

{Lexi smiled while asking her mother could he be the next Allen Iverson?

Joanna looked at her child and said, "He could be even better."}

Michael sat on a chair on his balcony and gazed into the stars. Marie, I love you. I don't know if you're really Lexi or if you're a woman in a different world. But, I know I can't allow Lexi to be with another. If you're not Lexi, consider me dead because I would not be worthy of forgiveness.

Kathy is my little sister and Lexi is my wife. How could I not love them? Even if this is a different life those two are my family.

Michael fell asleep while thinking of his wife and Lexi.


Kathy had woken up early today and walked into Michael's room in a daze.

"Michael, I'm hungry."

However, Michael was not in bed. Do I have the house to myself?

Kathy headed downstairs but saw Michael outside asleep. She shook her head and sighed while walking outside and waking Michael up.

Michael yawned loudly and stretched his arms. He saw Kathy and smiled. "Hungry?"

Kathy nodded pulled Michael downstairs.

Michael opened the fridge and broke a few eggs and took out some diced ham. After breaking the eggs, the scrambled them in a bowl and tossed the ham inside before adding a small amount of milk.

He is not making me eat cereal? And, he also considered that eggs are quick to cook. Impressive brother. I won't tease you too much today about yesterday as thanks.

Michael walked back toward the fridge and said, "Water or Milk?"

Kathy quickly replied, "Soda!"

Michael countered, "Pink or Brown?"

"I want soda!"

"I know that's why I'm giving you milk."

Kathy pouted and said, "Strawberry."

Michael grabbed a glass and poured milk in while tossing in a strawberry. Kathy gazed at his brown eyes and said, "Funny."

Michael giggled and grabbed a blender and tossed in a few more strawberries before waving his hands and saying, "Abra Kadabra."

Kathy, "Really? Make sure you don't burn the eggs."

Michael grabbed the pan and tossed the eggs onto a plate before grabbing a few pieces of white bread and turning off the blender.

Once Kathy ate her egg sandwich, she thanked her brother and played her iPad.


Michael took a deep breath and walked outside. Finally, a break. Time to experiment.

Michael placed his hand on the floor and lifted it up. But, the tile did not follow his hand. I guess it's not too strong? He grabbed Kathy's glass and headed toward the kitchen. He tossed a sponge on top of the glass and moved his hand slightly above it. Hmm?

The sponge started moving as if Michael was using it to clean. But, it would only move two inches from his hand. Michael also noticed that he could push and pull an object two inches away or towards his palms. If I remember correctly, I first noticed something was odd when I was in the bathroom. Would it be correct to assume my fingers have a slightly different power? Not sure why, but in my palms, the power is stronger. My fingers have weaker powers but with more control? Ideal for tossing a football I would guess.

Michael grabbed a sponge and used his telekinesis to push it away from his palm but it only flew inches away.

Suddenly, Michael vomited and reached for his heart while breathing heavily. Kathy heard Michael's turmoil and sprinted over while fumbling for her phone and called her mother. But before her mother could answer Michael, controlled his breathing and rested on the floor.

Kathy kneeled over Michael and said, "What should I do?" Kathy watched Michael turned his head over and open his mouth, but no sounds came out of it.

Kathy started trembling, and yelled "Michael."

But, he fainted after a few moments. She hung up on her mother her who just answered the phone and called for an ambulance.