
the first step is the will

Is an easy life really better than one filled with hardships? Is there a determined path or can I become something that I myself desire?

DaoistCpDMGE · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs


A musician once said,

"I will seize fate by the throat; it shall certainly never wholly overcome me."

and that quote leads me through life as a divine message.

All my life I've tried to overcome fate, to rewrite the outcome that I already knew I was meant to.

What was my outcome in all of these attempts?

Death, death, death, and death.

Remembering my fate, my deaths, and my outcomes in all these iterations.

I can feel the air trembling as I'm gazing into the distance, the water trembling as swirling as the waves are starting to cause earthquakes.

My hand reaches out towards the ocean as a huge sword is formed out of the water and starts levitating, the size of it enough to compare with the tallest of skyscrapers.

The cargo ship nearby looked like a small stick as the workers had terrified faces, I started summoning 10 swords of similar size and aimed each at a different point.

I said as my eyes started shining brightly and my veins burning like neons:



A man was dressed in a luxurious suit and talking to his butler about his business, he was the leader of a major country and a peak rank 2 power that was feared by countless.

As he was talking he seemed to sense something as his eyes turned to the ceiling but before he could even move a huge sword pierced through his mansion and instantly killed everyone inside it.

Such events were happening all over the world as countless powerhouses lost their life seemingly out of the air.

Everyone looked at such news with worried and ferfull expressions.

The dying wasn't as impactful as the way they did.

A huge sword pierced through the sky, as the clouds were split and the world silenced only the immense sword was the sole thing moving as with frightening speed it destroyed everything in its way.

Be it formations, or bunkers, the earth was split as the seas were cut and mountains shattered, and rank 2 beings died like labs on the cutting block.

Such news was frightening to the other forces as they thought about the being who could kill them.

A rank 2 being was able to use energy to do a lot of things, fly, float, telekinesis, and even make a nitrogen bomb in a second if one was proficient enough.

After the swords hit their targets they started wreaking havoc and destroying everything in sight.

Everyone looked at the sight as they all thought a single thing.

"The end is coming!!"

However, such a thing didn't happen as some people appeared, each one being able to restrain the swords and eventually destroy them.

Putting an end to the endless slaughter as everyone cheered.

The unknown people disappeared as they appeared, mysteriously.


Today I woke up cheerfully and full of life as life is truly a roller coaster.

Yesterday I was a beggar and today I'm living in riches.

The number of points I earned was not little as I could upgrade another concept since cultivation was not the only important thing for a being.

Another one is the soul as it determined the amount of energy one would be able to use in quantity basically.

Even though my soul is pretty well I can do better.

There are certain training one can do to improve the amount of energy that can be stored inside.

This is the one Zitnjia gave me.

I select the concept and upgrade it with everything I got.

(Upgraded soul training, boost gained 1 000%)

Oh, what a sweet voice you have there!

My smile was cruel as my eyes showed countless mockery.