
The Five of us : The Summer Adventure

''Hidden amongst knowledge ancient, Oh, treasure hunter, you must be patient. Have faith and believe in God, In the right direction, this is a prod.'' James, Jo and Laurie March are siblings and also very similar. Jo being the youngest is 10, Laurie a year elder to her is 11 and James the eldest is 12. In their Summer Holidays, their parents are going to Australia and sadly the children can't go to their summer house at Polzeath Beach. So where are they going to spend their summer holidays? And do they even have a cousin they never knew of? To all this add a buried treasure to the mix and things get interesting. Becoming treasure hunters and following the mysterious text on an old paper sound like a good idea, but will it remain so? Will the four be able to put aside their feelings and work together towards a common motive? And just what is their caretaker up to?

KiiVii09 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

2. Kirrin Cottage

-----------Chapter 2 -: Kirrin Cottage ----------

The tree-shaded roads had a valley on their left and soon the family was able to see the sea. They took a stop in between to have lunch. When they were back on driving, their father exclaimed "And we are here kids, This is Kirrin...your aunt wouldn't leave this place for any amount of money...oh...see there's your Aunt Fanny !"

They were at the Kirrin Cottage where they were greeted by Aunt Fanny and Uncle Quentin. Uncle Quentin was the brother of the kid's Father and he was a clever scientist who didn't like to be disturbed.

"Hi Quentin, how are you ?" the kid's father asked with a handsome handshake with his brother and a small peck on Fanny's cheek.

" All fine, so they are ...." Uncle Quentin replied.

" Oh, This is my oldest son James, a year younger to him is Laurie and then my youngest tomboy Jo."

"It's been years since I have seen your darlings...James, I remember meeting you last when you were 3 years old..." Aunt Fanny said.." Don't mind Quentin, he never remember anything else except his experiments" she added with a laugh.

And then there was a sound of all chuckling.

"Come in, " Uncle Quentin said in his deep voice.

They went in and had tea. At 9:00 pm in the evening, their parents decided to leave and book a nearby hotel as there wasn't much space in the house. Georgina still wasn't back home....she was roaming out waiting for her uncle and aunt to leave. She was that kind of a child....who people can rarely understand...kids who want to be left alone. So after she saw that all the lights were off....she crept in the dark towards the kitchen door which Millie their cook by mistake sometimes left open. She went upstairs quietly....making sure nobody hears the creaking or the starboard ....but luckily everyone else was so tired that they fell into a deep sleep...she went upstairs...changed into her PJ's and brushed her teeth .....then jumped into her bed for a nice comforting sleep.

In the morning, the sun rays woke them up...Jo was the first one to do so....but as soon as she did...she saw that the bed next to hers which was empty the previous night ....there lied a boy ... no, no ....a girl with a lot of freckles but short hair like boys....' she must be Georgina ' Jo thought ....she tried to get a peek of her but as soon as she bent down Georgina opened her eyes and both of them screamed the place down....even the boys woke up from such a scream.

Then George said "oh, you !! You might be one of my so-called 'Couisns' ...uh...what were you doing here on my bedside?"

"Oh, Georgina...I just wanted to....never mind...Sorry !! " Jo apologized.

"Girls...what happened...is cousin Georgina in there ?.... I am coming in " James said...just before he came in the girl's room accompanied by Laurie.

"Oh..yes ...she's there ....it was nothing...we both just got a fright ...never mind " Jo explained.

"Oh, Hi there Georgina! " Laurie exclaimed.

"I am not Georgina...I am only George..." She told them before she jumped out of the bed and went to get ready.

"Ooh..I think we gotta be careful...she's a fierce one !!" Laurie exclaimed in a frightened voice.

They all went to breakfast afterward.

Millie their good and kind-hearted cook had made an effort to make breakfast that day. Fried eggs, sausages, back bacon, tomatoes, mushrooms, fried bread were accompanied by tea or coffee and hot, buttered toast. But the kids-all-time-favorite a slice of white or black pudding which was similar to blood wurst was also made and devoured by them hungrily.

"Thanks, Millie ....you are a wonderful cook.....now that I have eaten sooooo much...what shall we do next" asked Laurie after having eaten everything first.

"Today kids , George will show you around and introduce you to this beautiful place !" answered Uncle Quentin.

"No , I won't ....I have to go and meet Ash.....And I think they are old enough to go walking around. " stated George...who thoroughly disliked her cousins...and wanted to be alone and away from them.

"You will do as you are told to George ...and now everyone finishes eating and scoots off .....I want peace as I am working on something important ! " her father exclaimed.

Whenever her father spoke in that commanding tone....it was impossible for George or anyone not to obey him.

The next moment ....they all found themselves walking down the beach and George taking the lead.
