
the first step is the will

Is an easy life really better than one filled with hardships? Is there a determined path or can I become something that I myself desire?

DaoistCpDMGE · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs


It's Monday morning, the birds are singing, a light breeze flies past and the morning humidity is like a holy blessing upon my aimless soul. When one thinks of living happy life they usually think of the cliche happy wife, husband, kids, etc. However, I don't feel like that's my desired outcome. Out of all the possibilities, choices, and decisions that I could make the "happy family" is the last one of them. I don't wish to become stagnant, nor do I desire to die and forget everything only for another round. Some religions believe that the soul reincarnates, while others believe that the soul goes to the respective gods' divine kingdom for divine bliss. I don't care whether I will forget everything or live a life devoid of any sadness. I wish........ I wish........ I want to......for a...What was I saying? I keep getting distracted. Since I started living a little more healthy and started doing exercises I keep getting these random thoughts." Why stop here?, More!" or "The stronger I am the better".I don't.....I....feel like I'm not doing things right like someone is yelling 24/7 in my head that I should start. Start what?

Of course, start learning, information is very useful no matter where you are, from the tall sky to the deep oceans to the hot stars and the gargantuan singularities out there. I wish...I wish...I WISH.........

TO STA--!!!!!!!!!!!!!!