
The Forgotten Creator

At the beginning was an entity. Who strayed alone in the reality of nothingness. One day, he found out he had powers. Creation and Destruction. He used it to make the world, the universe and the void. And even created 3 beings to rule over it, but then he suddenly felt fatigue. It was the first time he had felt it, not knowing what to do he gave in to his instincts. Right before he fell into slumber, he saw twinkling of many lights in the universe he had made. When he woke up again, things changed, after more years of learning inside the sphere called the universe, he decided to travel the universe bit by bit, slowly but surely. Oh and also this novel is monthly, sometimes i may do 3-5 chapters a month when I'm feeling great This is the fourth version of the synopsis which was changed after i decided it was too bland before

FantasyS · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
100 Chs

Chapter 84: Inner Power?

"What do you mean by 'that' Sir Godo?"

Shuya questioned, clearly confused.

"Well, in order to perform techniques like 'Divine Laceration', '10 Fold Strikes' and even 'Hyper Assassination', you have to unlock something known as 'Inner Power'."

This made Shuya even more confused. What even was inner power?

"Ok i know what your wondering right now. Inner Power or IP for short, is a form of energy. It has to be drawn out from the body and has to be done in a very particular way. I also call it raw energy, as people with more physical prowess can usually unlock more levels and stronger versions of IP. But please put emphasis on 'Usually'.

You can also take in or absorb Inner Power from living beings, such as trees, animals, monsters and even humans. As long as it is living, it will hold Inner Power inside of itself, whether it has been unlocked or not. It is also present in the air around you, as living things die, they release many properties inside their body, onto the world.

This sometimes allows the creation of many useful resources, maybe sometimes destruction on a large scale. But Inner Power will always be released, as it is the energy that is dependent upon the body.

Another thing to note is that, Inner Power maybe a form of energy, but it usually stays dormant inside the body. Most of the time, people live their lives never having any kind of interaction with it."

Shuya was able to understand the gist of it. After sitting and thinking hardly trying to sort out what he just heard. Just as he was about to get ready, Folaei came and asked Godo,

"Sir Godo, then will I be able to unlock Inner Power as well?"

Clearly showing that she was a bit afraid he would be forgetting to teach her, Godo smiled and said,

"Don't worry Miss Folaei, I will teach you when the time is right."

Feeling reassured that Godo was keeping everything in mind, she went back to her sword techniques calmly.

"So, Shuya come here. Let's unlock your Inner Power."

Shuya quickly came as he heard that, and proceeded to sit down without even being told to do so.

"Let's see. Ok firstly, I'm going to pour some of my raw energy into you. Keep in mind that this is usually not safe, actually no, it IS not safe. So it would be good if you try not to do it."

"Uhh, gramps? What exactly can happen?"

"Hmm, worst case scenario you will explode into little bits of flesh. No need to worry though, you have me."

Godo said with great confidence and a gleaming smile. Shuya on the other hand, was starting to think back to when he was younger.

Yep he's definitely having a flashback. Well jokes aside.

Folaei overhearing the 'worst case scenario', started to wonder if she should actually try to unlock Inner Power as well, or not. Dying was one thing but getting ripped into tiny pieces of flesh and exploding from the inside out? That was something she still had to think about.

As Godo started to slowly pour his Inner Power into Shuya, Shuya's muscles, well his whole body began to twitch. It seems that Godo's level of Power was a bit too much, so he just reduced it. Simple.

Shuya at first, felt extremely uncomfortable as it felt like a sting, cramp, and other kinds of what nots. But once Godo adjusted it, it began feeling warm and fuzzy, which formed goosebumps on his skin. Godo seeing this, laughed a bit and briefly said,

"Feeling good eh?"

To which Shuya nodded slowly while enjoying the little warmth spreading across his body. He began to speak out his thoughts,

"Ahh, i-it feels like I'm having a warm bath. But a th-thousand times better. When you mentioned th-the worst case sce-nario, i didn't ex-pect it to feel this good and niceu."

"Haha, you sure are having the time of your life. Well don't worry, I'll make a warm bath for you one day, but 10 thousand times better."

Hearing that, Shuya's mind went blank, he passed out. Seeing that Folaei and Rai quickly came running,

"Is he alright?"

They both asked in unison.

"No need to worry, he just needs some rest. Suddenly being exposed to Inner Power from an outside force should at the least have this much effect. I guess you have to be ready as well Miss Folaei."

Hearing that, Folaei gulped. She heard everything Shuya said, she was actually kinda nervous to know how it would feel and how exactly would she think about it.

As she began to wonder about it, she started to get awkward, too awkward actually. Immediately changing the subject, she asked Godo,

"S-so Sir Godo, ahem. Putting that aside. Are you gonna teach Rai some magic spells?"

"Oh yeah Sir Godo. When will you teach me some magic? I was still getting comfortable with the core you made so i became a bit distracted. But i think I'm ready now!"

"Oh, do teachers personally teach magical spells to their students?"

Rai nodded furiously.

"Hmm, if it's like that. Follow me Rai."

Saying that, Godo walked a few feet away from the two, probably caring for Shuya as he was currently passed out on the ground. This time, Folaei decided to stop training and watch Rai.

As Rai came to stand beside him, she got ready for what Godo was about to show her.

Seeing her, Godo then thought about how people; especially humans, used magic. Beings like humans usually used the 1st from 10th Grade Magic without needing any incantations, and some gifted ones could extend this upto the 15th Grade.

Beyond that, they needed to chant incantations to lighten the burden of their mana being used up. Incantations were a tool, which made the effects of one's own mana to the particles around them, more effecient and sometimes, made them stronger.

But the downside to this was that, it needed time, and if some mistakes were made, the consequences could range from just a simple scratch to downright apocalyptic situations. But that was rare.

Thinking hard about what special magic he could teach to Rai, who was basically a beginner mage.

Godo suddenly remembered something, her Magical Aptitude.

"Oh my Aptitudes? I have Aptitudes for the 4 natural elements."

Hearing that Godo started to think about why the only 2 kids he had some relations with, were particularly gifted.

'Is it me who's doing something?'

He thought as it flew away again.