
Skinny Dip

Lin Fan clenched his hands into fists in nervousness. This could very well be the start of his journey or its end.

As they passed the wooden doors, the duo saw a room filled with ancient lanterns, like antiques.

The hall was adorned with a beautiful, long, red carpet.

Lin Fan felt reluctant to walk over such an expensive looking carpet.

It was however rather empty inside, no one could be spotted.

"Respected Elder, I have brought a friend of mine to take the assessment," said Lenny bowing.

Even though Lin Fan couldn't see who Lenny was bowing to, he still bowed as well. A moment later, Lin Fan got an uncomfortable sensation in on his legs, as if something was rubbing at his skin.

He glanced down and to his horror and shock, he found his shadow wiggling around.

What the f*ck!

His shadow wasn't the only thing wriggling. Every shadow in the room was wriggling as well, as if it was trying to escape from it's respective owner's binding.

Thankfully that was it, his shadow didn't suddenly escape.

Imagine walking on the streets with no shadow, that would be horrifying for those around you.

A few seconds after they bowed, at a platform near the end of the carpet, which two stair steps led to, a black hole appeared.

What is this? A black hole? Don't tell me we are about to get sucked in! I don't want to turn into a noodle man!

"Brace yourself, Lin Fan. You are on your own from now own. I won't be following you in." said Lenny as he waved his palm in farewell.

Before Lin Fan could reply, he felt his leg leave the smooth carpet and was dragged in.

It turned dark as a light headache hit him. It wasn't the unbearable kind, but It still felt very uncomfortable.

He then felt his feet touch the ground again as light took over and his vision returned.

What greeted him was an old man that had a long beard that was braided, giving him a unique appearance.

He had a kind, amiable expression as he looked at Lin Fan

Lin Fan felt relieved and said, "Thank god! I didn't turn into noodle man."

The elder raised a brow and said, "Why would you turn into noodle man?"

"I watched enough scientific documenteries to know what would happen to someone who stepped into a black hole...he would be stretched well enough to be consedered a noodle."

The elder gave a laugh and said, "That might be true. But, that's not a black hole. That's just a shadow portal that I travel around with."

He showed Lin Fan his palm as suddenly Lin Fan's shadow gravitated towards the elder's hand and formed into a black sphere.

"I am a Shadow Master," said the elder as he grasped the Lin Fan's shadow in his hand

Lin Fan blanked out for a second before freaking out. But, he quickly noticed that he didn't feel much different.

The elder quickly said, "Do not fret. This wont cause you any harm. After all, this isn't really how Shadow Masters use their powers" He laughed and continued, "And I most defintely won't bully a junior"

The black sphere in his hand started to melt and it rushed back into the ground below Lin Fan.

"Alright, its about time to take your assessment. We have chatted long enough, don't you think,"

The elder took a side step as he pointed behind him, "You see this bluish liquid? This is an ability awakening pool. Well, this is its function in a nutshell. However, it has a more technical name. But, no one cares about that. "

Lin Fan looked at where the elder was pointing and he notices for the first time the pond with its mysterious looking liquid.

Lin Fan turned to the elder and said, "Do I go for a skinny-dip or..."