
The Orange Leaf Farm

In a beautiful field filled with rolls of vegetables that looked similar to carbage stood a man who looked like he was in his fifties. The man was admiring his crops while taking a break from the day's work.

Something caught his eyes as the wind suddenly picked up and the sky started cracking. The cracking started small and continued like a spider web and it ended with the sky completely breaking to reveal a dark tunnel and then something fell out of the tunnel before the tunnel closed like it was never there.

All this happened in from of the farmer, leaving shocked and speechless. Looking at what fell out of the dark tunnel the farmer found a bloody man with his clothes torn and with cuts all over his body. And that man was Yanga ( from now on I'm going to use Yanga instead of Yanga Black).


It started slow like watching the sun on an unusually cold summer day and it was a day when you could feel the rising sun chasing the cold away. That's how Yanga felt when he was waking up from his sleep. Yanga could instinctively tell that he had been asleep for a long time.

Yanga did not know why but the was something warm about him that he could not identify, it felt like he had spent all his life in a cold eternal night and right now he was experiencing the first sun rise of his life.

His body did not only feel much lighter but he was also stronger, healthier, and more clear-headed than he had ever been.

One of the things that surprised him the most was his senses. Yanga never knew that his sense could be this strong, from his sense of smell to his hearing everything was the best as it ever was.

Even with his eyes closed he could still fell the freshness of the air, the salty sweat in the bed that he was sleeping on, and the warmth of the smoke and fire that was burning in the room that he was sleeping in.

The was also the warmth of the breath of the person who was in the room with him.

That was everything kick for Yanga, remembering everything that happened and the fact that he was now in a new world a world that he knew nothing about and most importantly, what was going to happen now.

Yanga had a lot of questions and no way to answer them but he was now out of time as the person in the room could have possibly figured out that he was awake as they were moving closer.

Yanga's mind went blank from the thought of what could happen next and there were so many possibilities that Yanga's mind crashed for a moment until Yanga heard this

"A you awake, mama said that if I find you awake I should bring to have breakfast with us "

The voice sounded like it came from a young girl about seven years old. Mastering his courage Yanga opened his eyes for the first time to see his new world. The room was circular and had a diameter of about 35 meters and it reminded Yanga of Viking rooms that they would show in movies.

The were a lot of things in the room the Yanga recognized or understood. Next to the bed was a young girl six years of age with a cuteness that was near doll or art like which took Yanga back as this was the most beautiful child he had ever seen.

She had beautiful red hair and not the normal red hair from Earth but this red was blood red as if she had blood flowing down her head.

Yanga Calmed himself down and looked at the smiling girl next to him he smiled back at her too saying "Hello there little one can you tell who you are and where I am"

It took a moment for Yanga to realize that he was somehow fluent in the language of this world even though this was his first time hearing it.

"I'm not little" complained the little girl as she pouted at Yanga while trying to make herself look as old and mature as possible.

"My name is Kelly Cage and I am six years old so I'm not little and this is the Orange Leaf Farm that my family owns. Who are you, where do you come from, how did you get here, are you super strong can you teach how to be strong too, ..."

Yanga had raised his hands to stop the flood of questions from the little girl, like all little girl's her age she was very curious.

"That's a lot of questions it will take a long time to answer thames but for now my name is Yanga Black and what was that you were saying about breakfast " Yanga said to the girl.

Remembering the business that brought her here in the first Kelly Cage smiled guiltily and said "My mother sent me to invite you to have breakfast with us. You must be very hungry after sleeping for so long "

Yanga got out of bed and followed Kelly Cage out of the room he was sleeping in and the first thing that greeted him was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. It was nothing but the sun rising in the east something that Yanga had seen plenty of times back on Earth but the was something different about the sunrise of this world that Yanga could not understand.

Pushing all that to the back of his mind Yanga started thinking about how he would answer all the questions that his hosts would have for him.

They were going to want to know who he was and how he got here and those were questions Yanga could not answer and more importantly he did not know how to answer them.

All the houses that Yanga could see were circular and were arranged in two circles with a lot of smaller houses like the one Yanga was in forming the outer circle the inner circle was made out of nine beautiful circulars houses that were 150 meters in diameter and 75 meters tall.

Yanga and Kelly Cage headed for one of the inner houses. In the house the six people and looking at them anyone could tell that they were related.

And that is how Yanga met the rest of the Cage family. Ben Cage was the one who found Yanga and was the owner of the farm, he started it with his wife Kate Cate, they had five kids together and Andrew Cage was the only one still living on the farm with them.

Andrew Cage married Alessia Cage and they had three kids namely Alexandria, Justin, and Kelly Cage.

Breakfast lasted a long time and the family had a lot of questions for Yanga from the way they treated him, Yanga could see caution and hidden fear so he guested that they thought that he was some powerful individual so Yanga lied claiming momery loss due to enjury.

After breakfast Yanga went back to his it was now time to organize all everything and start coming up with a plan.