
The Formation of MAVE:

MAVE: The Girls of IDYPIA Four girls in a futuristic world with all the technology humans can dream of, come to the present in search of emotional freedom. In the year 2089, wars and catastrophic environmental destruction caused by religious, ethnic, and national conflicts have pushed humanity to the brink of survival. A new unified nation called Idifia, founded by emotionless activists, has emerged, and humanity has chosen a peaceful and safe world by installing emotion-erasing brain chips in their brains. The four girls of MAVE: Siu, Zena, Tyra, and Marty, born in the era of emotion deletion, meet at Noah Tech School, a vocational school, recognize each other's specialness, and return to 2022 in search of humanity's emotional freedom...

kaura_universe · Khoa huyễn
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32 Chs

Episode 20. A Chase


After that, the four girls always gathered at the hideout after work to mimic the dances and songs from the chip's videos.


All looking alike, all being the same

Nowhere to be found, everywhere to be

In this stifling world, are we all seeking salvation?

Do those with voices wish to scream out?


Marty handled the rapping, while Siu and Zena took care of the singing.


"Does it look like this when you extend your leg at this angle?"

"Like this?"

"Yes, that's it."


And Tyra, who had a good sense of rhythm, took charge of the dancing. At first, she waved her hands, refusing to participate, but before long, she became the most enthusiastic member, eagerly helping her teammates.

They were clumsy at first, but cooperating and synchronizing brought them immense joy.


"Wait, wait! You need to make your arm more perpendicular there."

"Isn't this angle correct?"

"It seems right to me."

"Alright, let's watch the video again."


Each of them expressed their opinions while watching the video, and Siu, after hearing their thoughts, summarized and organized them.


"For this move, let's follow Tyra's suggestion, and Zena, you should widen the gap between you and Marty a bit."

"Got it."

"Alright, let's do it again!"


Under Siu's lead, they immersed themselves in practice once more. Like the group on screen, they hoped someone would watch and appreciate their dancing and singing. And from that desire, another aspiration arose: they wanted to create their own songs, not just imitate. Zena especially felt this way. Watching interviews of musicians who wrote their own lyrics and composed music, Zena idolized them.


"Can we create songs like this too?"


It was undoubtedly ambitious, but they all had a can-do attitude. They were eager to learn and eager to do anything. So, if there was something they could do, they wanted to try it all. For their own clumsy yet meaningful songs.


"Alright, this is the temporary code for accessing the Secret Mode. Memorize it and then delete it."


Siu, in preparation for any potential emergencies, used the virtual space as an emergency contact network, and gave out a temporary code that only the four of them could use to access the Secret Mode.




As they did their best to avoid detection by AG on one hand and gathered to practice and synchronize their moves every Free Day, about two weeks had passed when one day:




It was when Marty was about to finish her virtual reality duties in IDYPIA and leave.


"You are..."


AG241 entered the administrative center office where Marty was working, accompanied by other Security Agents.


Really, already?

Marty wondered nervously internally.


"Are you performing your duties well?" AG241 inquired.


"Any anomalies?"


"Is that so?"


Marty felt her heart pounding as AG241 and the Security Agents checked the data inside the office, unsure of what they might uncover.


"Do you know?"


"Our Security Agents are here to verify whether those sent from Noah Tech School are performing their duties well."

"I see."


AG241 moved closer to Marty and continued checking the data.


"The data sent from Noah Tech School has been rechecked. You and M523... It was only once, but during the physical assessment, the readings were abnormal."


"And recently, not only did you both speed on the road, but you also fled to avoid surveillance..."


Then, AG241 turned his gaze towards Marty.


"What exactly are you?"

"I am a loyal citizen of the great IDYPIA."

"A citizen, huh..."


After completing the inspection, AG241 started to move towards the exit.


- Click!


He locked the door.


"Come this way, M912."


At AG241's gesture, Marty felt a chill down her spine. Thinking it absolutely inappropriate to comply with AG241's request, she slowly began to step back, eventually finding herself pressed against the wall.


"Didn't you understand what I said? Please don't resist."


Marty continued to shake her head, pondering a way to escape and survive in this place.


"No, I won't."


Then, she reached out to the nearby circuit breaker of the power outlet and flipped the switch.


- Click!


In an instant, the surroundings dimmed as the administrative center became noisy with the commotion of AG241 and the Security Agents. AG241 immediately flipped on the switch again, but Marty was nowhere to be found. Something was amiss. The operation was supposed to be flawless, yet she continued to slip through their fingers every time they attempted to capture her.


Did I let my guard down without realizing it?


But there were too many inexplicable occurrences happening. It felt like something was hindering them at every turn.


"Attach surveillance drones to M912 immediately!"


AG241's voice sounded oddly hoarse.




Marty continued to dart through the alleys, careful not to get caught.


Just think of it like a game of tag.


Recalling the moment she evaded AG241, Marty glanced outside the alley and almost screamed in surprise. Surveillance drones were hovering in the sky.


Does he really need twenty of those pests just to catch me?


Feeling a surge of tension at the thought of AG241 bringing the drones himself, Marty followed Siu's advice and quickly disguised herself as an elderly person using clothes and a beard she had stashed away in a nearby alleyway locker for something just like this.


- Ding!


Just then, a message came from Siu.




It was brief but clear. 'GG' meant their hideout. In other words, it was a call to return to the hideout. Shortly after, another message arrived, containing a map from Siu and instructions from Zena. Marty memorized it quickly and promptly deleted the message.


"Phew, let's act normal. Just like always..."


Marty relaxed and adjusted her expression and gait to blend back in as an ordinary citizen of IDYPIA. As she emerged from the alley and passed by the vicinity of the surveillance drones, thankfully, they didn't seem to recognize her at all. Feeling like she had slipped out of their surveillance net, Marty picked up her pace and soon broke into a run.




Following Siu's guidance, Marty arrived at the hideout via a new route. Zena and Tyra were already there, but they weren't the only ones gathered.




As Marty opened the door to the hideout, she was met with a woman in her thirties, wearing a worn-out black robe, aiming a rifle at her.


"Oh, there's one more."

"W-who are you??"

