
I’ve Missed You So Much, Kathleen

The fresh air did a great job in clearing Kathleen's messy mind and by the time they got to the coffee shop she had gotten a full grip on her emotions.

Shawn got a comfortable table for them to sit and a barrista came over to take their order after giving them a warm welcoming smile.

As usual, Shawn wanted his coffee black while Kathleen added some cinnamon flavor to hers for an extra burst of energy, pairing it with some almond nuts.

While waiting for the barista to return with their order, Kathleen's eyes wandered around the shop.

The coffee shop was encased in glass walls and from where they sat, one could easily see people come and go from the shop. It was half full and most of the people looked like they just came around to chill off as they chatted animatedly with their companions.

Others had their heads buried in a book or magazine and occasionally took sips from their cups.