
The Formation of MAVE:

MAVE: The Girls of IDYPIA Four girls in a futuristic world with all the technology humans can dream of, come to the present in search of emotional freedom. In the year 2089, wars and catastrophic environmental destruction caused by religious, ethnic, and national conflicts have pushed humanity to the brink of survival. A new unified nation called Idifia, founded by emotionless activists, has emerged, and humanity has chosen a peaceful and safe world by installing emotion-erasing brain chips in their brains. The four girls of MAVE: Siu, Zena, Tyra, and Marty, born in the era of emotion deletion, meet at Noah Tech School, a vocational school, recognize each other's specialness, and return to 2022 in search of humanity's emotional freedom...

kaura_universe · Khoa huyễn
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32 Chs

Episode 14. Tyra


IDYPIA continued its routine rhythm today. People walked in sync with it, their movements sharp and their eyes blurry. The inhabitants of IDYPIA moved with precision, as if synchronized to a metronome set at 80 BPM (Beats Per Minute).


One, two, three… Again, one, two, three.


After school, Tyra, who lived in the highest floor of the Noah Tech School dormitory, observed the movement of the city's people through a small window. She grooved along with their movements, nodding her head slowly and applauding in rhythm.

Her nodding head was followed by her shoulders, arms, hands, waist, and legs, all flowing seamlessly as one. In a world where music didn't play in IDYPIA, she had created her own rhythm using just the sounds around her.


One, two, three… Again, one, two, three.


The rhythmic breathing began as smoothly as a lullaby, transitioning into locking movements, and the murmuring sounds merged with the groove of the beat, leading to a rap performance...


- Whee-ing!


As she attempted it, occasionally, the siren sound from the reconnaissance drone got tangled in the flow, disrupting Tyra's rhythm.




Suddenly, sensitive to the unexpected sound, Tyra stood stiff, missing the beat. She then made a slight grimace as if she had heard an unwanted sound and forcefully closed the window as if venting her frustration.

Soon after, the brain chip attempted to control Tyra's emotions.




Due to the brain chip, her head cooled down a bit, and Tyra wondered why she had boiled up inside. She thought deeply about what had happened and compared it to the time when she had competed with Marty.


No, no. Back then, I didn't feel this kind of turmoil inside. This feels... something more... something...


Tyra pondered, her chin resting on her hand. But since no one had ever taught her what emotions were, she had no choice but to suffer silently.


So, I guess this means I should eventually go to the Specialized Program classroom and visit the library, she concluded to herself.

This was Tyra's conclusion as she pondered alone. Tyra never shared her thoughts with anyone, mainly because it was a situation where she couldn't determine who was a friend or foe, and she felt that even if she made a friend, they would eventually be caught.




When she was 6 years old, she had wondered for the first time why people of all ages wore the same monochromatic uniforms and shoes and walked in a uniform manner in this world. By then, Tyra already felt that she was different from other children, but she didn't know why. The only thing she remembered vividly was a snowy landscape. However, in IDYPIA, there were no adults who would answer such questions.

There were Overseers nearby, but the moment she opened her mouth to ask them, she felt like something terrible would happen, so she simply followed their instructions obediently. In the meantime, her curiosity continued to accumulate as Tyra grew older.




Tyra was 15 years old when she enrolled in Noah Tech School. Noah Tech School referred to newly enrolled students as 'beginners' and made them wear white name tags on their left chest. This signified that they were recognized as true citizens of IDYPIA by AG.


The entrance ceremony took place in the gymnasium at 9 a.m. IDYPIA made full use of even the remnants of the archaic era if they could control people in a formal manner.


After the entrance ceremony, well-groomed Overseers came out and recorded a letter and numbers to be associated with each student on tablets, ignoring the names written on their name tags. They scanned the brain chips to measure the basic ability statistics and assigned them to classes. Although it took about a minute for each student, the reason for this meticulous process was to identify any defects among the students.


The beginners were all standing upright with their legs spread shoulder-width apart, their eyes fixed on the back of the person in front of them, waiting for their turn.


It's stifling.


Tyra, who was receiving enrollment verification with the other beginners, rolled her eyes, glanced at the Overseers, and quickly straightened her collar, as if it were tightening around her neck.


"Next, M523."



Before long, Tyra, known as M523, was called and she stepped forward. A female Overseer scanned Tyra's eyes, and Tyra's brain chip information began to appear on the tablet held by the male Overseer.


"Class 1! Next! M912!"



Tyra finished the scan first and followed the beginners who were walking ahead, looking at the backs of their heads.




"Not that way, the other way."



Tyra quickly moved in the direction pointed out by the female Overseer.


"Stop for a moment. M523."



Startled by the female words, Tyra stopped and accidentally spoke in a loud voice. With each step the woman took towards her, it felt like cold sweat was running down her back.


"Why were you rushing?"

"To join quickly."

"Then why did you speak loudly?"


Tyra's eyes quivered at the female Overseer's question.


"Aren't you going to answer?"

"I just... It was a mistake."


Tyra thought it was over and tightly closed her eyes.

"Please come to the Re-education Facility."


Tyra's eyes widened in surprise at the words of the female Overseer. However, she had already left her place. Tyra obediently followed her.




The Re-education Facility was located at the end of the corridor on the first floor of the school. Except for the wardens, hardly anyone had ever entered this place, giving it an eerie atmosphere reminiscent of an interrogation room.

From the entrance, Tyra felt a stifling and oppressive atmosphere, making her incredibly nervous. The female Overseer sitting directly across from Tyra had been silent for several minutes, her attention solely on the tablet in front of her. She glanced at Tyra briefly, with short-cropped hair and black horn-rimmed glasses. Her gray nametag read N107.


"What are you looking at like that?"


"Looking at someone like that is a sign of curiosity and wanting to know. Please don't give me that look in the future."

"Yes? In the future?"


Tyra was surprised by what N107 said.

"M523, are you feeling something?"



"Ah, I see. There's no need to be afraid. I can tell from your actions."


And N107's next actions surprised Tyra even more.


"And to be honest, a child like you, I don't mind."


She smiled. In a place like IDYPIA where laughter was not allowed, an authority figure like an Overseer was laughing. Tyra put aside her doubts and hesitations and opened up her emotions a bit more in front of her.


"Overseer, what you're saying is right. I..."

"Shh, your voice is too loud."


When N107 made a gesture with her finger to cover her mouth, Tyra quickly covered her own mouth. Then the two of them lowered their heads and continued to speak quietly.


"Since when?"

"I don't really know. It's just been like this for a while."

"I see."

"What should I do?"


Is it because everything the chips have been suppressing has finally surfaced? Tyra choked back tears.


"Am I doing something wrong?"

"No, you're not. But it'll be difficult to survive like this."

"So, what should I do?"


N107 had a thoughtful expression. Tyra, seeing such an expressive Overseer for the first time in her life, asked more questions eagerly.


"First, I'll teach you how to survive. Remember this well. People in IDYPIA move to a certain rhythm."


"Yes, like this."


N107 demonstrated the rhythm by clapping her hands.


"One, two, three... Again, one, two, three."



N107 then opened her mouth again as Tyra tilted her head in confusion.


"During this time interval when I clap, the people of IDYPIA move according to this interval. As long as you remember this interval well, there should be no problem with moving. Give it a try."



Tyra followed N107's lead and clapped her hands. As she clapped, she couldn't help but smile. The smile made her body move, and as her body moved, she unconsciously began to rap.




Tyra, who was caught up in rapping to the beat, stopped abruptly and slowly turned her head to look at N107. There, she found the woman staring blankly at her.


"Umm... let's stop clapping"




Afterward, Tyra went to meet N107 in the Re-education Facility after classes. N107 explained how to avoid getting caught. Tyra was grateful, but at the same time, she had some doubts and asked cautiously.


"I hope that the children of IDYPIA will no longer undergo Re-education."

"Why is that?"

"Re-education is extremely painful, to the point where the pain can be felt by those around. Even my friends who have become Overseers have now had to undergo Re-education themselves."


N107 was smiling, but there was a sense of loneliness in her expression. Tyra found it puzzling that she was helping her in this way.


"Could it be that your brainchip isn't functioning?"

"Why did you think that?"

"You mentioned feeling, and your expression right now..."

"It didn't look good?"

"Um... yes."


Upon hearing Tyra's words, N107 brushed her hair back and let out a deep sigh.


"My brain chip is functioning, but..."


"I'm trying to control it as much as possible."

"Control it? Is that even possible?"

"With practice, yes. Of course, there are no guarantees it will work perfectly."


N107's words gave Tyra a glimmer of hope. At that moment, the school bell signaling the end of the day echoed throughout Noah Tech School.


"Ah, it's already time to go back..."

"You're late today, so come back tomorrow. I'll teach you everything I know then."


"Of course, my friend."

The word "friend" startled Tyra.



"Yes, indeed. You and I share something, so we're friends," replied N107.



Tyra blushed and remained silent.

"Really? Why are you like this?"

"No! See you tomorrow!"


Tyra quickly opened the door to the Re-education Facility and dashed outside. N107 waved to her as she left.


"Take care, and see you tomorrow. Friend."


However, Tyra couldn't learn more from N107. N107 was dismissed from her position as an Overseer the very next day. Tyra couldn't determine whether it was because of what she had revealed in the Re-education Facility or for some other reason. Two AG Security Agents entered the Re-education Facility and arrested her. She accepted it without a word and followed the Security Agents.


Tyra spotted N107 being led away from the end of the hallway, but that was all she could do. She stood frozen in place, unable to move her body.


"Oh, wait..."

"Hurry up! Why are you so slow? Huh?"


When N107 deliberately made a loud noise, the AG Security Agents immediately administered an electric shock. Sparks flew from N107's body, and without even screaming, she collapsed unconscious.


"Be quiet in school"


After the AG security agents took N107 away, Tyra couldn't muster the courage to intervene or escape. From that day on, nobody at Noah Tech School saw N107 again. There was a sudden replacement of the Overseer, but Noah Tech School continued to operate peacefully. The reasons behind it remained a mystery. Tyra could only speculate that N107's removal might have been due to the revelation of her emotional nature. Back in the dormitory, Tyra felt helpless and blamed herself for her impulsive actions and unrestrained expressions, believing that she had inadvertently caused N107's capture.


Even if I happen to meet someone like me again, they'll probably be taken away just like that N107…


So, she made a decision. She decided not to approach anyone and cause them pain. And she resolved not to cry anymore and to create her own place wherever she was.

She didn't want to find or lead people like N107, nor did she want to become like them.

She decided not to make friendships anymore.

