
The Forgotten Ability

As a young woman Adair Fox enters the civilization test, the most difficult test in the entirety of the Galactic Empire, in hopes of achieving that highest of honors and finally becoming eligible to meet her parents. During the test Adair acts out of desperation and uses a dangerous ritual to save her people, only to get betrayed by them shortly after. Unfortunately not only does Adair fail the test, but she also finds herself trapped in a void for thousands of years until she eventually meets up with another being. She makes a deal with the Reincarnation Machine, which allows her to go back in time and become a sorceress.

Xela_Stone · Kỳ huyễn
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135 Chs

Chapter 55 

The platform stopped moving with a thud. And Adair had to close her eyes due to how bright the lights were. She also heard a loud amount of cheering and an announcer, but she couldn't understand any of it. She just knew that it was an announcer due to the tone of voice that he was using.

As she stood there she started to get adjusted to the bright lights and eventually she was able to open her eyes, and once she did she looked around the crowd to see if there was anyone she could potentially recognize like her classmates, but as she looked around, all she saw were a whole bunch of people of all different races excited for the battle but unfortunately she was unable to find any familiar faces.