

{His coach looked at him and said, "If you do, I will let you use my real name."

(Hmm, real name?)

Michael looked at his coach and said, "How many points should I score?"}

"Score or assist in forty points."

Time to ball.

Michael walked on the court and smiled. They called his name and his friends from school cheered for him. (My X? She left me as soon as I injured my hand and now she's blowing kisses at me. Irony no?)

"Forsaken, Forsaken!"

All the home fans chanted and yelled, the chant over and over while stomping their feet into the ground.

The atmosphere affected Michael. Because most of the school is made up of orphans, or kids with a missing parent Michael knew and the team knew their victory was in some was a small rebellion towards fate, at least, that's how everyone embraced the name. At first, he thought, Forsaken Ones, was a negative label. But, after becoming part of the school, Michael knew the mantra had a meaning of rebelling toward the isolation every orphan felt.

On the court, Michael represented them. If this place was fake or a dream, Michael did not care, these fans and there cry toward injustice cannot be ignored.

Michael looked toward the stands and saw that Kathy was waving at him. He smiled and waved back. Even if she was a little silly she was kind-hearted, but she sucked at Monopoly.

After noticing Kathy, Michael saw his old friend Lexi sitting next to her. (Wait a second... Could it be? Maria? My wife? Wait, why is Maria here? She shouldn't be here in this part of my life yet. I'll be meeting her later. Is this Lexi? Why does she look like my wife Maria?)

When we went on our first date, we agreed not to talk about our pasts, but I never knew hers was so complex. The only thing I knew about her was that her mother died recently.

Michael blew a kiss toward Kathy, but his future wife started blushing. So, it's possible she likes me?

Kathy stuck her tongue at him and covered her eyes. Tsundere, huh?

Michael attempted to figure out his wife and his sister, but a whistle forced him to play basketball.


Michael's center won the tip-off.* The ball crashed into Michael's chest. Michael flicked his head while advancing the ball and roared, "Leave it all on the court!"

Michael noticed his defender was playing him loosely. He lifted his hands and threw the ball before he said, "Bring it." Once the shot hit the bottom side of the net, everyone in the arena cheered. Michael also smiled when he saw the coach's reaction and said, "Get used to it."

*Tip-off, the start of a basketball game. Two men jump toward a ball which is tossed in the middle of both of them. This is a battle of timing, height, and jumping. The prize of the contest is the first possession of the basketball.

Sorry, a few personal issues took the place of writing chapters.

Acutelittletrapcreators' thoughts