
There’s Still Someone You Haven’t Said ‘Hello’ To

The following day, Lauren woke up feeling so much at peace with the world. 

She would have loved to go to the beach and enjoy some quality time with Steffan, basking in the beautiful natural air from the sea, but there were some things she needed to sort out before the wedding which was in two weeks time. 

Top on her list was her meeting with Cheryl and Ariel to plan for the forthcoming end of the year banquet Wyatt Corporations was holding the following week.

Before heading to the meeting, she stopped by Empress Brews to handle some business. When she finally arrived at The Masters Place, she was slightly behind schedule. 

As she approached the reserved table, she noticed that Cheryl and Ariel were already there, drinks in hand.

"Sorry I'm late," Lauren said as she took her seat.

"We understand. As a CEO, you're always busy," Cheryl quipped with a smile.