
The first date

It finally arrived, the first date with that beautiful girl I met a few weeks ago. I've talked to her a lot since then and found out her name is Jessica, and her birthday is on the 15th August. Her favourite colour is baby blue, and her favourite animal is a dolphin. I've enjoyed speaking to her a lot, she had made me feel really happy since we started talking.

Three hours before the date started I made sure that I have had a shower, brushed my teeth, put on deodorant and put on aftershave. I got my best clothes out and waited for 6:00 pm to arrive. At 6, I got my car keys and went to pick her up. She sent me her address and waited patiently for me. When I got to her house, I got out of my car and went up to the door and rang the door bell. She answered almost instantly. She looked AMAZING. My jaw dropped when I saw her. She was wearing a nice red dress, with a mini black cardigan, with high heels. I told her she looked beautiful and handed her a bouquet of flowers I hand picked for her.

When we arrived at the destination, I made sure we got the best seats in the restaurant. It was next to a window over looking a pond with a lot of roses next to it. There was no one else near us the whole night. We ordered a bottle of white wine to share between us, and then out food about 20 minutes after. We talked about everything and anything, we laughed, she cried, I cried it was going really well. When the food came, it looked so good, she had a vegetarian lasagna, and I had a lobster, with a side of salad. After we ate, I paid and we took off and went back to the car.

I didn't want this night to end so I asked her if she wanted to go for a walk alongside a river near where we were. Obviously she said yes, I nearly jumped in joy when she said yes but I managed to keep cool and stayed on the floor. When we got to the river we walked for about 5 minutes before she held my hand. When she did my heart heated about 5 times faster than it should of. We walked all the way down the river then back to the car still holding hands. When we got to the car I took her home. When we got there, I walked her to the door and said goodbye. Before I could leave I noticed her leaving in about to kiss me...