
The Forbidden Pack

The Alpha of the Silver pack with his Luna are not able to give birth to the future Alpha who will lead the pack. The belief of the pack is that if there’s no one to rule them as an Alpha after the present Alpha, it is considered that there will be a doom in the pack. There came a day when the priest of the pack had to consult their Moon Goddess and it is then they knew that sacrifices had to be made. The sacrifice to be made is for the Luna to be slept with by the Rogue who is considered the lowest in rank. After giving it a deep thought, the Alpha had to make it a secret with the Luna and the Rogue that is picked because of the persistent request from the members of the pack to give them their little Alpha, forgetting they have an overall pack who checks after them which is the Sacred blood pack. But will the Alpha and his family be in safe hands when the sacred blood pack come to know about the forbidden thing they do and even if they know, what happens next? Find out.

Bimbola_Ojuolape · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
6 Chs



It was around the evening when I woke up after a long beautiful dream that it felt like I had sleep for a long time. I stretched my hands backward and forward, reminiscing about the good memories while I kept on smiling. I turned swiftly and swiftly over and over again that it showed I was enjoying my sleep.

I picked my pillow and put it below my bed for proper posture when my leg mistakenly hit someone. It was then I opened my eyes to see who it was.

On seeing Ivory's face, I stood up instantly and looked around the room. "This is my room" I murmured while looking at Ivory at the same time.

"I must have slept for so long" I whispered, adjusting my sitting position while I moved backward to rest my back on the wall.

"Oh, you've woken up?" Ivory said, rubbing her eyes with the back of her palms.

"Yes… I have" I answered and then continued to clear my doubts. "But how come I met myself in my room? I thought we were eating in the dining room, right?" I asked, searching deep into her eyes for an answer.

"Right Ava" she answered me, sitting down comfortably on the chair beside me.

"So what went wrong all of a sudden?" I asked impatiently while looking outside and I saw that it was already late in the night.

"Yeah, you just dropped your spoon all of a sudden when we were eating and you fell asleep" she explained.

"Just like that?" I asked with a widened eyes.

"Yes, just like that… Even it was the Alpha who brought you in himself. Everyone was worried about you" she informed me.

"Aww… But I am good now" I said, stretching myself out.

"I insist that you should still stay in bed, Ava" she cautioned.

"It's nothing to worry over actually… I might have just been stressed out that's why" I touched my forehead to feel my temperature and then began to remove the wrapper on my body so I could stand up.

"Yes, you look exhausted. I will suggest you should still lie down in the bed, or what do you think?" she looked at me with worries being showed on her face.

"I'm okay now, Ivory. I have been in bed since morning and you cannot wake me up?" I asked, putting on my slippers.

"I should wake you up?" Ivory asked further.

"Yes. You should have woken me up" I answered again while still bent over putting on my slippers.

"I don't think you have any work you are doing or do you?" she asked, rolling up her eyes at me but I couldn't say anything, instead I kept quiet and she continued "No, answer me… Ava, this is about your health".

"I know, Ivory… But I am totally fine now, you can even feel my temperature" I assured her, throwing my hands up in the air.

"Really?" she asked without taking a glance at me.

"Yes Ivory. You know how it feels being inside bed all day" I slammed my feet on the ground to see if she would forget about being so overprotective but she wouldn't bulge.

"I don't know how it feels until you tell me what you felt by resting in bed because of your health, Ava!" she exclaimed and I could see how much she have been so worried about me while I was sleeping in bed, instead I ignored the look on her face.

"Oh no… Let's not start that. I'll just take a stroll and I'll be so glad if you can join me so as to satisfy your protection over me" I smiled and then walked up to her so I can carry her up but she was hell bent not to laugh.

I noticed this and then brought out my finger tips to tinkle her. No one can hold a laughter inside and she suddenly burst into a deep laughter when I tinkled her.

"Oh no, Ava" she screamed out of laughter.

"Yeah, I got her" I jumped up and then stopped to tinkle her. It was about the time I was about to give her a hand to stand up that someone knocked on my door room.

"Ava" a voice echoed from the door exit and it sounded like the Luna, my mother.

"Oh, it's my mother. She must have heard my voice" I said, while using my hand to shut my mouth.

"I told you that everyone was worried about you but you wouldn't listen" Ivory uttered.

I looked at her and shrugged my shoulder while ignoring her statement. I quickly ran towards my bed and jumped over, sinking into the bed. I covered myself up with wrapper I removed from my body earlier and there was a knock again on the door.

"Ava, it's me. I'm coming in now" the Luna said and before I could think of anything to say, the door was flung open and she came inside, walking up towards my direction.

"Mama" I called out, standing up from the bed.

"Sit back, Ava. You need some rest, you know" the Luna said, adjusting my pillow so I could rest so well.

"I know but I'm okay now, Mom" I told her, holding her hand so tightly.

"No, you aren't. You've been going ups and downs and stressing yourself recently so you need lot of rest OK" the Luna told me.

"Okay, Mom" I said slowly and then lay down back on the bed, using the pillow to guide my head.

"That's better, my daughter" the Luna said and then turned to face Ivory. "Thank you so much, Ivory" she smiled and greeted her.

"Oh no, Ava is my childhood best friend and I don't think there's anything bad in doing anything for her, my Luna" she smiled, rubbing her palms against my other hand beside her side.

"I'm glad to hear that, Ivory" the Luna greeted her and then continued "I'm so proud of your undying friendship with each other".

Ivory and I looked at each other and then smiled at ourselves while saying "We are two jolly friends at the same time".

The Luna couldn't help but to laugh at our childish attitude but still, it showed in her eyes that she was very glad to see us being happy and excited together.

"I will leave you guys now" the Luna said, making a move to go outside.

"Okay Mom, so how is my father?" I asked her.

"Oh, your father is busy with some things at the moment. We've both been worried since but he will check on you when he is done attending to those things" the Luna said, assuring me with a smile but suddenly stopped on the way and turned back.

"Less I forget, Ivory… Won't your father be looking for you at home? You know it's late, my dear" she asked, looking worried.

"Yes… I know, my Luna. I'll be going soon now" Ivory said.

"Really? But you can stay over if you want, Ivory. I can send the guards to tell him you would want to stay behind" she said.

"I would have loved to stay behind to see my friend's lovely face… But I need to do something at home that's why" Ivory informed the Luna.

"Okay, my dear… I'll call the guards to take you home now" she said.

"Thank you, my Luna" Ivory greeted and then turned to face me "I'll be going now, Ava".

"Aww… But why can't you stay over here for tonight?" I said with a lonely tone.

"I have something to do at home that's why… I'll see you tomorrow OK" she assured me and then we both hugged each other tightly.

"Thank you, Ivory. I know how worried you were" I said, holding onto her hand.

"It's okay, I'm glad to see you are good now… You will see me first thing in the morning" she said assuringly.

"Okay, Ivory… You know I always take you for word and I'll take you for your word this time again so I will be expecting you. Also, send my regards to your father" I said with smiles, letting go of her hand.

"Okay, I will do that" she replied.

Ivory packed her things and strode faster to meet the Luna who had been waiting in the exit door. She bade me a Goodbye with smiles written all over her face and I returned the same to her.

"Good night, Mom" I waved at her before they closed the door room behind them.

I sighed and then the dream I was having when I was sleeping before flashed through my mind.

"What was that dream about?" I asked myself rhetorically, trying hard to remember but I couldn't remember a bit of it.

"Well, it seems to be something… But I don't seem to remember. Why can't I…?" I uttered but cut myself short and shrugged my shoulder. I yawned and turned around to face the other side of the room, looking out towards the sky.

"There are lot of stars tonight… They are shining so bright up there" I whispered, enjoying the sight and the fresh air that was coming in through the window. I watched the stars with curiosity for a while, before I fell back into a deep sleep.