

{After the team stopped tossing Michael in the air, he walked toward Kathy and Lexi and pulled them both into his arms and said, "I love both of you."}

Kathy squinted for a moment but allowed Michael to hug her. Lexi gave Michael a funny look but fell into his embrace. Michael's girlfriend gave Lexi the evil eye. (Instead of being happy the team won, you're like this? What does Michael see in you? Of course, he ran toward his sister, and I just happened to be next to her...)

Michael looked at his younger sister and said, "Let's go home."

Kathy said, "Can we bring Lexi along too?"

Michael smiled and said, "She does not have a choice in the matter."

Lexi yelled, "Michael!"

Kathy grinned and said, "Let's go!"

Kathy pulled both of them out of the gym and hurried home.

Once they arrived home, Kathy sprinted upstairs and took out the Monopoly board from the closet. Michael and Lexi knew the drill and waited for her in the living room while preparing a table.

Lexi said, "What about Ashly?"

Michael squinted and took a deep breath. Should I confess? At the moment, I just wanted to be with my sister and Lexi, but now that I am here what I should do?

While looking at Lexi, Michael trembled, Lexi stared at Michael's hands and grabbed them while asking what's wrong?

"I'm scared."

Lexi gulped and said, "What can scare our star player?"

Michael thought about the game for a second and shook his head. While she might not know it, I am pretty sure the coach noticed how differently I played today. However, from her point of view, I am sure she thinks I had an abnormally good game.

"It's not about the game; it's about us."

Lexi's heart sped up while looking at Michael, but she said, "You feel like our bond is weakening too?"

Michael yelled, "It can't!"

Kathy silently watched Lexi and Michael while grinning. (Break up with that stupid girl and marry Lexi!)

Lexi pulled Michael into her embrace and said, "Michael, I thought you wanted to keep a certain distance because of Ashly."

While a tear rolled down his eye, Michael said, "If I ever said that, I was a fool."

Lexi held Michael and said, "I shall forgive the fool." (After all, I love you. Can't you hear my heartbeat, Michael?)

Michael peered into Lexi's green eyes and said, "You're the best."

Lexi puffed up her chest while smiling and said, "I'm flawless."

Michael giggled and nodded his head while saying, "Drama's over Kathy come and join us."

Kathy yelled, "Just kiss already!"

They both thought, If that were possible, they would have done so.

Lexi and Michael allowed Kathy to out-negotiate them, which lead to her victory in the game.

Soon, Kathy was exhausted. She thanked Lexi and went to bed after watching television with both of them.

Once Kathy left, Lexi grabbed Michael's collar and said, "What's going on?"

Michael closed his eyes and said, "What do you mean?"

Lexi stared blankly into Michael's eyes.

Michael looked away, but Lexi forced Michael to look at her. He sighed and said, "I miss you."

They both stared at each other until Lexi's phone rang. However, it was only for a moment because Lexi answered and said, "Mom, I am at Michael's house. I am safe can I call you back shortly?"

(After those words, she kept looking at Michael, whose eyes were watering. What happened Michael? You just had the best game in your life; in fact, I do not understand how you played so well. You looked like a professional. But, you have not bragged about how you played once. Instead, you played Monopoly with your sister and me.)

(Michael everything today is abnormal. I know your crying, but I don't know what to do.)

Michael said, "Sorry, I am just emotional today."

Lexi shook her head and repeated, "What's going on?"

"I wanna break up with Ashly."

Lexi shook her head and said, "Then why are you crying?"

Michael pulled Lexi into his embrace and said, "Because I almost lost you over a stupid crush."

Lexi reached around Michael's back and guided him towards his sofa. (You like me too don't you, Michael? You must have it hard, but it hurt me seeing you with her. Why did it take you so long to notice? We have been together for years!)

Once Lexi reached the sofa, she placed Michael's head on her lap and covered his eyes with a nearby paper towel. (I won't show you my tears. Nor do I want to see yours anymore.)

While resting on Lexi's lap, Michael said, "You know, don't you?"

(Of Course, I am aware that you like me, but right now, we can't. You have to atone first. Damit Michael why!)

Lexi giggled and said, "But you can't say it."

"Can you help me with something?"

"How to break up with Ashly?"


Lexi said, "Close your eyes."

Michael nodded, and Lexi grabbed the towel before cleaning Michael's tears and her own.

(Still a fool, huh? Such a stupid question. You want to hear me speak, but worst of all, I want you to listen.)

"Honestly, other girls might not agree, but use a text message. You will not be her friend afterward, anyway."

"True, I guess I should be selfish about this after all it won't change anything, but I don't agree. I think I owe it to Ashly to do it face to face."

Lexi tilted her head and said, "How come?"

"Because it's an awkward moment."

Lexi giggled and said, "Your right, no matter what it's an awkward moment."

"Uhmm, hmm."

Lexi closed her eyes and kissed Michael's forehead and thought, "What the hell did do I do?"

Michael smiled and said, "Can't get worse than that, right?"

Lexi giggled and whispered with a yelling tone, "Go break up with her."

Michael replied in the same way and said, "Yes, boss!"

Lexi leaned back on the sofa and thought, "Is this how it all starts? It's a little silly, but I am ok with that."

"Kathy, go to bed!"

Kathy yelled, "How do you always know!"

Michael "I assume at this point. It has nothing to do with the mirror behind you."

Kathy looked behind her and sighed, but said, "Clean up your mess."

"I will."


I will stop posting chapters of this novel on Webnovel once I reach chapter 5.

If your really a fan of the novel, please read it here.


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