

With twenty-three seconds left on the clock, Michael, the point guard (PG) of the Colts dribbled the ball up the floor. He had to score the ball. However, he also had to limit the amount of time the other team had to score. (Three or two?)

The opposing guard, their star player Alex, covered him. Michael sprinted toward the right of the basket and attempted a layup, but their center rotated over and forced him to pass out of the layup.

But now that Michael drew two defenders, he tossed the ball over the both of them. His center, who was licking his lips, leaped and extended his hands. He grabbed the ball at the same moment gravity brought him back down to earth. The center's hands crashed into the basketball rim. He roared while the ball fell out of the net.

The other coach called a timeout the moment the Colts scored.

Michael looked at the clock and sighed he had left two seconds on the clock, and his team only had a one-point lead. The opposing team called a timeout which advanced the ball to half court and gave time for both coaches to draw up a plan on offense and defense.

Michael's coach pointed toward the stands and said, "This is the finals. It's game seven. We are the best defensive team in the league. We are the home team. We have the lead. We must win. Go do it."

Everyone on the Colts roared. Their fans kept chanting, "Defense. Defense."

The timeout ended. With only two seconds on the clock, Michael could give it his all without worry. However, so could the other team. The opposing team, the Eagles, inbounded the ball. They tossed the ball toward Alex. Now that Alex had to catch the ball, his movement was slower. In response, Michael started closing the gap between them. But, before he could begin closing the gap, Alex reached out and deflected the ball toward his center who was mid-flight.



Michael woke up and starred at a white roof for a second before exhaling. What was I so panicked about?

He rolled out of bed and walked into his bathroom. Michael's reflection on the mirror was clear. However, the image it displayed was impossible. (This can't be real.) He extended his hand toward the mirror. But after a moment, he shook his head and reached for his face.

Michael placed his fingertips over his lips and trembled. How is this possible?

Before he could even come to grips with the image he saw, he heard his cousin say, "Michael get out of the bathroom."

Without thinking, Michael replied, "I will be out in a second."

However, he looked at his face. How? Is this the past? This cannot be a dream if I was in one, I could not think so clearly.)

Michael attempted to flick his nose and ended up flicking his forehead.


Out of habit, Michael lifted his hand and attempted to rub his skull, but his finger was three inches over his head. While he was aware that he missed his head, what scared him was that he felt the sensation.

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