
Just Pray Nothing Happens To Her!

As Kathleen slowly regained consciousness, her head throbbed with pain.

She didn't know for how long she had been out, but when her eyes finally flickered open, everywhere was pitch black.

She blinked in the darkness and It took her some time for her to get accustomed to the darkness around her.

Panic set in as she realized she had been kidnapped.

"Where... Where am I?" she whispered to herself.

She tried to move but found herself restrained and her heart raced with fear as thoughts of her fate in this eerie place filled her heart.

Soon she heard faint footsteps echoing in the distance, which got louder as it got closer and closer.

Kathleen's breath quickened as the anticipation of the unknown consumed her.

The door creaked open, and a figure shrouded in darkness entered the room. Kathleen strained her eyes and was able to make out the features of a tall bulky man.