
The Flyte Archives

He who falls shall be the guardian of the Archives. Our MC classically falls into another world full of magic and monsters! He is given near impossible tasks by higher beings, leaving him with no choice but to venture through the world, relying on his wits and what he's given to survive. Writing Quality: Compared to most novels on this site, I can confidently announce that mine has top-tier grammar and spelling. I read all comments and reviews, so if you ever point out any mistakes, I will be quick to fix them! Foreword: Massive Worldbuilding: An adventure where the MC gets to explore the new world he's in, from houses to castles, towns to cities, to nations and continents, gaining allies and becoming stronger in order to achieve his goals. Instead of the usual "MC is in Place A, does something and goes to Place B" plot device, this novel features a world where every setting has background history and an origin. If you are ever curious about a specific lore or want to hear more details about anything, let me know in the comments! Pacing: The pace of the story is relatively slow, but is more realistic and enjoyable. There's no magical rpg system for the MC to farm to instantly become op or whatnot, but there are plenty of opportunities for the MC to develop and eventually turn into the end game monster we all love. There's not too much action early, but there'll be plenty of it later on. Why you should read this novel over others: The writing style will be different! Other novels: Some protagonist reincarnates or goes back in time or something. They get a system/cultivation-technique slapped on them, and they start farming on random throwaway characters. Then after meeting a stronger villain, the protagonist trains or farms some more, and turns that villain into exp or an ally. Repeat. Throw in a random training arc or two. Add a few moves or abilities with edgy names. Remember to keep adding throwaway characters to measure the protagonist's power levels. Eventually the protagonist is stronger than everyone in his current setting, so he travels to some new place where everyone is stronger than him. Repeat above steps. Occasionally add a girl to the harem. Make sure they are somehow able to keep up with the protagonist's insane power growth. Use a cute anime girl as the book cover. There! You just wrote an entire classic web novel. This novel: You should judge this story by reading it. Maybe you'll like it, maybe you'll hate it. There will be the fun tropes we all love on occasion, but none of that repetitive Dragon Ball Z stuff. Guaranteed. Overall: If you want to find a story with an interesting world that has in-depth lore and history, here you go! If you want to tag along with a new story and slowly see our characters develop and events unfold, here you go! With an emphasis on it's characters, the world they are in, and the relationships they build with one another, this story just might become your favorite. Updates: 1k-2k words per chapter, sometimes more Usually a chapter a week, hopefully more!

heywil · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Blind and Deaf

I was blind and deaf. Like a sea cucumber.

That was the first thought that came to me when I regained consciousness.

Last thing I remembered was getting my eyes plucked, leading to screaming until I passed out. Not enjoyable. Very painful. Would not recommend to others.

'But why? He said he was taking me to someone.' I picked myself from the ground and stood up.

"I am!" His voice popped back in my head.


"Calm down!"

The audacity! To hell with telepathy.

"You ripped out my eyes! If you're going to kill me, just kill me! Or if I'm going to hell, just tell me." I couldn't hear them, but I felt the words leaving my mouth. So I still had my tongue and my lungs. Unless of course, he ripped those out as well.

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry about that. But it was necessary! Otherwise you would've went kaboom!"


"Yes, kaboom!" His voice had the usual joyful tone as he said that.

"You're really disturbing." And sadistic. Did he have to giggle as he took my eyes?

"I know!" Same merry spirit. I wanted to slap him. If only.

I took a deep breath, then slowly reached up and touched my face with my hands, which, by the way, felt as if they were no longer stained. It was an incredibly uncanny feeling, to move my fingers up and... emptiness. It was surreal.

No more blood, no more pain. Just empty sockets.

"Why would I go boom?" I asked.


"No, let me guess. Seeing whatever lays ahead with my own eyes will be too much for my mortal mind to comprehend and all that stuff, leading to me exploding. Am I right?" This was the explanation you would see in books and movies all the time. It could also offer some sort of reason for why the mist kept blocking a clear view of his figure earlier. Maybe seeing this entity clearly would be too painful for my eyes.


"Excuse me? You did say I would go 'kaboom,' right?"

"From seeing someone? Where did you get that idea from? That's stupid! What an idiot!" He started laughing. I knew I was dealing with supernatural beings, but I was losing patience with this one.

"No, it's to protect you! Arcy said she would rip you into pieces and make your soul implode before you get to see her." He continued, speaking casually as if this was normal.

"So let me get this right." I was confused.

"You want to take me to someone, who would tear me apart just because I might look at them?"

"No no! Arcy is someone else. She doesn't like you being here, but the Queen..." His words trailed off.

I quickly ran through the scenario I was in. I was being taken by an entity to meet this other entity he was calling the Queen, presumably for a reason that did not involve my vision or hearing. And there was another being called 'Arcy' that did not approve of this, but would go along with it unless I was blinded?

None of it made much sense to me, but it was what I had.

"So, who is this 'Arcy?' Why doesn't she like me? You know, my mother always told me everyone liked me." I went for a light hearted joke while trying to gain more information, but there was no reply.


No response.

'Hello? Anyone there?' No answer. The figure was gone.

What now? I had no clue. I was stranded in an unknown place with unknown existences with no sight, no vision, and no idea why. Was there anything I could do?

I sat down, thinking for a bit, then came up with a genius answer:

"Absolutely nothing."

Then I laid down and took a nap.


I instantly woke up when something burned inside my chest.

I groaned in pain, as the searing sensation traveled throughout my entire body. It was as if I was slowly being melted by acid, inside out.

"So you're finally awake."

A different voice appeared in my head. A woman's voice, this time. It was assertive and filled with confidence.

"Weren't there better candidates? You can't be serious about letting the Queen gift him?" Oh this was 'Arcy,' definitely. And what was this about a gift?

"Hey! You realize you can't be greedy about this sort of thing. Besides... ■■ ■ ■■■ ■■■. ■■■■■ ■■. ■■■■■ ■■■-gacha." The figure's voice came back. But while he was speaking, another wave of pain washed through me, and the words he spoke changed into unintelligible sounds.

But did he just say gacha? I think he just said gacha. Oh dear.

"No. I still can't allow him to see the Queen."

"But he won't! See? He's blind! He won't see her!"

"What are you..." There was a short pause. The pain rampaging inside me faded away.

"Are you a fool? You actually removed his eyes?!" A hint of agitation was detected.

Hold up. Don't tell me...

"I didn't mean it just literally!"

I choked after I heard her response. I couldn't believe it.

'You son of a bitch! How could you-'

"Time to go!" Something immediately wrapped around me, lifting me up and encasing me in a soft, wooly substance. As the material covered my head, I caught a whiff of something salty. It smelled like the sea. I tried moving my arms to get it off, but my limbs were quickly pressed against me, leaving me tied up like a cocoon.

'What is this? What's going on?' All of a sudden, I was flipped over, and felt my body hurtling to the ground. Whatever thing was covering me managed to absorb the impact, but I felt the same blazing agony appear again.

I couldn't understand what was happening.

The voices in my head completely disappeared, and being blind and deaf, I could do nothing but wait as I slowly lost conscious once again.