
The Flash: TITAN

Stuck in the body of Barry Allen’s bully from childhood, watch as our MC takes back control of his life. Frosted Dao, back at it again, got this idea recently after watching the flash for the 5th time, and I thought about Tony Woodward, the guy that’s able to turn his skin into metal, and I thought, "What wasted potential" Anyway, enjoy the story and take it easy on me, will ya? No, Harem hate that crap. I might do Caitlyn as a romantic interest, but I am not sure yet

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Shifting Horizon

Third POV

Nine months had passed since the particle accelerator's explosion rippled through Central City, and the city's horizon was beginning to reshape itself.

The aftermath of that fateful event had given rise to new challenges and unexpected opportunities.

Amidst the evolving landscape, Tony found his place in this changed world and the city's future seemed to be finding its way back onto the right track.

As UrbanSteel Co. thrived in the shadows, its impact on the city's development became increasingly apparent. The steel crafted with precision and an unseen touch had become an integral part of construction projects, artistic endeavors, and security enhancements.

The city, though unaware of the head of the operation, benefitted from the unique contributions of Tony's discreet enterprise.

In his personal life, Tony embraced the necessity of efficient transportation around the expanding city.

The roar of a new addition to his life, a Harley Davidson Softail, echoed through the urban canyons.

The sleek and powerful motorcycle became his means of traversing the city's streets, its engine blending with the rhythm of the evolving metropolis.

The Softail, chosen for its combination of style and performance, represented a shift in Tony's approach to his daily life. It wasn't merely a mode of transportation; it was a statement—a symbol of newfound freedom and adaptability in this altered reality.

As the wind in his hair, and the city lights streaming by, Tony navigated through the intricate tapestry of Central City. 

The Softail, a reflection of his changing journey, carved a path through the night, and in the engine's growl, one could sense a harmony between him and his new steed. 

As Tony continued his silent contributions to the city's growth, a sense of quiet satisfaction lingered in the air. The secrets woven into the fabric of his existence were now threads in the larger tapestry of Central City's destiny. The future, once uncertain, seemed to align with a trajectory that held promise and potential.

In the heart of the night, with the Softail's engine as his soundtrack, Tony continued his journey through the city's arteries, unaware of the challenges yet to come.


first pov

Riding through the urban labyrinth on my motorcycle, the hum of the engine was joined by an unexpected, plaintive whine that pierced the air. My senses heightened, directing me toward an abandoned alley veiled in shadows.

I cautiously approached, the city sounds dimmed, giving way to the soft whimpering of a lone German Shepherd pup.

There, beneath the flickering glow of a distant streetlight, stood a forlorn creature. Its fur, once a testament to vitality, now clung to its frame in tangled mats.

Deep, soulful eyes met mine, harboring a silent plea. The weight of the city seemed to press upon the abandoned pup, a reflection of its loneliness mirrored in its gaze.

Unable to resist the pull, I dismounted from my motorcycle, its metallic growl fading into the background. As I stepped into the alley, the pup regarded me with a mix of trepidation and curiosity.

The grimy concrete beneath my boots seemed to echo with the tales of abandonment that had befallen this poor creature

Extending a hand, I offered the reassurance of touch. The pup, hesitating for a moment, inched forward with cautious trust.

It was a delicate dance of connection forged in the quiet alley, a silent pact between a lone traveler and a companion in need.

With gentle hands, I lifted the pup into my arms, its fragile frame embracing the newfound warmth.

The weight of its small body against my chest resonated with a promise—a promise of companionship in a city that for me often felt cold and indifferent.

Resuming my ride through the city, the wind now carried with it the soft breath of a creature finding sanctuary. The rhythmic beat of the motorcycle became a backdrop to the silent conversation between man and pup, a tale of resilience and newfound kinship.

As the engine roared to life once more, I christened my newfound companion Apollo—a name echoing with strength, resilience, and the camaraderie that would define our journey. With Apollo nestled securely against me, the gravel beneath unfolded, each streetlight illuminating the beginning of a shared adventure.


"What are you doing?" a brown-haired woman asked as she checked the vitals of what seemed to be a comatose patient.

"He likes this song," a man with long black hair said, taking a bite of licorice.

"How could you possibly know that?" she responded.

"I checked his Facebook page," the long-haired man said jokingly. "I mean, he can hear everything, right?"

The song "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga played in the background. The woman skeptically looked at the long-haired man.

"Auditory functions are the last sensory faculties to degenerate, so it possibly," she said in response.

The long-haired man walked away, singing along. Suddenly, the patient in question rose with a start, scaring the living shit out of both the man and the woman.

The long-haired man quickly rushed, "Doctor Wells, get down to the cortex, like right now." he said on what appeared to be a coms system The woman immediately checked his vitals and the dilation of his pupils

" woah, woah,woah, relax" the man said with a surprised smile on his face " everything's ok man your at S.T.A.R labs" 

The man looked puzzled " S.T.A.R labs… who are you" he said with confusion lacing his voice 

" I'am Cisco Ramon she's Caitly—Dr. snow" the man named Cisco said correcting himself.

"I need you to urinate in this," Caitlin said with a serious face.

"Not this second," Cisco quickly interjected, snatching the vials out of her hand. "What is happening? What is going on?" Barry said with a confused and slightly annoyed voice.

"You were struck by lightning, dude," Cisco said in amazement.

Barry backed away, turning around to see himself in a mirror.

"Lightning gave me abs,"

he said with shock and confusion"

"Your muscles should be atrophied, but instead, they're in a chronic and unexplained state of cellular regeneration," Caitlin explained in a hypertone while touching the vital points of his body

"Come here, have a seat," Cisco said as he pulled Barry towards the bed. "You were in a coma."

"For how long?" Barry quickly responded, fear evident in his voice.

"Nine months… welcome back, Mr. Allen," a man in a wheelchair said, wheeling toward the trio with a slightly creepy demeanor. "We have a lot to discuss."


Yooo. It's me frosted sorry I have been gone so long

Did ya miss me, I had to study for my finals, and the mood to write didn't hit me but we're back at it again, sorry for the shorter-than-usual chap. Anyway

Stay Frosty

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

FrostedDaocreators' thoughts