitated.


- Boom! Bang!


Explosions occurred consecutively, and more Resistance members lost their lives. It was the cost of hesitation. Now, only five members remained.


"Hurry, fall back!"


Responding to Hanna's command, everyone ran and ran to escape the remaining front lines. Ark, even as his breath became heavy, didn't stop running.


"Huff huff…"


AG, realizing that the retreating Resistance was running out of time, temporarily halted the fortress's attacks. They deliberately aimed at the nearby mountain and fired. As a result, an enormous amount of earth and trees that had piled up on the mountain shattered into pieces and cascaded down like a tidal wave right in front of the Resistance.




The Resistance, swept away by the landslide, was pushed back towards IDYPIA once again. Waiting for them as they were pushed forward were AG drones, swarming towards them.

"It can't end here, like this."


Ark's eyes first caught the drifting clouds in the sky when he regained consciousness. However, it wasn't the time to admire them. Ark raised his gun and fired at the drones.

"Get up!"

At Ark's voice, the remaining team members also snapped back to reality, got up, and began to retreat while firing their guns. But no matter how many bullets they poured in, the number of drones didn't decrease. As they entered a certain range, the drones simultaneously fired their guns at the Resistance.



The screams of the five echoed in Antarctica. After completing their mission, the drones returned to IDYPIA.


The Resistance, which was attempting to rescue the children, was all shot and killed. Everything went according to SAI Prime's plan. Afterward, the small group of Resistance fighters waiting outside Antarctica scattered upon hearing the news. AG blocked all potential hiding places for the remaining Resistance and destroyed the Intelligence Research Institute located outside IDYPIA, moving the research conducted there to Noah Tech School. They continuously modified and improved their operations to prepare for the next event.

The children the Resistance had been trying to rescue had their memories erased, just like the other children in IDYPIA, and they were fitted with brain chips.

Everything was perfect. The Resistance had been dismantled, and IDYPIA would continue to flow peacefully as if nothing had happened.


Is it going to end like this... so anti-climactically?


As Ark lay there, wounded and fading away, he suddenly heard faint music in the distance. His consciousness returned briefly, and he opened his eyes to see a group of children standing on a cliff. The children, just as surprised by the situation, reacted with a mix of fear, shock, and some even fainted. The Overseers at the Institute rushed to control the situation.

Seeing the scene before him, Ark couldn't help but remember his own childhood when he was rescued by the Resistance at the age of six. He saw a reflection of his younger self in these children, and the realization that he couldn't save them weighed heavily on him.

Overwhelmed by his powerlessness, he closed his eyes slowly.

